Core real-time drivers
These drivers are for the core device and the peripherals closely integrated into it, which do not use the controller mechanism.
System drivers
- class artiq.coredevice.core.Core(dmgr, host, ref_period, analyzer_proxy=None, analyze_at_run_end=False, ref_multiplier=8, target='rv32g', satellite_cpu_targets={}, report_invariants=False)[source]
Core device driver.
- Parameters:
host – hostname or IP address of the core device.
ref_period – period of the reference clock for the RTIO subsystem. On platforms that use clock multiplication and SERDES-based PHYs, this is the period after multiplication. For example, with a RTIO core clocked at 125MHz and a SERDES multiplication factor of 8, the reference period is
1 ns
. The machine time unit (mu
) is equal to this period.ref_multiplier – ratio between the RTIO fine timestamp frequency and the RTIO coarse timestamp frequency (e.g. SERDES multiplication factor).
analyzer_proxy – name of the core device analyzer proxy to trigger (optional).
analyze_at_run_end – automatically trigger the core device analyzer proxy after the Experiment’s run stage finishes.
report_invariants – report variables which are not changed inside kernels and are thus candidates for inclusion in kernel_invariants
- break_realtime()[source]
Set the time cursor after the current value of the hardware RTIO counter plus a margin of 125000 machine units.
If the time cursor is already after that position, this function does nothing.
- get_rtio_counter_mu()[source]
Retrieve the current value of the hardware RTIO timeline counter.
As the timing of kernel code executed on the CPU is inherently non-deterministic, the return value is by necessity only a lower bound for the actual value of the hardware register at the instant when execution resumes in the caller.
For a more detailed description of these concepts, see ARTIQ Real-Time I/O concepts.
- get_rtio_destination_status(destination)[source]
Returns whether the specified RTIO destination is up. This is particularly useful in startup kernels to delay startup until certain DRTIO destinations are available.
- mu_to_seconds(mu)[source]
Convert machine units (fine RTIO cycles) to seconds.
- Parameters:
mu – cycle count to convert.
- precompile(function, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Precompile a kernel and return a callable that executes it on the core device at a later time.
Arguments to the kernel are set at compilation time and passed to this function, as additional positional and keyword arguments. The returned callable accepts no arguments.
Precompiled kernels may use RPCs and subkernels.
Object attributes at the beginning of a precompiled kernel execution have the values they had at precompilation time. If up-to-date values are required, use RPC to read them. Similarly, modified values are not written back, and explicit RPC should be used to modify host objects. Carefully review the source code of drivers calls used in precompiled kernels, as they may rely on host object attributes being transferred between kernel calls. Examples include code used to control DDS phase and Urukul RF switch control via the CPLD register.
The return value of the callable is the return value of the kernel, if any.
The callable may be called several times.
- reset()[source]
Clear RTIO FIFOs, release RTIO PHY reset, and set the time cursor at the current value of the hardware RTIO counter plus a margin of 125000 machine units.
- seconds_to_mu(seconds)[source]
Convert seconds to the corresponding number of machine units (fine RTIO cycles).
- Parameters:
seconds – time (in seconds) to convert.
- trigger_analyzer_proxy()[source]
Causes the core analyzer proxy to retrieve a dump from the device, and distribute it to all connected clients (typically dashboards).
Returns only after the dump has been retrieved from the device.
if no analyzer proxy has been configured, or if the analyzer proxy fails. In the latter case, more details would be available in the proxy log.
- wait_until_mu(cursor_mu)[source]
Block execution until the hardware RTIO counter reaches the given value (see
).If the hardware counter has already passed the given time, the function returns immediately.
- exception artiq.coredevice.exceptions.CacheError[source]
Raised when putting a value into a cache row would violate memory safety.
- class artiq.coredevice.exceptions.CoreException(exceptions, exception_info, traceback, stack_pointers)[source]
Information about an exception raised or passed through the core device.
If the exception message contains positional format arguments, it will attempt to substitute them with the provided parameters. If the substitution fails, the original message will remain unchanged.
- exception artiq.coredevice.exceptions.DMAError[source]
Raised when performing an invalid DMA operation.
- exception artiq.coredevice.exceptions.InternalError[source]
Raised when the runtime encounters an internal error condition.
- exception artiq.coredevice.exceptions.RTIODestinationUnreachable[source]
Raised when a RTIO operation could not be completed due to a DRTIO link being down.
- exception artiq.coredevice.exceptions.RTIOOverflow[source]
Raised when at least one event could not be registered into the RTIO input FIFO because it was full (CPU not reading fast enough).
This does not interrupt operations further than cancelling the current read attempt and discarding some events. Reading can be reattempted after the exception is caught, and events will be partially retrieved.
- exception artiq.coredevice.exceptions.RTIOUnderflow[source]
Raised when the CPU or DMA core fails to submit a RTIO event early enough (with respect to the event’s timestamp).
The offending event is discarded and the RTIO core keeps operating.
Direct Memory Access (DMA) extension.
This feature allows storing pre-defined sequences of output RTIO events into the core device’s SDRAM, and playing them back at higher speeds than the CPU alone could achieve.
- class artiq.coredevice.dma.CoreDMA(dmgr, core_device='core')[source]
Core device Direct Memory Access (DMA) driver.
Gives access to the DMA functionality of the core device.
- get_handle(name)[source]
Returns a handle to a previously recorded DMA trace. The returned handle is only valid until the next call to
- playback(name)[source]
Replays a previously recorded DMA trace. This function blocks until the entire trace is submitted to the RTIO FIFOs.
- playback_handle(handle)[source]
Replays a handle obtained with
. Using this function is much faster thanplayback()
for replaying a set of traces repeatedly, but offloads the overhead of managing the handles onto the programmer.
- record(name, enable_ddma=False)[source]
Returns a context manager that will record a DMA trace called name. Any previously recorded trace with the same name is overwritten. The trace will persist across kernel switches.
In DRTIO context, distributed DMA can be toggled with enable_ddma. Enabling it allows running DMA on satellites, rather than sending all events from the master.
Keeping it disabled it may improve performance in some scenarios, e.g. when there are many small satellite buffers.
- class artiq.coredevice.dma.DMARecordContextManager[source]
Context manager returned by
.Upon entering, starts recording a DMA trace. All RTIO operations are redirected to a newly created DMA buffer after this call, and
is reset to zero.Upon leaving, stops recording a DMA trace. All recorded RTIO operations are stored in a newly created trace, and
is restored to the value it had before the context manager was entered.
- class artiq.coredevice.cache.CoreCache(dmgr, core_device='core')[source]
Core device cache access
- get(key)[source]
Extract a value from the core device cache. After a value is extracted, it cannot be replaced with another value using
until all kernel functions finish executing; attempting to replace it will result in aCacheError
.If the cache does not contain any value associated with key, an empty list is returned.
The value is not copied, so mutating it will change what’s stored in the cache.
- Parameters:
key (str) – cache key
- Returns:
a list of 32-bit integers
Digital I/O drivers
Drivers for TTL signals on RTIO.
TTL channels (including the clock generator) all support output event
replacement. For example, pulses of “zero” length (e.g. TTLInOut.on()
immediately followed by
, without a delay) are suppressed.
- class artiq.coredevice.ttl.TTLClockGen(dmgr, channel, acc_width=24, core_device='core')[source]
RTIO TTL clock generator driver.
This should be used with TTL channels that have a clock generator built into the gateware (not compatible with regular TTL channels).
The time cursor is not modified by any function in this class.
- Parameters:
channel – channel number
acc_width – accumulator width in bits
- frequency_to_ftw(frequency)[source]
Returns the frequency tuning word corresponding to the given frequency.
- ftw_to_frequency(ftw)[source]
Returns the frequency corresponding to the given frequency tuning word.
- set_mu(frequency)[source]
Set the frequency of the clock, in machine units, at the current position of the time cursor.
This also sets the phase, as the time of the first generated rising edge corresponds to the time of the call.
The clock generator contains a 24-bit phase accumulator operating on the RTIO clock. At each RTIO clock tick, the frequency tuning word is added to the phase accumulator. The most significant bit of the phase accumulator is connected to the TTL line. Setting the frequency tuning word has the additional effect of setting the phase accumulator to 0x800000.
Due to the way the clock generator operates, frequency tuning words that are not powers of two cause jitter of one RTIO clock cycle at the output.
- class artiq.coredevice.ttl.TTLInOut(dmgr, channel, gate_latency_mu=None, core_device='core')[source]
RTIO TTL input/output driver.
In output mode, provides functions to set the logic level on the signal.
In input mode, provides functions to analyze the incoming signal, with real-time gating to prevent overflows.
RTIO TTLs supports zero-length transition suppression. For example, if two pulses are emitted back-to-back with no delay between them, they will be merged into a single pulse with a duration equal to the sum of the durations of the original pulses.
This should be used with bidirectional channels.
Note that the channel is in input mode by default. If you need to drive a signal, you must call
. If the channel is in output mode most of the time in your setup, it is a good idea to calloutput()
in the startup kernel.There are three input APIs: gating, sampling and watching. When one API is active (e.g. the gate is open, or the input events have not been fully read out), another API must not be used simultaneously.
- Parameters:
channel – Channel number
- count(up_to_timestamp_mu)[source]
Consume RTIO input events until the hardware timestamp counter has reached the specified timestamp and return the number of observed events.
This function does not interact with the timeline cursor.
See the
family of methods to select the input transitions that generate events, andtimestamp_mu()
to obtain the timestamp of the first event rather than an accumulated count.- Parameters:
up_to_timestamp_mu – The timestamp up to which execution is blocked, that is, up to which input events are guaranteed to be taken into account. (Events with later timestamps might still be registered if they are already available.)
- Returns:
The number of events before the timeout elapsed (0 if none observed).
To count events on channel
, up to the current timeline position:ttl_input.count(now_mu())
If other events are scheduled between the end of the input gate period and when the number of events is counted, using
as timeout consumes an unnecessary amount of timeline slack. In such cases, it can be beneficial to pass a more precise timestamp, for example:gate_end_mu = ttl_input.gate_rising(100 * us) # Schedule a long pulse sequence, represented here by a delay. delay(10 * ms) # Get number of rising edges. This will block until the end of # the gate window, but does not wait for the long pulse sequence # afterwards, thus (likely) completing with a large amount of # slack left. num_rising_edges = ttl_input.count(gate_end_mu)
family of methods return the cursor at the end of the window, allowing this to be expressed in a compact fashion:ttl_input.count(ttl_input.gate_rising(100 * us))
- gate_both(duration)[source]
Register both rising and falling edge events for the specified duration (in seconds).
The time cursor is advanced by the specified duration.
- Returns:
The timeline cursor at the end of the gate window, for convenience when used with
- gate_both_mu(duration)[source]
Register both rising and falling edge events for the specified duration (in machine units).
The time cursor is advanced by the specified duration.
- Returns:
The timeline cursor at the end of the gate window, for convenience when used with
- gate_falling(duration)[source]
Register falling edge events for the specified duration (in seconds).
The time cursor is advanced by the specified duration.
- Returns:
The timeline cursor at the end of the gate window, for convenience when used with
- gate_falling_mu(duration)[source]
Register falling edge events for the specified duration (in machine units).
The time cursor is advanced by the specified duration.
- Returns:
The timeline cursor at the end of the gate window, for convenience when used with
- gate_rising(duration)[source]
Register rising edge events for the specified duration (in seconds).
The time cursor is advanced by the specified duration.
- Returns:
The timeline cursor at the end of the gate window, for convenience when used with
- gate_rising_mu(duration)[source]
Register rising edge events for the specified duration (in machine units).
The time cursor is advanced by the specified duration.
- Returns:
The timeline cursor at the end of the gate window, for convenience when used with
- input()[source]
Set the direction to input at the current position of the time cursor.
A delay of at least one RTIO clock cycle is necessary before any other command can be issued.
This method only configures the direction at the FPGA. When using buffered I/O interfaces, such as the Sinara TTL cards, the buffer direction must be configured separately in the hardware.
- off()[source]
Set the output to a logic low state at the current position of the time cursor.
The channel must be in output mode.
The time cursor is not modified by this function.
- on()[source]
Set the output to a logic high state at the current position of the time cursor.
The channel must be in output mode.
The time cursor is not modified by this function.
- output()[source]
Set the direction to output at the current position of the time cursor.
A delay of at least one RTIO clock cycle is necessary before any other command can be issued.
This method only configures the direction at the FPGA. When using buffered I/O interfaces, such as the Sinara TTL cards, the buffer direction must be configured separately in the hardware.
- pulse(duration)[source]
Pulse the output high for the specified duration (in seconds).
The time cursor is advanced by the specified duration.
- pulse_mu(duration)[source]
Pulse the output high for the specified duration (in machine units).
The time cursor is advanced by the specified duration.
- sample_get()[source]
Returns the value of a sample previously obtained with
.Multiple samples may be queued (using multiple calls to
) into the RTIO FIFOs and subsequently read out using multiple calls to this function.This function does not interact with the time cursor.
- sample_get_nonrt()[source]
Convenience function that obtains the value of a sample at the position of the time cursor, breaks realtime, and returns the sample value.
- sample_input()[source]
Instructs the RTIO core to read the value of the TTL input at the position of the time cursor.
The time cursor is not modified by this function.
- timestamp_mu(up_to_timestamp_mu)[source]
Return the timestamp of the next RTIO input event, or -1 if the hardware timestamp counter reaches the given value before an event is received.
This function does not interact with the timeline cursor.
See the
family of methods to select the input transitions that generate events, andcount()
for usage examples.- Parameters:
up_to_timestamp_mu – The timestamp up to which execution is blocked, that is, up to which input events are guaranteed to be taken into account. (Events with later timestamps might still be registered if they are already available.)
- Returns:
The timestamp (in machine units) of the first event received; -1 on timeout.
- watch_done()[source]
Stop watching the input at the position of the time cursor.
if the input has not changed state while it was being watched.The time cursor is not modified by this function. This function always results in negative slack.
- watch_stay_off()[source]
, but for low levels.
- watch_stay_on()[source]
Checks that the input is at a high level at the position of the time cursor and keep checking until
is called.Returns
if the input is high. A call to this function must always be followed by an eventual call towatch_done()
(use e.g. a try/finally construct to ensure this).The time cursor is not modified by this function.
- class artiq.coredevice.ttl.TTLOut(dmgr, channel, core_device='core')[source]
RTIO TTL output driver.
This should be used with output-only channels.
- Parameters:
channel – Channel number
- off()[source]
Set the output to a logic low state at the current position of the time cursor.
The time cursor is not modified by this function.
- on()[source]
Set the output to a logic high state at the current position of the time cursor.
The time cursor is not modified by this function.
Driver for RTIO-enabled TTL edge counter.
As for the TTL input PHYs, sensitivity can be configured over RTIO
, etc.). In contrast to the former, however, the count is
accumulated in gateware, and only a single input event is generated at the end
of each gate period:
with parallel:
self.pmt_counter.gate_rising(1 * ms)
with parallel:
self.pmt_counter.gate_rising(100 * us)
print("Doppler cooling counts:", self.pmt_counter.fetch_count())
print("Readout counts:", self.pmt_counter.fetch_count())
For applications where the timestamps of the individual input events are not
required, this has two advantages over TTLInOut.count
beyond raw throughput. First, it is easy to count events during multiple separate
periods without blocking to read back counts in between, as illustrated in the
above example. Secondly, as each count total only takes up a single input event,
it is much easier to acquire counts on several channels in parallel without
risking input RTIO overflows:
# Using the TTLInOut driver, pmt_1 input events are only processed
# after pmt_0 is done counting. To avoid RTIOOverflows, a round-robin
# scheme would have to be implemented manually.
with parallel:
self.pmt_0.gate_rising(10 * ms)
self.pmt_1.gate_rising(10 * ms)
counts_0 = self.pmt_0.count(now_mu()) # blocks
counts_1 = self.pmt_1.count(now_mu())
# Using gateware counters, only a single input event each is
# generated, greatly reducing the load on the input FIFOs:
with parallel:
self.pmt_0_counter.gate_rising(10 * ms)
self.pmt_1_counter.gate_rising(10 * ms)
counts_0 = self.pmt_0_counter.fetch_count() # blocks
counts_1 = self.pmt_1_counter.fetch_count()
See the sources of artiq.gateware.rtio.phy.edge_counter
for the gateware components.
- exception artiq.coredevice.edge_counter.CounterOverflow[source]
Raised when an edge counter value is read which indicates that the counter might have overflowed.
- class artiq.coredevice.edge_counter.EdgeCounter(dmgr, channel, gateware_width=31, core_device='core')[source]
RTIO TTL edge counter driver driver.
Like for regular TTL inputs, timeline periods where the counter is sensitive to a chosen set of input transitions can be specified. Unlike the former, however, the specified edges do not create individual input events; rather, the total count can be requested as a single input event from the core (typically at the end of the gate window).
- Parameters:
channel – The RTIO channel of the gateware phy.
gateware_width – The width of the gateware counter register, in bits. This is only used for overflow handling; to change the size, the gateware needs to be rebuilt.
- fetch_count() numpy.int32 [source]
Wait for and return count total from previously requested input event.
It is valid to trigger multiple gate periods without immediately reading back the count total; the results will be returned in order on subsequent fetch calls.
This function blocks until a result becomes available.
- fetch_timestamped_count(timeout_mu=np.int64(-1))[source]
Wait for and return the timestamp and count total of a previously requested input event.
It is valid to trigger multiple gate periods without immediately reading back the count total; the results will be returned in order on subsequent fetch calls.
This function blocks until a result becomes available or the given timeout elapses.
- Returns:
A tuple of timestamp (-1 if timeout elapsed) and counter value. (The timestamp is that of the requested input event – typically the gate closing time – and not that of any input edges.)
- gate_both(duration)[source]
Count both rising and falling edges for the given duration, and request the total at the end.
The counter is reset at the beginning of the gate period. Use
directly for more detailed control.- Parameters:
duration – The duration for which the gate is to stay open.
- Returns:
The timestamp at the end of the gate period, in machine units.
- gate_both_mu(duration_mu)[source]
- gate_falling(duration)[source]
Count falling edges for the given duration and request the total at the end.
The counter is reset at the beginning of the gate period. Use
directly for more detailed control.- Parameters:
duration – The duration for which the gate is to stay open.
- Returns:
The timestamp at the end of the gate period, in machine units.
- gate_falling_mu(duration_mu)[source]
- gate_rising(duration)[source]
Count rising edges for the given duration and request the total at the end.
The counter is reset at the beginning of the gate period. Use
directly for more detailed control.- Parameters:
duration – The duration for which the gate is to stay open.
- Returns:
The timestamp at the end of the gate period, in machine units.
- gate_rising_mu(duration_mu)[source]
- set_config(count_rising: bool, count_falling: bool, send_count_event: bool, reset_to_zero: bool)[source]
Emit an RTIO event at the current timeline position to set the gateware configuration.
For most use cases, the
wrappers will be more convenient.- Parameters:
count_rising – Whether to count rising signal edges.
count_falling – Whether to count falling signal edges.
send_count_event – If
, an input event with the current counter value is generated on the next clock cycle (once).reset_to_zero – If
, the counter value is reset to zero on the next clock cycle (once).
Driver for generic SPI on RTIO.
This ARTIQ coredevice driver corresponds to the “new” MiSoC SPI core (v2).
Output event replacement is not supported and issuing commands at the same time results in collision errors.
- class artiq.coredevice.spi2.NRTSPIMaster(dmgr, busno=0, core_device='core')[source]
Core device non-realtime Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus master. Owns one non-realtime SPI bus.
With this driver, SPI transactions and are performed by the CPU without involving RTIO.
Realtime and non-realtime buses are separate and defined at bitstream compilation time.
for a description of the methods.
- class artiq.coredevice.spi2.SPIMaster(dmgr, channel, div=0, length=0, core_device='core')[source]
Core device Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus master.
Owns one SPI bus.
This ARTIQ coredevice driver corresponds to the “new” MiSoC SPI core (v2).
Transfer Sequence:
If necessary, set the
register (set_config()
) to activate and configure the core and to set various transfer parameters like transfer length, clock divider, and chip selects.write()
to thedata
register. Writing starts the transfer.If the transfer included submitting the SPI input data as an RTIO input event (
set), thenread()
was not set, repeat the transfer sequence.
A transaction consists of one or more transfers. The chip select pattern is asserted for the entire length of the transaction. All but the last transfer are submitted with
cleared in the configuration register.- Parameters:
channel – RTIO channel number of the SPI bus to control.
div – Initial CLK divider, see also:
length – Initial transfer length, see also:
core_device – Core device name
- read()[source]
Read SPI data submitted by the SPI core.
For bit alignment and bit ordering see
.This method does not alter the timeline.
- Returns:
SPI input data.
- set_config(flags, length, freq, cs)[source]
Set the configuration register.
is cleared (cs
active low, the default), “cs
all deasserted” means “allcs_n
bits high”.cs_n
is not mandatory in the pads supplied to the gateware core. Framing and chip selection can also be handled independently through other means, e.g.TTLOut
.If there is a
wire in the pads supplied in the gateware, input and output may be two signals (“4-wire SPI”), otherwisemosi
must be used for both output and input (“3-wire SPI”) andSPI_HALF_DUPLEX
must to be set when reading data or when the slave drives themosi
signal at any point.The first bit output on
is always the MSB/LSB (depending onSPI_LSB_FIRST
) of thedata
written, independent of thelength
of the transfer. The last bit input frommiso
always ends up in the LSB/MSB (respectively) of thedata
read, independent of thelength
of the transfer.cs
is asserted at the beginning and deasserted at the end of the transaction.cs
handling is agnostic to whether it is one-hot or decoded somewhere downstream. If it is decoded, “cs
all deasserted” should be handled accordingly (no slave selected). If it is one-hot, asserting multiple slaves should only be attempted ifmiso
is either not connected between slaves, or open collector, or correctly multiplexed externally.Changes to the configuration register take effect on the start of the next transfer with the exception of
which takes effect immediately.The SPI core can only be written to when it is idle or waiting for the next transfer data. Writing (
) when the core is busy will result in an RTIO busy error being logged.
This method advances the timeline by one coarse RTIO clock cycle.
Configuration flags:
: all pins high-z (reset=1)SPI_END
: transfer in progress (reset=1)SPI_INPUT
: submit SPI read data as RTIO input event when transfer is complete (reset=0)SPI_CS_POLARITY
: active level ofcs_n
: idle level ofclk
: first edge aftercs
assertion to sample data on (reset=0). In Motorola/Freescale SPI language (SPI_CLK_POLARITY
) == (CPOL, CPHA):(0, 0): idle low, output on falling, input on rising
(0, 1): idle low, output on rising, input on falling
(1, 0): idle high, output on rising, input on falling
(1, 1): idle high, output on falling, input on rising
: LSB is the first bit on the wire (reset=0)SPI_HALF_DUPLEX
: 3-wire SPI, in/out onmosi
- Parameters:
flags – A bit map of
flags.length – Number of bits to write during the next transfer. (reset=1)
freq – Desired SPI clock frequency. (reset=
)cs – Bit pattern of chip selects to assert. Or number of the chip select to assert if
is decoded downstream. (reset=0)
- set_config_mu(flags, length, div, cs)[source]
Set the
register (in SPI bus machine units).See also
.- Parameters:
flags – A bit map of SPI_* flags.
length – Number of bits to write during the next transfer. (reset=1)
div – Counter load value to divide the RTIO clock by to generate the SPI clock;
f_rtio_clk/f_spi == div
. Ifdiv
is odd, the setup phase of the SPI clock is one coarse RTIO clock cycle longer than the hold phase. (minimum=2, reset=2)cs – Bit pattern of chip selects to assert. Or number of the chip select to assert if
is decoded downstream. (reset=0)
- update_xfer_duration_mu(div, length)[source]
Calculate and set the transfer duration.
This method updates the SPI transfer duration which is used in
to advance the timeline.Use this method (and avoid having to call
) when the divider and transfer length have been configured (usingset_config()
) by previous experiments and are known.This method is portable and can also be called from e.g.
If this method is called while recording a DMA sequence, the playback of the sequence will not update the driver state. When required, update the driver state manually (by calling this method) after playing back a DMA sequence.
- Parameters:
div – SPI clock divider (see:
)length – SPI transfer length (see:
- write(data)[source]
Write SPI data to shift register register and start transfer.
register and the shift register are 32 bits wide.Data writes take one
cycle.A transaction consisting of a single transfer (
) takesxfer_duration_mu
`` = (n + 1) * div`` cycles RTIO time, wheren
is the number of bits anddiv
is the SPI clock divider.Transfers in a multi-transfer transaction take up to one SPI clock cycle less time depending on multiple parameters. Advanced users may rewind the timeline appropriately to achieve faster multi-transfer transactions.
The SPI core will be busy for the duration of the SPI transfer.
For bit alignment and bit ordering see
.The SPI core can only be written to when it is idle or waiting for the next transfer data. Writing (
) when the core is busy will result in an RTIO busy error being logged.
This method advances the timeline by the duration of one single-transfer SPI transaction (
).- Parameters:
data – SPI output data to be written.
Non-realtime drivers for I2C chips on the core device.
- class artiq.coredevice.i2c.I2CSwitch(dmgr, busno=0, address=232, core_device='core')[source]
Driver for the I2C bus switch.
PCA954X (or other) type detection is done by the CPU during I2C init.
I2C transactions are not real-time, and are performed by the CPU without involving RTIO.
On the KC705, this chip is used for selecting the I2C buses on the two FMC connectors. HPC=1, LPC=2.
- class artiq.coredevice.i2c.PCF8574A(dmgr, busno=0, address=124, core_device='core')[source]
Driver for the PCF8574 I2C remote 8-bit I/O expander.
I2C transactions are not real-time, and are performed by the CPU without involving RTIO.
- class artiq.coredevice.i2c.TCA6424A(dmgr, busno=0, address=68, core_device='core')[source]
Driver for the TCA6424A I2C I/O expander.
I2C transactions are not real-time, and are performed by the CPU without involving RTIO.
On the NIST QC2 hardware, this chip is used for switching the directions of TTL buffers.
- artiq.coredevice.i2c.i2c_poll(busno, busaddr)[source]
Poll I2C device at address.
- Parameters:
busno – I2C bus number
busaddr – 8-bit I2C device address (LSB=0)
- Returns:
True if the poll was ACKed
- artiq.coredevice.i2c.i2c_read_byte(busno, busaddr)[source]
Read one byte from a device.
- Parameters:
busno – I2C bus number
busaddr – 8-bit I2C device address (LSB=0)
- Returns:
Byte read
- artiq.coredevice.i2c.i2c_read_many(busno, busaddr, addr, data)[source]
Transfer multiple bytes from a device.
- Parameters:
busno – I2c bus number
busaddr – 8-bit I2C device address (LSB=0)
addr – 8-bit data address
data – List of integers to be filled with the data read. One entry ber byte.
- artiq.coredevice.i2c.i2c_write_byte(busno, busaddr, data, ack=True)[source]
Write one byte to a device.
- Parameters:
busno – I2C bus number
busaddr – 8-bit I2C device address (LSB=0)
data – Data byte to be written
nack – Allow NACK
- artiq.coredevice.i2c.i2c_write_many(busno, busaddr, addr, data, ack_last=True)[source]
Transfer multiple bytes to a device.
- Parameters:
busno – I2c bus number
busaddr – 8-bit I2C device address (LSB=0)
addr – 8-bit data address
data – Data bytes to be written
ack_last – Expect I2C ACK of the last byte written. If
, the last byte may be NACKed (e.g. EEPROM full page writes).
RF generation drivers
- class artiq.coredevice.urukul.CPLD(dmgr, spi_device, io_update_device=None, dds_reset_device=None, sync_device=None, sync_sel=0, clk_sel=0, clk_div=0, rf_sw=0, refclk=125000000.0, att=0, sync_div=None, core_device='core')[source]
Urukul CPLD SPI router and configuration interface.
- Parameters:
spi_device – SPI bus device name
io_update_device – IO update RTIO TTLOut channel name
dds_reset_device – DDS reset RTIO TTLOut channel name
sync_device – AD9910
RTIO TTLClockGen channel namerefclk – Reference clock (SMA, MMCX or on-board 100 MHz oscillator) frequency in Hz
clk_sel – Reference clock selection. For hardware revision >= 1.3 valid options are: 0 - internal 100MHz XO; 1 - front-panel SMA; 2 internal MMCX. For hardware revision <= v1.2 valid options are: 0 - either XO or MMCX dependent on component population; 1 SMA. Unsupported clocking options are silently ignored.
clk_div – Reference clock divider. Valid options are 0: variant dependent default (divide-by-4 for AD9910 and divide-by-1 for AD9912); 1: divide-by-1; 2: divide-by-2; 3: divide-by-4. On Urukul boards with CPLD gateware before v1.3.1 only the default (0, i.e. variant dependent divider) is valid.
sync_sel –
(multi-chip synchronisation) signal source selection. 0 corresponds toSYNC_IN
being supplied by the FPGA via the EEM connector. 1 corresponds toSYNC_OUT
from DDS0 being distributed to the other chips.rf_sw – Initial CPLD RF switch register setting (default: 0x0). Knowledge of this state is not transferred between experiments.
att – Initial attenuator setting shift register (default: 0x00000000). See also
which retrieves the hardware state without side effects. Knowledge of this state is not transferred between experiments.sync_div –
generator divider. The ratio between the coarse RTIO frequency and theSYNC_IN
generator frequency (default: 2 if sync_device was specified).core_device – Core device name
If the clocking is incorrect (for example, setting
to the front panel SMA with no clock connected), then theinit()
method of the DDS channels can fail with the error messagePLL lock timeout
.- att_to_mu(att: float) numpy.int32 [source]
Convert an attenuation setting in dB to machine units.
- Parameters:
att – Attenuation setting in dB.
- Returns:
Digital attenuation setting.
- cfg_sw(channel: numpy.int32, on: bool)[source]
Configure the RF switches through the configuration register.
These values are logically OR-ed with the LVDS lines on EEM1.
- Parameters:
channel – Channel index (0-3)
on – Switch value
- cfg_switches(state: numpy.int32)[source]
Configure all four RF switches through the configuration register.
- Parameters:
state – RF switch state as a 4-bit integer.
- cfg_write(cfg: numpy.int32)[source]
Write to the configuration register.
for possible flags.- Parameters:
cfg – 24-bit data to be written. Will be stored at
- get_att_mu() numpy.int32 [source]
Return the digital step attenuator settings in machine units.
The result is stored and will be used in future calls of
.See also
.- Returns:
32-bit attenuator settings
- get_channel_att(channel: numpy.int32) float [source]
Get digital step attenuator value for a channel in SI units.
See also
.- Parameters:
channel – Attenuator channel (0-3).
- Returns:
Attenuation setting in dB. Higher value is more attenuation. Minimum attenuation is 0*dB, maximum attenuation is 31.5*dB.
- get_channel_att_mu(channel: numpy.int32) numpy.int32 [source]
Get digital step attenuator value for a channel in machine units.
The result is stored and will be used in future calls of
.See also
.- Parameters:
channel – Attenuator channel (0-3).
- Returns:
8-bit digital attenuation setting: 255 minimum attenuation, 0 maximum attenuation (31.5 dB)
- init(blind: bool = False)[source]
Initialize and detect Urukul.
Resets the DDS I/O interface and verifies correct CPLD gateware version. Does not pulse the DDS
as that confuses the AD9910.- Parameters:
blind – Do not attempt to verify presence and compatibility.
- mu_to_att(att_mu: numpy.int32) float [source]
Convert a digital attenuation setting to dB.
- Parameters:
att_mu – Digital attenuation setting.
- Returns:
Attenuation setting in dB.
- set_all_att_mu(att_reg: numpy.int32)[source]
Set all four digital step attenuators (in machine units). See also
.- Parameters:
att_reg – Attenuator setting string (32-bit)
- set_att(channel: numpy.int32, att: float)[source]
Set digital step attenuator in SI units.
This method will write the attenuator settings of all four channels. See also
.- Parameters:
channel – Attenuator channel (0-3).
att – Attenuation setting in dB. Higher value is more attenuation. Minimum attenuation is 0*dB, maximum attenuation is 31.5*dB.
- set_att_mu(channel: numpy.int32, att: numpy.int32)[source]
Set digital step attenuator in machine units.
This method will also write the attenuator settings of the three other channels. Use
to retrieve the hardware state set in previous experiments.- Parameters:
channel – Attenuator channel (0-3).
att – 8-bit digital attenuation setting: 255 minimum attenuation, 0 maximum attenuation (31.5 dB)
- set_profile(profile: numpy.int32)[source]
Set the PROFILE pins.
The PROFILE pins are common to all four DDS channels.
- Parameters:
profile – PROFILE pins in numeric representation (0-7).
- set_sync_div(div: numpy.int32)[source]
Set the
AD9910 pulse generator frequency and align it to the current RTIO timestamp.The
signal is derived from the coarse RTIO clock and the divider must be a power of two. Configuresync_sel == 0
.- Parameters:
div –
frequency divider. Must be a power of two. Minimum division ratio is 2. Maximum division ratio is 16.
- artiq.coredevice.urukul.urukul_cfg(rf_sw, led, profile, io_update, mask_nu, clk_sel, sync_sel, rst, io_rst, clk_div)[source]
Build Urukul CPLD configuration register
- artiq.coredevice.urukul.urukul_sta_ifc_mode(sta)[source]
Return the IFC_MODE status from Urukul status register value.
- artiq.coredevice.urukul.urukul_sta_pll_lock(sta)[source]
Return the PLL_LOCK status from Urukul status register value.
- artiq.coredevice.urukul.urukul_sta_proto_rev(sta)[source]
Return the PROTO_REV value from Urukul status register value.
- class artiq.coredevice.ad9910.AD9910(dmgr, chip_select, cpld_device, sw_device=None, pll_n=40, pll_cp=7, pll_vco=5, sync_delay_seed=-1, io_update_delay=0, pll_en=1)[source]
AD9910 DDS channel on Urukul.
This class supports a single DDS channel and exposes the DDS, the digital step attenuator, and the RF switch.
- Parameters:
chip_select – Chip select configuration. On Urukul this is an encoded chip select and not “one-hot”: 3 to address multiple chips (as configured through CFG_MASK_NU), 4-7 for individual channels.
cpld_device – Name of the Urukul CPLD this device is on.
sw_device – Name of the RF switch device. The RF switch is a TTLOut channel available as the
attribute of this instance.pll_n – DDS PLL multiplier. The DDS sample clock is
f_ref / clk_div * pll_n
is the reference frequency andclk_div
is the reference clock divider (both set in the parent Urukul CPLD instance).pll_en – PLL enable bit, set to 0 to bypass PLL (default: 1). Note that when bypassing the PLL the red front panel LED may remain on.
pll_cp – DDS PLL charge pump setting.
pll_vco – DDS PLL VCO range selection.
sync_delay_seed –
delay tuning starting value. To stabilize theSYNC_IN
delay tuning, runtune_sync_delay()
once and set this to the delay tap number returned (default: -1 to signal no synchronization and no tuning duringinit()
). Can be a string of the formeeprom_device:byte_offset
to read the value from a I2C EEPROM, in which caseio_update_delay
must be set to the same string value.io_update_delay –
pulse alignment delay. To alignIO_UPDATE
, runtune_io_update_delay()
and set this to the delay tap number returned. Can be a string of the formeeprom_device:byte_offset
to read the value from a I2C EEPROM, in which casesync_delay_seed
must be set to the same string value.
- amplitude_to_asf(amplitude: float) numpy.int32 [source]
Return 14-bit amplitude scale factor corresponding to given fractional amplitude.
- amplitude_to_ram(amplitude: list(elt=float), ram: list(elt=numpy.int32))[source]
Convert amplitude values to RAM profile data.
To be used with
.- Parameters:
amplitude – List of amplitude values in units of full scale.
ram – List to write RAM data into. Suitable for
- asf_to_amplitude(asf: numpy.int32) float [source]
Return amplitude as a fraction of full scale corresponding to given amplitude scale factor.
- cfg_sw(state: bool)[source]
Set CPLD CFG RF switch state. The RF switch is controlled by the logical or of the CPLD configuration shift register RF switch bit and the SW TTL line (if used).
- Parameters:
state – CPLD CFG RF switch bit
- clear_smp_err()[source]
Clear the
flag and enablesSMP_ERR
validity monitoring.Violations of the
sample and hold margins will result in SMP_ERR being asserted. This then also activates the red LED on the respective Urukul channel.Also modifies CFR2.
- frequency_to_ftw(frequency: float) numpy.int32 [source]
Return the 32-bit frequency tuning word corresponding to the given frequency.
- frequency_to_ram(frequency: list(elt=float), ram: list(elt=numpy.int32))[source]
Convert frequency values to RAM profile data.
To be used with
.- Parameters:
frequency – List of frequency values in Hz.
ram – List to write RAM data into. Suitable for
- ftw_to_frequency(ftw: numpy.int32) float [source]
Return the frequency corresponding to the given frequency tuning word.
- get(profile: numpy.int32 = 7)[source]
Get the frequency, phase, and amplitude.
See also
.- Parameters:
profile – Profile number to get (0-7, default: 7)
- Returns:
A tuple (frequency, phase, amplitude)
- get_amplitude() float [source]
Get the value stored to the AD9910’s amplitude scale factor (ASF) register.
- Returns:
amplitude in units of full scale.
- get_asf() numpy.int32 [source]
Get the value stored to the AD9910’s amplitude scale factor (ASF) register.
- Returns:
Amplitude scale factor
- get_att() float [source]
Get digital step attenuator value in SI units. See also
.- Returns:
Attenuation in dB.
- get_att_mu() numpy.int32 [source]
Get digital step attenuator value in machine units. See also
.- Returns:
Attenuation setting, 8-bit digital.
- get_frequency() float [source]
Get the value stored to the AD9910’s frequency tuning word (FTW) register.
- Returns:
frequency in Hz.
- get_ftw() numpy.int32 [source]
Get the value stored to the AD9910’s frequency tuning word (FTW) register.
- Returns:
Frequency tuning word
- get_mu(profile: numpy.int32 = 7)[source]
Get the frequency tuning word, phase offset word, and amplitude scale factor.
See also
.- Parameters:
profile – Profile number to get (0-7, default: 7)
- Returns:
A tuple (FTW, POW, ASF)
- get_phase() float [source]
Get the value stored to the AD9910’s phase offset word (POW) register.
- Returns:
phase offset in turns.
- get_pow() numpy.int32 [source]
Get the value stored to the AD9910’s phase offset word (POW) register.
- Returns:
Phase offset word
- init(blind: bool = False)[source]
Initialize and configure the DDS.
Sets up SPI mode, confirms chip presence, powers down unused blocks, configures the PLL, waits for PLL lock. Uses the
signal multiple times.- Parameters:
blind – Do not read back DDS identity and do not wait for lock.
- measure_io_update_alignment(delay_start: numpy.int64, delay_stop: numpy.int64) numpy.int32 [source]
Use the digital ramp generator to locate the alignment between
.The ramp generator is set up to a linear frequency ramp
and started at a coarse RTIO time stamp plusdelay_start
and stopped at a coarse RTIO time stamp plusdelay_stop
.- Parameters:
delay_start – Start
delay in machine units.delay_stop – Stop
delay in machine units.
- Returns:
cycle indicator.
- pow_to_turns(pow_: numpy.int32) float [source]
Return the phase in turns corresponding to a given phase offset word.
- power_down(bits: numpy.int32 = 15)[source]
Power down DDS.
- Parameters:
bits – Power-down bits, see datasheet
- read16(addr: numpy.int32) numpy.int32 [source]
Read from 16-bit register.
- Parameters:
addr – Register address
- read32(addr: numpy.int32) numpy.int32 [source]
Read from 32-bit register.
- Parameters:
addr – Register address
- read64(addr: numpy.int32) numpy.int64 [source]
Read from 64-bit register.
- Parameters:
addr – Register address
- Returns:
64-bit integer register value
- read_ram(data: list(elt=numpy.int32))[source]
Read data from RAM.
The profile to read from and the step, start, and end address need to be configured before and separately using
and the parent CPLDset_profile()
.- Parameters:
data – List to be filled with data read from RAM.
- set(frequency: float = 0.0, phase: float = 0.0, amplitude: float = 1.0, phase_mode: numpy.int32 = -1, ref_time_mu: numpy.int64 = np.int64(-1), profile: numpy.int32 = 7, ram_destination: numpy.int32 = -1) float [source]
Set DDS data in SI units.
See also
.- Parameters:
frequency – Frequency in Hz
phase – Phase tuning word in turns
amplitude – Amplitude in units of full scale
phase_mode – Phase mode constant
ref_time_mu – Fiducial time stamp in machine units
profile – Single tone profile to affect.
ram_destination – RAM destination.
- Returns:
Resulting phase offset in turns
- set_amplitude(amplitude: float)[source]
Set the value stored to the AD9910’s amplitude scale factor (ASF) register.
- Parameters:
amplitude – amplitude to be stored, in units of full scale.
- set_asf(asf: numpy.int32)[source]
Set the value stored to the AD9910’s amplitude scale factor (ASF) register.
- Parameters:
asf – Amplitude scale factor to be stored, range: 0 to 0x3fff.
- set_att(att: float)[source]
Set digital step attenuator in SI units.
This method will write the attenuator settings of all four channels. See also
.- Parameters:
att – Attenuation in dB.
- set_att_mu(att: numpy.int32)[source]
Set digital step attenuator in machine units.
This method will write the attenuator settings of all four channels. See also
.- Parameters:
att – Attenuation setting, 8-bit digital.
- set_cfr1(power_down: numpy.int32 = 0, phase_autoclear: numpy.int32 = 0, drg_load_lrr: numpy.int32 = 0, drg_autoclear: numpy.int32 = 0, phase_clear: numpy.int32 = 0, internal_profile: numpy.int32 = 0, ram_destination: numpy.int32 = 0, ram_enable: numpy.int32 = 0, manual_osk_external: numpy.int32 = 0, osk_enable: numpy.int32 = 0, select_auto_osk: numpy.int32 = 0)[source]
Set CFR1. See the AD9910 datasheet for parameter meanings and sizes.
This method does not pulse
- Parameters:
power_down – Power down bits.
phase_autoclear – Autoclear phase accumulator.
phase_clear – Asynchronous, static reset of the phase accumulator.
drg_load_lrr – Load digital ramp generator LRR.
drg_autoclear – Autoclear digital ramp generator.
internal_profile – Internal profile control.
ram_destination – RAM destination (
).ram_enable – RAM mode enable.
manual_osk_external – Enable OSK pin control in manual OSK mode.
osk_enable – Enable OSK mode.
select_auto_osk – Select manual or automatic OSK mode.
- set_cfr2(asf_profile_enable: numpy.int32 = 1, drg_enable: numpy.int32 = 0, effective_ftw: numpy.int32 = 1, sync_validation_disable: numpy.int32 = 0, matched_latency_enable: numpy.int32 = 0)[source]
Set CFR2. See the AD9910 datasheet for parameter meanings and sizes.
This method does not pulse
.- Parameters:
asf_profile_enable – Enable amplitude scale from single tone profiles.
drg_enable – Digital ramp enable.
effective_ftw – Read effective FTW.
sync_validation_disable – Disable the SYNC_SMP_ERR pin indicating (active high) detection of a synchronization pulse sampling error.
matched_latency_enable –
Simultaneous application of amplitude, phase, and frequency changes to the DDS arrive at the output
matched_latency_enable = 0: in the order listed
matched_latency_enable = 1: simultaneously.
- set_frequency(frequency: float)[source]
Set the value stored to the AD9910’s frequency tuning word (FTW) register.
- Parameters:
frequency – frequency to be stored, in Hz.
- set_ftw(ftw: numpy.int32)[source]
Set the value stored to the AD9910’s frequency tuning word (FTW) register.
- Parameters:
ftw – Frequency tuning word to be stored, range: 0 to 0xffffffff.
- set_mu(ftw: numpy.int32 = 0, pow_: numpy.int32 = 0, asf: numpy.int32 = 16383, phase_mode: numpy.int32 = -1, ref_time_mu: numpy.int64 = np.int64(-1), profile: numpy.int32 = 7, ram_destination: numpy.int32 = -1) numpy.int32 [source]
Set DDS data in machine units.
This uses machine units (FTW, POW, ASF). The frequency tuning word width is 32, the phase offset word width is 16, and the amplitude scale factor width is 14.
After the SPI transfer, the shared IO update pin is pulsed to activate the data.
See also
for a definition of the different phase modes.Warning
Deterministic phase control depends on correct alignment of operations to a 4ns grid (
). This function usesnow_mu()
to ensure such alignment automatically. When replayed over DMA, however, the ensuing event sequence must be started at the same offset relative toSYNC_CLK
, or unstableSYNC_CLK
cycle assignment (i.e. inconsistent delays of exactly 4ns) will result.- Parameters:
ftw – Frequency tuning word: 32-bit.
pow – Phase tuning word: 16-bit unsigned.
asf – Amplitude scale factor: 14-bit unsigned.
phase_mode – If specified, overrides the default phase mode set by
for this call.ref_time_mu – Fiducial time used to compute absolute or tracking phase updates. In machine units as obtained by
.profile – Single tone profile number to set (0-7, default: 7). Ineffective if
is specified.ram_destination – RAM destination (
). If specified, write free DDS parameters to the ASF/FTW/POW registers instead of to the single tone profile register (default behaviour, seeprofile
- Returns:
Resulting phase offset word after application of phase tracking offset. When using
in subsequent calls, use this value as the “current” phase.
- set_phase(turns: float)[source]
Set the value stored to the AD9910’s phase offset word (POW) register.
- Parameters:
turns – phase offset to be stored, in turns.
- set_phase_mode(phase_mode: numpy.int32)[source]
Set the default phase mode for future calls to
. Supported phase modes are:PHASE_MODE_CONTINUOUS
: the phase accumulator is unchanged when changing frequency or phase. The DDS phase is the sum of the phase accumulator and the phase offset. The only discontinuous changes in the DDS output phase come from changes to the phase offset. This mode is also known as “relative phase mode”. \(\phi(t) = q(t^\prime) + p + (t - t^\prime) f\)PHASE_MODE_ABSOLUTE
: the phase accumulator is reset when changing frequency or phase. Thus, the phase of the DDS at the time of the change is equal to the specified phase offset. \(\phi(t) = p + (t - t^\prime) f\)PHASE_MODE_TRACKING
: when changing frequency or phase, the phase accumulator is cleared and the phase offset is offset by the value the phase accumulator would have if the DDS had been running at the specified frequency since a given fiducial time stamp. This is functionally equivalent toPHASE_MODE_ABSOLUTE
. The only difference is the fiducial time stamp. This mode is also known as “coherent phase mode”. The default fiducial time stamp is 0. \(\phi(t) = p + (t - T) f\)
\(\phi(t)\): the DDS output phase
\(q(t) = \phi(t) - p\): DDS internal phase accumulator
\(p\): phase offset
\(f\): frequency
\(t^\prime\): time stamp of setting \(p\), \(f\)
\(T\): fiducial time stamp
\(t\): running time
- set_pow(pow_: numpy.int32)[source]
Set the value stored to the AD9910’s phase offset word (POW) register.
- Parameters:
pow – Phase offset word to be stored, range: 0 to 0xffff.
- set_profile_ram(start: numpy.int32, end: numpy.int32, step: numpy.int32 = 1, profile: numpy.int32 = 0, nodwell_high: numpy.int32 = 0, zero_crossing: numpy.int32 = 0, mode: numpy.int32 = 1)[source]
Set the RAM profile settings. See also AD9910 datasheet.
- Parameters:
start – Profile start address in RAM (10-bit).
end – Profile end address in RAM, inclusive (10-bit).
step – Profile time step, counted in DDS sample clock cycles, typically 4 ns (16-bit, default: 1)
profile – Profile index (0 to 7) (default: 0).
nodwell_high – No-dwell high bit (default: 0, see AD9910 documentation).
zero_crossing – Zero crossing bit (default: 0, see AD9910 documentation).
mode – Profile RAM mode (
- set_sync(in_delay: numpy.int32, window: numpy.int32, en_sync_gen: numpy.int32 = 0)[source]
Set the relevant parameters in the multi device synchronization register. See the AD9910 datasheet for details. The
clock generator preset value is set to zero, and theSYNC_OUT
generator is disabled by default.- Parameters:
in_delay –
delay tap (0-31) in steps of ~75pswindow – Symmetric
validation window (0-15) in steps of ~75ps for both hold and setup margin.en_sync_gen – Whether to enable the DDS-internal sync generator (
, cf.sync_sel == 1
). Should be left off for the normal use case, where theSYNC
clock is supplied by the core device.
- tune_io_update_delay() numpy.int32 [source]
Find a stable
delay alignment.Scan through increasing
delays until a delay is found that letsIO_UPDATE
be registered in the nextSYNC_CLK
cycle. Return aIO_UPDATE
delay that is as far away from thatSYNC_CLK
edge as possible.This method assumes that the
TTLOut device has one machine unit resolution (SERDES).This method and
can be run in any order.- Returns:
delay to be passed to the constructorAD9910
via the device database.
- tune_sync_delay(search_seed: numpy.int32 = 15)[source]
Find a stable
delay.This method first locates a valid
delay at zero validation window size (setup/hold margin) by scanning around search_seed. It then looks for similar valid delays at successively larger validation window sizes until none can be found. It then decreases the validation window a bit to provide some slack and stability and returns the optimal values.This method and
can be run in any order.- Parameters:
search_seed – Start value for valid
delay search. Defaults to 15 (half range).- Returns:
Tuple of optimal delay and window size.
- turns_amplitude_to_ram(turns: list(elt=float), amplitude: list(elt=float), ram: list(elt=numpy.int32))[source]
Convert phase and amplitude values to RAM profile data.
To be used with
.- Parameters:
turns – List of phase values in turns.
amplitude – List of amplitude values in units of full scale.
ram – List to write RAM data into. Suitable for
- turns_to_pow(turns: float) numpy.int32 [source]
Return the 16-bit phase offset word corresponding to the given phase in turns.
- turns_to_ram(turns: list(elt=float), ram: list(elt=numpy.int32))[source]
Convert phase values to RAM profile data.
To be used with
.- Parameters:
turns – List of phase values in turns.
ram – List to write RAM data into. Suitable for
- write16(addr: numpy.int32, data: numpy.int32)[source]
Write to 16-bit register.
- Parameters:
addr – Register address
data – Data to be written
- write32(addr: numpy.int32, data: numpy.int32)[source]
Write to 32-bit register.
- Parameters:
addr – Register address
data – Data to be written
- write64(addr: numpy.int32, data_high: numpy.int32, data_low: numpy.int32)[source]
Write to 64-bit register.
- Parameters:
addr – Register address
data_high – High (MSB) 32 data bits
data_low – Low (LSB) 32 data bits
- write_ram(data: list(elt=numpy.int32))[source]
Write data to RAM.
The profile to write to and the step, start, and end address need to be configured in advance and separately using
and the parent CPLDset_profile()
.- Parameters:
data – Data to be written to RAM.
- class artiq.coredevice.ad9912.AD9912(dmgr, chip_select, cpld_device, sw_device=None, pll_n=10, pll_en=1)[source]
AD9912 DDS channel on Urukul.
This class supports a single DDS channel and exposes the DDS, the digital step attenuator, and the RF switch.
- Parameters:
chip_select – Chip select configuration. On Urukul this is an encoded chip select and not “one-hot”.
cpld_device – Name of the Urukul CPLD this device is on.
sw_device – Name of the RF switch device. The RF switch is a TTLOut channel available as the
attribute of this instance.pll_n – DDS PLL multiplier. The DDS sample clock is
f_ref / clk_div * pll_n
is the reference frequency andclk_div
is the reference clock divider (both set in the parent Urukul CPLD instance).pll_en – PLL enable bit, set to 0 to bypass PLL (default: 1). Note that when bypassing the PLL the red front panel LED may remain on.
- cfg_sw(state: bool)[source]
Set CPLD CFG RF switch state. The RF switch is controlled by the logical or of the CPLD configuration shift register RF switch bit and the SW TTL line (if used).
- Parameters:
state – CPLD CFG RF switch bit
- frequency_to_ftw(frequency: float) numpy.int64 [source]
Returns the 48-bit frequency tuning word corresponding to the given frequency.
- ftw_to_frequency(ftw: numpy.int64) float [source]
Returns the frequency corresponding to the given frequency tuning word.
- get()[source]
Get the frequency and phase.
See also
.- Returns:
A tuple (frequency, phase).
- get_att() float [source]
Get digital step attenuator value in SI units.
See also
.- Returns:
Attenuation in dB.
- get_att_mu() numpy.int32 [source]
Get digital step attenuator value in machine units.
See also
.- Returns:
Attenuation setting, 8-bit digital.
- get_mu()[source]
Get the frequency tuning word and phase offset word.
See also
.- Returns:
A tuple (FTW, POW).
- init()[source]
Initialize and configure the DDS.
Sets up SPI mode, confirms chip presence, powers down unused blocks, and configures the PLL. Does not wait for PLL lock. Uses the
signal multiple times.
- pow_to_turns(pow_: numpy.int32) float [source]
Return the phase in turns corresponding to a given phase offset word.
- Parameters:
pow – Phase offset word.
- Returns:
Phase in turns.
- read(addr: numpy.int32, length: numpy.int32) numpy.int32 [source]
Variable length read from a register. Up to 4 bytes.
- Parameters:
addr – Register address
length – Length in bytes (1-4)
- Returns:
Data read
- set(frequency: float, phase: float = 0.0)[source]
Set profile 0 data in SI units.
See also
.- Parameters:
frequency – Frequency in Hz
phase – Phase tuning word in turns
- set_att(att: float)[source]
Set digital step attenuator in SI units.
This method will write the attenuator settings of all four channels.
See also
.- Parameters:
att – Attenuation in dB. Higher values mean more attenuation.
- set_att_mu(att: numpy.int32)[source]
Set digital step attenuator in machine units.
This method will write the attenuator settings of all four channels.
See also
.- Parameters:
att – Attenuation setting, 8-bit digital.
- set_mu(ftw: numpy.int64, pow_: numpy.int32 = 0)[source]
Set profile 0 data in machine units.
After the SPI transfer, the shared IO update pin is pulsed to activate the data.
- Parameters:
ftw – Frequency tuning word: 48-bit unsigned.
pow – Phase tuning word: 16-bit unsigned.
Driver for the AD9914 DDS (with parallel bus) on RTIO.
- class artiq.coredevice.ad9914.AD9914(dmgr, sysclk, bus_channel, channel, core_device='core')[source]
Driver for one AD9914 DDS channel.
The time cursor is not modified by any function in this class.
Output event replacement is not supported and issuing commands at the same time results in collision errors.
- Parameters:
sysclk – DDS system frequency. The DDS system clock must be a phase-locked multiple of the RTIO clock.
bus_channel – RTIO channel number of the DDS bus.
channel – channel number (on the bus) of the DDS device to control.
- amplitude_to_asf(amplitude)[source]
Returns 12-bit amplitude scale factor corresponding to given amplitude.
- asf_to_amplitude(asf)[source]
Returns the amplitude corresponding to the given amplitude scale factor.
- frequency_to_ftw(frequency)[source]
Returns the 32-bit frequency tuning word corresponding to the given frequency.
- frequency_to_xftw(frequency)[source]
Returns the 63-bit frequency tuning word corresponding to the given frequency (extended resolution mode).
- ftw_to_frequency(ftw)[source]
Returns the frequency corresponding to the given frequency tuning word.
- init()[source]
Resets and initializes the DDS channel.
This needs to be done for each DDS channel before it can be used, and it is recommended to use the startup kernel for this purpose.
- init_sync(sync_delay)[source]
Resets and initializes the DDS channel as well as configures the AD9914 DDS for synchronisation. The synchronisation procedure follows the steps outlined in the AN-1254 application note.
This needs to be done for each DDS channel before it can be used, and it is recommended to use the startup kernel for this.
This function cannot be used in a batch; the correct way of initializing multiple DDS channels is to call this function sequentially with a delay between the calls. 10ms provides a good timing margin.
- Parameters:
sync_delay – integer from 0 to 0x3f that sets the value of
(bits 3-5) andSYNC_IN
(bits 0-2) delay ADJ bits.
- set(frequency, phase=0.0, phase_mode=-1, amplitude=1.0)[source]
, but uses Hz and turns.
- set_mu(ftw, pow=0, phase_mode=-1, asf=4095, ref_time_mu=-1)[source]
Sets the DDS channel to the specified frequency and phase.
This uses machine units (FTW and POW). The frequency tuning word width is 32, the phase offset word width is 16, and the amplitude scale factor width is 12.
The “frequency update” pulse is sent to the DDS with a fixed latency with respect to the current position of the time cursor.
- Parameters:
ftw – frequency to generate.
pow – adds an offset to the phase.
phase_mode – if specified, overrides the default phase mode set by
for this call.ref_time_mu – reference time used to compute phase. Specifying this makes it easier to have a well-defined phase relationship between DDSes on the same bus that are updated at a similar time.
- Returns:
Resulting phase offset word after application of phase tracking offset. When using
in subsequent calls, use this value as the “current” phase.
- set_phase_mode(phase_mode)[source]
Sets the phase mode of the DDS channel. Supported phase modes are:
: the phase accumulator is unchanged when switching frequencies. The DDS phase is the sum of the phase accumulator and the phase offset. The only discrete jumps in the DDS output phase come from changes to the phase offset.PHASE_MODE_ABSOLUTE
: the phase accumulator is reset when switching frequencies. Thus, the phase of the DDS at the time of the frequency change is equal to the phase offset.PHASE_MODE_TRACKING
: when switching frequencies, the phase accumulator is set to the value it would have if the DDS had been running at the specified frequency since the start of the experiment.
- set_x(frequency, amplitude=1.0)[source]
, but uses Hz and turns.Note that the precision of
is less than the precision of the extended frequency tuning word.
- set_x_mu(xftw, amplitude=4095)[source]
Set the DDS frequency and amplitude with an extended-resolution (63-bit) frequency tuning word.
Phase control is not implemented in this mode; the phase offset can assume any value.
After this function has been called, exit extended-resolution mode before calling functions that use standard-resolution mode.
RTIO Driver for the Analog Devices AD9834 DDS via 3-wire SPI interface.
- class artiq.coredevice.ad9834.AD9834(dmgr, spi_device, spi_freq=10000000.0, clk_freq=75000000.0, core_device='core')[source]
AD9834 DDS driver.
This class provides control for the DDS AD9834.
The driver utilizes bit-controlled
, andAD9834_RESET
. To pin controlFSELECT
, andRESET
. Thectrl_reg
attribute is used to maintain the state of the control register, enabling persistent management of various configurations.- Parameters:
spi_device – SPI bus device name.
spi_freq – SPI bus clock frequency (default: 10 MHz, max: 40 MHz).
clk_freq – DDS clock frequency (default: 75 MHz).
core_device – Core device name (default: “core”).
- awake()[source]
Exit sleep mode and restore normal operation.
This method brings the AD9834 out of sleep mode by clearing any DAC power-down or internal clock disable settings. It calls
with no arguments, effectively setting bothdac_powerdown
.The device will resume generating output based on the current frequency and phase settings.
- config_sign_bit_out(high_z: bool = False, msb_2: bool = False, msb: bool = False, comp_out: bool = False)[source]
Configure the
pin for various output modes.This method sets the output mode for the
pin of the AD9834 based on the provided flags. The user can enable one of several modes, including high impedance, MSB/2 output, MSB output, or comparator output. These modes are mutually exclusive, and passingTrue
to one flag will configure the corresponding mode, while other flags should be left asFalse
.- Parameters:
high_z – Set to
to place theSIGN BIT OUT
pin in high impedance (disabled) mode.msb_2 – Set to
to output DAC Data MSB divided by 2 on theSIGN BIT OUT
pin.msb – Set to
to output DAC Data MSB on theSIGN BIT OUT
pin.comp_out – Set to
to output the comparator signal on theSIGN BIT OUT
Only one flag should be set to
at a time. If no valid mode is selected, theSIGN BIT OUT
pin will default to high impedance mode.The method updates the control register with the appropriate configuration and writes it to the AD9834.
- disable_triangular_waveform()[source]
Disable triangular waveform generation.
This method disables the triangular waveform output by clearing
. After invoking this method, the AD9834 will cease generating a triangular waveform. The device can then be configured to output other waveform types if needed.This method should be called when switching to a different waveform type or when the triangular waveform is no longer required.
- enable_reset()[source]
Enable the DDS reset.
This method sets
, putting the AD9834 into a reset state. While in this state, the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is not operational.This method should be called during initialization or when a reset is required to reinitialize the device and ensure proper operation.
- enable_triangular_waveform()[source]
Enable triangular waveform generation.
This method configures the AD9834 to output a triangular waveform. It does so by clearing
in the control register and settingAD9834_MODE
. Once this method is called, the AD9834 will begin generating a triangular waveform at the frequency set for the selected frequency register.This method should be called when a triangular waveform is desired for signal generation. Ensure that the frequency is set appropriately before invoking this method.
- frequency_to_ftw(frequency: float) numpy.int32 [source]
Return the 28-bit frequency tuning word corresponding to the given frequency.
- init()[source]
Initialize the AD9834: configure the SPI bus and reset the DDS.
This method performs the necessary setup for the AD9834 device, including: - Configuring the SPI bus parameters (clock polarity, data width, and frequency). - Putting the AD9834 into a reset state to ensure proper initialization.
The SPI bus is configured to use 16 bits of data width with the clock frequency provided as a parameter when creating the AD9834 instance. After configuring the SPI bus, the method invokes
to reset the AD9834. This is an essential step to prepare the device for subsequent configuration of frequency and phase.This method should be called before any other operations are performed on the AD9834 to ensure that the device is in a known state.
- output_enable()[source]
Disable the DDS reset and start signal generation.
This method clears
, allowing the AD9834 to begin generating signals. Once this method is called, the device will resume normal operation and output the generated waveform.This method should be called after configuration of the frequency and phase settings to activate the output.
- select_frequency_reg(freq_reg: numpy.int32)[source]
Select the active frequency register for the phase accumulator.
This method chooses between the two available frequency registers in the AD9834 to control the frequency of the output waveform. The control register is updated to reflect the selected frequency register.
- Parameters:
freq_reg – The frequency register to write to (0-1).
- select_phase_reg(phase_reg: numpy.int32)[source]
Select the active phase register for the phase accumulator.
This method chooses between the two available phase registers in the AD9834 to control the phase of the output waveform. The control register is updated to reflect the selected phase register.
- Parameters:
phase_reg – The phase register to write to (0-1).
- set(frequency: float = 0.0, phase: float = 0.0, freq_reg: numpy.int32 = 0, phase_reg: numpy.int32 = 0)[source]
Set DDS frequency in Hz and phase using fractional turns.
This method converts the specified frequency and phase to their corresponding machine units, updates the selected registers, and enables the output.
- Parameters:
frequency – Frequency in Hz.
phase – Phase in fractional turns (e.g., 0.5 for 180 degrees).
freq_reg – Frequency register to write to (0 or 1).
phase_reg – Phase register to write to (0 or 1).
- set_frequency_reg(freq_reg: numpy.int32, freq_word: numpy.int32)[source]
Set the frequency for the specified frequency register using a precomputed frequency word.
This writes to the 28-bit frequency register in one transfer.
- Parameters:
freq_reg – The frequency register to write to (0-1).
freq_word – The precomputed frequency word.
- set_frequency_reg_lsb(freq_reg: numpy.int32, word: numpy.int32)[source]
Set the fourteen least significant bits LSBs of the specified frequency register.
This method updates the specified frequency register with the provided LSB value. It configures the control register to indicate that the LSB is being set.
- Parameters:
freq_reg – The frequency register to write to (0-1).
word – The value to be written to the fourteen LSBs of the frequency register.
The method first clears the appropriate control bits and writes the updated control register followed by the LSB value to the specified frequency register.
- set_frequency_reg_msb(freq_reg: numpy.int32, word: numpy.int32)[source]
Set the fourteen most significant bits MSBs of the specified frequency register.
This method updates the specified frequency register with the provided MSB value. It configures the control register to indicate that the MSB is being set.
- Parameters:
freq_reg – The frequency register to write to (0-1).
word – The value to be written to the fourteen MSBs of the frequency register.
The method first clears the appropriate control bits, sets
to indicate that the MSB is being sent, and then writes the updated control register followed by the MSB value to the specified frequency register.
- set_mu(freq_word: numpy.int32 = 0, phase_word: numpy.int32 = 0, freq_reg: numpy.int32 = 0, phase_reg: numpy.int32 = 0)[source]
Set DDS frequency and phase in machine units.
This method updates the specified frequency and phase registers with the provided machine units, selects the corresponding registers, and enables the output.
- Parameters:
freq_word – Frequency tuning word (28-bit).
phase_word – Phase tuning word (12-bit).
freq_reg – Frequency register to write to (0 or 1).
phase_reg – Phase register to write to (0 or 1).
- set_phase_reg(phase_reg: numpy.int32, phase: numpy.int32)[source]
Set the phase for the specified phase register.
This method updates the specified phase register with the provided phase value.
- Parameters:
phase_reg – The phase register to write to (0-1).
phase – The value to be written to the phase register.
The method masks the phase value to ensure it fits within the 12-bit limit and writes it to the specified phase register.
- sleep(dac_pd: bool = False, clk_dis: bool = False)[source]
Put the AD9834 into sleep mode by selectively powering down the DAC and/or disabling the internal clock.
This method controls the sleep mode behavior of the AD9834 by setting or clearing the corresponding bits in the control register. Two independent options can be specified:
- Parameters:
dac_pd – Set to
to power down the DAC (AD9834_SLEEP12
is set).False
will leave the DAC active.clk_dis – Set to
to disable the internal clock (AD9834_SLEEP1
is set).False
will keep the clock running.
Both options can be enabled independently, allowing the DAC and/or clock to be powered down as needed.
The method updates the control register and writes the changes to the AD9834 device.
- turns_to_pow(turns: float) numpy.int32 [source]
Return the 12-bit phase offset word corresponding to the given phase in turns.
- write(data: numpy.int32)[source]
Write a 16-bit word to the AD9834.
This method sends a 16-bit data word to the AD9834 via the SPI bus. The input data is left-shifted by 16 bits to ensure proper alignment for the SPI controller, allowing for accurate processing of the command by the AD9834.
This method is used internally by other methods to update the control registers and frequency settings of the AD9834. It should not be called directly unless low-level register manipulation is required.
- Parameters:
data – The 16-bit word to be sent to the AD9834.
RTIO driver for Mirny (4-channel GHz PLLs)
- class artiq.coredevice.mirny.Mirny(dmgr, spi_device, refclk=100000000.0, clk_sel='XO', core_device='core')[source]
Mirny PLL-based RF generator.
- Parameters:
spi_device – SPI bus device
refclk – Reference clock (SMA, MMCX or on-board 100 MHz oscillator) frequency in Hz
clk_sel – Reference clock selection. Valid options are: “XO” - onboard crystal oscillator; “SMA” - front-panel SMA connector; “MMCX” - internal MMCX connector. Passing an integer writes it as
in the CPLD’s register 1. The effect depends on the hardware revision.core_device – Core device name (default: “core”)
- att_to_mu(att)[source]
Convert an attenuation setting in dB to machine units.
- Parameters:
att – Attenuation setting in dB.
- Returns:
Digital attenuation setting.
- init(blind=False)[source]
Initialize and detect Mirny.
Select the clock source based the board’s hardware revision. Raise
if the board’s hardware revision is not supported.- Parameters:
blind – Verify presence and protocol compatibility. Raise
on failure.
- set_att(channel, att)[source]
Set digital step attenuator in SI units.
This method will write the attenuator settings of the selected channel.
See also
.- Parameters:
channel – Attenuator channel (0-3).
att – Attenuation setting in dB. Higher value is more attenuation. Minimum attenuation is 0*dB, maximum attenuation is 31.5*dB.
- class artiq.coredevice.almazny.AlmaznyChannel(dmgr, host_mirny, channel)[source]
Driver for one Almazny channel.
Almazny is a mezzanine for the Quad PLL RF source Mirny that exposes and controls the frequency-doubled outputs. This driver requires Almazny hardware revision v1.2 or later and Mirny CPLD gateware v0.3 or later. Use
for Almazny hardware v1.1 and earlier.- Parameters:
host_mirny – Mirny CPLD device name
channel – channel index (0-3)
- set(att, enable, led=False)[source]
Set attenuation, RF switch, and LED state (SI units).
- Parameters:
att – attenuator setting in dB (0-31.5)
enable – RF switch state (bool)
led – LED state (bool)
- class artiq.coredevice.almazny.AlmaznyLegacy(dmgr, host_mirny)[source]
Almazny (High-frequency mezzanine board for Mirny)
This applies to Almazny hardware v1.1 and earlier. Use
for Almazny v1.2 and later.- Parameters:
host_mirny –
device Almazny is connected to
- att_to_mu(att)[source]
Convert an attenuator setting in dB to machine units.
- Parameters:
att – attenuator setting in dB [0-31.5]
- Returns:
attenuator setting in machine units
- mu_to_att(att_mu)[source]
Convert a digital attenuator setting to dB.
- Parameters:
att_mu – attenuator setting in machine units
- Returns:
attenuator setting in dB
- output_toggle(oe)[source]
Toggles output on all shift registers on or off.
- Parameters:
oe – toggle output enable (bool)
RTIO driver for the Analog Devices ADF[45]35[56] family of GHz PLLs on Mirny-style prefixed SPI buses.
- class artiq.coredevice.adf5356.ADF5356(dmgr, cpld_device, sw_device, channel, ref_doubler=False, ref_divider=False, core='core')[source]
Analog Devices AD[45]35[56] family of GHz PLLs.
- Parameters:
cpld_device – Mirny CPLD device name
sw_device – Mirny RF switch device name
channel – Mirny RF channel index
ref_doubler – enable/disable reference clock doubler
ref_divider – enable/disable reference clock divide-by-2
core_device – Core device name (default: “core”)
- init(blind=False)[source]
Initialize and configure the PLL.
- Parameters:
blind – Do not attempt to verify presence.
- pll_frac1() numpy.int32 [source]
Return the main fractional value (FRAC1) for the cached set of registers.
- pll_frac2() numpy.int32 [source]
Return the auxiliary fractional value (FRAC2) for the cached set of registers.
- pll_mod2() numpy.int32 [source]
Return the auxiliary modulus value (MOD2) for the cached set of registers.
- read_muxout()[source]
Read the state of the MUXOUT line.
By default, this is configured to be the digital lock detection.
- ref_counter() numpy.int32 [source]
Return the reference counter value (R) for the cached set of registers.
- set_att(att)[source]
Set digital step attenuator in SI units.
This method will write the attenuator settings of the channel.
See also
.- Parameters:
att – Attenuation in dB.
- set_att_mu(att)[source]
Set digital step attenuator in machine units.
- Parameters:
att – Attenuation setting, 8-bit digital.
- set_frequency(f)[source]
Output given frequency on output A.
- Parameters:
f – 53.125 MHz <= f <= 6800 MHz
- artiq.coredevice.adf5356.calculate_pll(f_vco: numpy.int64, f_pfd: numpy.int64)[source]
Calculate fractional-N PLL parameters such that
f_vco = f_pfd * (n + (frac1 + frac2/mod2) / mod1)
mod1 = 2**24
andmod2 <= 2**28
- Parameters:
f_vco – target VCO frequency
f_pfd – PFD frequency
- Returns:
,(frac2_msb, frac2_lsb)
,(mod2_msb, mod2_lsb)
- class artiq.coredevice.phaser.Miqro(channel)[source]
Miqro pulse generator.
A Miqro instance represents one RF output. The DSP components are fully contained in the Phaser gateware. The output is generated by with the following data flow:
There are
n_osc = 16
oscillators with oscillator IDs0
.Each oscillator outputs one tone at any given time
I/Q (quadrature, a.k.a. complex) 2x16-bit signed data at tau = 4 ns sample intervals, 250 MS/s, Nyquist 125 MHz, bandwidth 200 MHz (from f = -100..+100 MHz, taking into account the interpolation anti-aliasing filters in subsequent interpolators),
32-bit frequency (f) resolution (~ 1/16 Hz),
16-bit unsigned amplitude (a) resolution
16-bit phase offset (p) resolution
The output phase
of each oscillator at timet
(boot/reset/initialization of the device att=0
) is thenp' = f*t + p (mod 1 turn)
are the (currently active) profile frequency and phase offset.
The terms “phase coherent” and “phase tracking” are defined to refer to this choice of oscillator output phase
. Note that the phase offsetp
is not relative to (on top of previous phase/profiles/oscillator history). It is “absolute” in the sense that frequencyf
and phase offsetp
fully determine oscillator output phasep'
at timet
. This is unlike typical DDS behavior.Frequency, phase, and amplitude of each oscillator are configurable by selecting one of
n_profiles = 32
. This selection is fast and can be done for each pulse. The phase coherence defined above is guaranteed for each profile individually.Note: one profile per oscillator (usually profile index 0) should be reserved for the NOP (no operation, identity) profile, usually with zero amplitude.
Data for each profile for each oscillator can be configured individually. Storing profile data should be considered “expensive”.
To refer to an operation as “expensive” does not mean it is impossible, merely that it may take a significant amount of time and resources to execute, such that it may be impractical when used often or during fast pulse sequences. They are intended for use in calibration and initialization.
The oscillator outputs are added together (wrapping addition).
The user must ensure that the sum of oscillators outputs does not exceed the data range. In general that means that the sum of the amplitudes must not exceed one.
The summed complex output stream is then multiplied with a the complex-valued output of a triggerable shaper.
Triggering the shaper corresponds to passing a pulse from all oscillators to the RF output.
Selected profiles become active simultaneously (on the same output sample) when triggering the shaper with the first shaper output sample.
The shaper reads (replays) window samples from a memory of size
n_window = 1 << 10
.The window memory can be segmented by choosing different start indices to support different windows.
Each window memory segment starts with a header determining segment length and interpolation parameters.
The window samples are interpolated by a factor (rate change) between 1 and
r = 1 << 12
.The interpolation order is constant, linear, quadratic, or cubic. This corresponds to interpolation modes from rectangular window (1st order CIC) or zero order hold) to Parzen window (4th order CIC or cubic spline).
This results in support for single shot pulse lengths (envelope support) between tau and a bit more than
r * n_window * tau = (1 << 12 + 10) tau ~ 17 ms
.Windows can be configured to be head-less and/or tail-less, meaning, they do not feed zero-amplitude samples into the shaper before and after each window respectively. This is used to implement pulses with arbitrary length or CW output.
Overall properties
The DAC may upconvert the signal by applying a frequency offset
with phasep1
.In the Upconverter Phaser variant, the analog quadrature upconverter applies another frequency of
and phasep2
.The resulting phase of the signal from one oscillator at the SMA output is
(f + f1 + f2)*t + p + s(t - t0) + p1 + p2 (mod 1 turn)
wheres(t - t0)
is the phase of the interpolated shaper output, andt0
is the trigger time (fiducial of the shaper). Unsurprisingly the frequency is the derivative of the phase.Group delays between pulse parameter updates are matched across oscillators, shapers, and channels.
The minimum time to change profiles and phase offsets is
~128 ns
(estimate, TBC). This is the minimum pulse interval. The sustained pulse rate of the RTIO PHY/Fastlink is one pulse per Fastlink frame (may be increased, TBC).
- encode(window, profiles, data)[source]
Encode window and profile selection.
- Parameters:
window – Window start address (0 to 0x3ff)
profiles – List of profile indices for the oscillators. Maximum length 16. Unused oscillators will be set to profile 0.
data – List of integers to store the encoded data words into. Unused entries will remain untouched. Must contain at least three lements if all oscillators are used and should be initialized to zeros.
- Returns:
Number of words from data used.
- pulse(window, profiles)[source]
Emit a pulse
This encodes the window and profiles (see
) and emits them (seepulse_mu()
).- Parameters:
window – Window start address (0 to 0x3ff)
profiles – List of profile indices for the oscillators. Maximum length 16. Unused oscillators will select profile 0.
- pulse_mu(data)[source]
Emit a pulse (encoded)
The pulse fiducial timing resolution is 4 ns.
- Parameters:
data – List of up to 3 words containing an encoded MIQRO pulse as returned by
- reset()[source]
Establish no-output profiles and no-output window and execute them.
This establishes the first profile (index 0) on all oscillators as zero amplitude, creates a trivial window (one sample with zero amplitude, minimal interpolation), and executes a corresponding pulse.
- set_profile(oscillator, profile, frequency, amplitude, phase=0.0)[source]
Store an oscillator profile.
- Parameters:
oscillator – Oscillator index (0 to 15)
profile – Profile index (0 to 31)
frequency – Frequency in Hz (passband -100 to 100 MHz). Interpreted in the Nyquist sense, i.e. aliased.
amplitude – Amplitude in units of full scale (0. to 1.)
phase – Phase in turns. See
for a definition of phase in this context.
- Returns:
The quantized 32-bit frequency tuning word
- set_profile_mu(oscillator, profile, ftw, asf, pow_=0)[source]
Store an oscillator profile (machine units).
- Parameters:
oscillator – Oscillator index (0 to 15)
profile – Profile index (0 to 31)
ftw – Frequency tuning word (32-bit signed integer on a 250 MHz clock)
asf – Amplitude scale factor (16-bit unsigned integer)
pow – Phase offset word (16-bit integer)
- set_window(start, iq, period=4e-09, order=3, head=1, tail=1)[source]
Store a window segment.
- Parameters:
start – Window start address (0 to 0x3ff)
iq – List of IQ window samples. Each window sample is a pair of two float numbers -1 to 1, one for each I and Q in units of full scale. The maximum window length is 0x3fe. The user must ensure that this window does not overlap with other windows in the memory.
period – Desired window sample period in SI units (4*ns to (4 << 12)*ns).
order – Interpolation order from 0 (corresponding to constant/zero-order-hold/1st order CIC interpolation) to 3 (corresponding to cubic/Parzen/4th order CIC interpolation)
head – Update the interpolator settings and clear its state at the start of the window. This also implies starting the envelope from zero.
tail – Feed zeros into the interpolator after the window samples. In the absence of further pulses this will return the output envelope to zero with the chosen interpolation.
- Returns:
Actual sample period in SI units
- set_window_mu(start, iq, rate=1, shift=0, order=3, head=1, tail=1)[source]
Store a window segment (machine units).
- Parameters:
start – Window start address (0 to 0x3ff)
iq – List of IQ window samples. Each window sample is an integer containing the signed I part in the 16 LSB and the signed Q part in the 16 MSB. The maximum window length is 0x3fe. The user must ensure that this window does not overlap with other windows in the memory.
rate – Interpolation rate change (1 to 1 << 12)
shift – Interpolator amplitude gain compensation in powers of 2 (0 to 63)
order – Interpolation order from 0 (corresponding to constant/rectangular window/zero-order-hold/1st order CIC interpolation) to 3 (corresponding to cubic/Parzen window/4th order CIC interpolation)
head – Update the interpolator settings and clear its state at the start of the window. This also implies starting the envelope from zero.
tail – Feed zeros into the interpolator after the window samples. In the absence of further pulses this will return the output envelope to zero with the chosen interpolation.
- Returns:
Next available window memory address after this segment.
- class artiq.coredevice.phaser.Phaser(dmgr, channel_base, miso_delay=1, tune_fifo_offset=True, clk_sel=0, sync_dly=0, dac=None, trf0=None, trf1=None, gw_rev=1, core_device='core')[source]
Phaser 4-channel, 16-bit, 1 GS/s DAC coredevice driver.
Phaser contains a 4-channel, 1 GS/s DAC chip with integrated upconversion, quadrature modulation compensation and interpolation features.
The coredevice RTIO PHY and the Phaser gateware come in different modes that have different features. Phaser mode and coredevice PHY mode are both selected at their respective gateware compile-time and need to match.
Phaser gateware
Coredevice PHY
Features per
Base <= v0.5
Base (5
)Base >= v0.6
Base + Servo
Miqro >= v0.6
The coredevice driver (this class and
) exposes the superset of all functionality regardless of the Coredevice RTIO PHY or Phaser gateware modes. This is to evade type unification limitations. Features absent in Coredevice PHY/Phaser gateware will not work and should not be accessed.Base mode
The coredevice produces 2 IQ (in-phase and quadrature) data streams with 25 MS/s and 14 bits per quadrature. Each data stream supports 5 independent numerically controlled IQ oscillators (NCOs, DDSs with 32-bit frequency, 16-bit phase, 15-bit amplitude, and phase accumulator clear functionality) added together. See
.Together with a data clock, framing marker, a checksum and metadata for register access the streams are sent in groups of 8 samples over 1.5 Gb/s FastLink via a single EEM connector from coredevice to Phaser.
On Phaser in the FPGA the data streams are buffered and interpolated from 25 MS/s to 500 MS/s 16-bit followed by a 500 MS/s digital upconverter with adjustable frequency and phase. The interpolation passband is 20 MHz wide, passband ripple is less than 1e-3 amplitude, stopband attenuation is better than 75 dB at offsets > 15 MHz and better than 90 dB at offsets > 30 MHz.
The four 16-bit 500 MS/s DAC data streams are sent via a 32-bit parallel LVDS bus operating at 1 Gb/s per pin pair and processed in the DAC (Texas Instruments DAC34H84). On the DAC 2x interpolation, sinx/x compensation, quadrature modulator compensation, fine and coarse mixing as well as group delay capabilities are available. If desired, these features my be configured via the
dictionary.The latency/group delay from the RTIO events setting
DUC parameters all the way to the DAC outputs is deterministic. This enables deterministic absolute phase with respect to other RTIO input and output events (seeget_next_frame_mu()
).Miqro mode
. Here the DAC operates in 4x interpolation.Analog flow
The four analog DAC outputs are passed through anti-aliasing filters.
In the baseband variant, the even/in-phase DAC channels feed 31.5 dB range attenuators and are available on the front panel. The odd outputs are available at MMCX connectors on board.
In the upconverter variant, each IQ output pair feeds one quadrature upconverter (Texas Instruments TRF372017) with integrated PLL/VCO. This digitally configured analog quadrature upconverter supports offset tuning for carrier and sideband suppression. The output from the upconverter passes through the 31.5 dB range step attenuator and is available at the front panel.
The DAC, the analog quadrature upconverters and the attenuators are configured through a shared SPI bus that is accessed and controlled via FPGA registers.
Each phaser output channel features a servo to control the RF output amplitude using feedback from an ADC. The servo consists of a first order IIR (infinite impulse response) filter fed by the ADC and a multiplier that scales the I and Q datastreams from the DUC by the IIR output. The IIR state is updated at the 3.788 MHz ADC sampling rate.
Each channel IIR features 4 profiles, each consisting of the
[b0, b1, a1]
filter coefficients as well as an output offset. The coefficients and offset can be set for each profile individually and the profiles each have their owny0
output registers (thex0
inputs are shared). To avoid transient effects, care should be taken to not update the coefficents in the currently selected profile.The servo can be en- or disabled for each channel. When disabled, the servo output multiplier is simply bypassed and the datastream reaches the DAC unscaled.
The IIR output can be put on hold for each channel. In hold mode, the filter still ingests samples and updates its input
registers, but does not update they0
output registers.After power-up the servo is disabled, in profile 0, with coefficients
[0, 0, 0]
and hold is enabled. If older gateware without ther servo is loaded onto the Phaser FPGA, the device simply behaves as if the servo is disabled and none of the servo functions have any effect.Note
Various register settings of the DAC and the quadrature upconverters are available to be modified through the
dictionaries. These can be set through the device database (
). The settings are frozen during instantiation of the class and applied duringinit()
. See thedac34H84
source for details.Note
To establish deterministic latency between RTIO time base and DAC output, the DAC FIFO read pointer value (
) must be fixed. If tune_fifo_offset =True
(the default) a value with maximum margin is determined automatically by dac_tune_fifo_offset each timeinit()
is called. This value should be used for thefifo_offset
key of thedac
settings of Phaser
and automatic tuning should be disabled by tune_fifo_offset =False`
.- Parameters:
channel – Base RTIO channel number
core_device – Core device name (default: “core”)
miso_delay – Fastlink MISO signal delay to account for cable and buffer round trip. Tuning this might be automated later.
tune_fifo_offset – Tune the DAC FIFO read pointer offset (default=True)
clk_sel – Select the external SMA clock input (1 or 0)
sync_dly – SYNC delay with respect to ISTR.
dac – DAC34H84 DAC settings as a dictionary.
trf0 – Channel 0 TRF372017 quadrature upconverter settings as a dictionary.
trf1 – Channel 1 TRF372017 quadrature upconverter settings as a dictionary.
: List of two instances ofPhaserChannel
To access oscillators, digital upconverters, PLL/VCO analog quadrature upconverters and attenuators.
- dac_iotest(pattern) numpy.int32 [source]
Performs a DAC IO test according to the datasheet.
- Parameters:
pattern – List of four int32s containing the pattern
- Returns:
Bit error mask (16-bit)
- dac_read(addr, div=34) numpy.int32 [source]
Read from a DAC register.
- Parameters:
addr – Register address to read from
div – SPI clock divider. Needs to be at least 250 (1 µs SPI clock) to read the temperature register.
- dac_sync()[source]
Trigger DAC synchronisation for both output channels.
is de-asserted, then asserted. The synchronisation is triggered on assertion.By default, the fine-mixer (NCO) and QMC are synchronised. This includes applying the latest register settings.
The synchronisation sources may be configured through the
fields in thedac
configuration dictionary (seePhaser
Synchronising the NCO clears the phase-accumulator.
- dac_tune_fifo_offset()[source]
Scan through
and configure midpoint setting.- Returns:
setting with maximum margin to write pointer.
- dac_write(addr, data)[source]
Write 16 bits to a DAC register.
- Parameters:
addr – Register address
data – Register data to write
- duc_stb()[source]
Strobe the DUC configuration register update.
Transfer staging to active registers. This affects both DUC channels.
- get_crc_err()[source]
Get the frame CRC error counter.
- Returns:
The number of frames with CRC mismatches sind the reset of the device. Overflows at 256.
- get_dac_alarms()[source]
Read the DAC alarm flags.
- Returns:
DAC alarm flags (see datasheet for bit meaning)
- get_dac_temperature() numpy.int32 [source]
Read the DAC die temperature.
- Returns:
DAC temperature in degree Celsius
- get_next_frame_mu()[source]
Return the timestamp of the frame strictly after
.Register updates (DUC, DAC, TRF, etc.) scheduled at this timestamp and multiples of
later will have deterministic latency to output.
- get_sta()[source]
Get the status register value.
Bit flags are:
: Quadrature upconverter 0 lock detectPHASER_STA_TRF1_LD
: Quadrature upconverter 1 lock detectPHASER_STA_TERM0
: ADC channel 0 termination indicatorPHASER_STA_TERM1
: ADC channel 1 termination indicatorPHASER_STA_SPI_IDLE
: SPI machine is idle and data registers can be read/written
- Returns:
Status register
- init(debug=False)[source]
Initialize the board.
Verifies board and chip presence, resets components, performs communication and configuration tests and establishes initial conditions.
- measure_frame_timestamp()[source]
Measure the timestamp of an arbitrary frame and store it in
.To be used as reference for aligning updates to the FastLink frames. See
- read8(addr) numpy.int32 [source]
Read from FPGA register.
- Parameters:
addr – Address to read from (7-bit)
- Returns:
Data read (8-bit)
- set_cfg(clk_sel=0, dac_resetb=1, dac_sleep=0, dac_txena=1, trf0_ps=0, trf1_ps=0, att0_rstn=1, att1_rstn=1)[source]
Set the configuration register.
Each flag is a single bit (0 or 1).
- Parameters:
clk_sel – Select the external SMA clock input
dac_resetb – Active low DAC reset pin
dac_sleep – DAC sleep pin
dac_txena – Enable DAC transmission pin
trf0_ps – Quadrature upconverter 0 power save
trf1_ps – Quadrature upconverter 1 power save
att0_rstn – Active low attenuator 0 reset
att1_rstn – Active low attenuator 1 reset
- set_dac_cmix(fs_8_step)[source]
Set the DAC coarse mixer frequency for both channels.
Use of the coarse mixer requires the DAC mixer to be enabled. The mixer can be configured via the
configuration dictionary (seePhaser
).The selected coarse mixer frequency becomes active without explicit synchronisation.
- Parameters:
fs_8_step – coarse mixer frequency shift in 125 MHz steps. This should be an integer between -3 and 4 (inclusive).
- set_fan_mu(pwm)[source]
Set the fan duty cycle in machine units.
- Parameters:
pwm – Duty cycle in machine units (8-bit)
- spi_cfg(select, div, end, clk_phase=0, clk_polarity=0, half_duplex=0, lsb_first=0, offline=0, length=8)[source]
Set the SPI machine configuration
- Parameters:
select – Chip selects to assert (DAC, TRF0, TRF1, ATT0, ATT1)
div – SPI clock divider relative to 250 MHz fabric clock
end – Whether to end the SPI transaction and deassert chip select
clk_phase – SPI clock phase (sample on first or second edge)
clk_polarity – SPI clock polarity (idle low or high)
half_duplex – Read MISO data from MOSI wire
lsb_first – Transfer the least significant bit first
offline – Put the SPI interfaces offline and don’t drive voltages
length – SPI transfer length (1 to 8 bits)
- class artiq.coredevice.phaser.PhaserChannel(phaser, index, trf)[source]
Phaser channel IQ pair.
A Phaser channel contains:
(in the coredevice phy),an interpolation chain and digital upconverter (DUC) on Phaser,
instance on Phaser,several channel-specific settings in the DAC:
quadrature modulation compensation QMC
numerically controlled oscillator NCO or coarse mixer CMIX,
the analog quadrature upconverter (in the Phaser-Upconverter hardware variant), and
a digitally controlled step attenuator.
: List of five instances ofPhaserOscillator
: AMiqro
The amplitude sum of the oscillators must be less than one to avoid clipping or overflow. If any of the DDS or DUC frequencies are non-zero, it is not sufficient to ensure that the sum in each quadrature is within range.
The interpolation filter on Phaser has an intrinsic sinc-like overshoot in its step response. That overshoot is a direct consequence of its near-brick-wall frequency response. For large and wide-band changes in oscillator parameters, the overshoot can lead to clipping or overflow after the interpolation. Either band-limit any changes in the oscillator parameters or back off the amplitude sufficiently. Miqro is not affected by this, but both the oscillators and Miqro can be affected by intrinsic overshoot of the interpolator on the DAC.
- cal_trf_vco()[source]
Start calibration of the upconverter (hardware variant) VCO.
TRF outputs should be disabled during VCO calibration.
- en_trf_out(rf=1, lo=0)[source]
Enable the rf/lo outputs of the upconverter (hardware variant).
- Parameters:
rf – 1 to enable RF output, 0 to disable
lo – 1 to enable LO output, 0 to disable
- get_att_mu() numpy.int32 [source]
Read current attenuation.
The current attenuation value is read without side effects.
- Returns:
Current attenuation in machine units
- get_dac_data() numpy.int32 [source]
Get a sample of the current DAC data.
The data is split accross multiple registers and thus the data is only valid if constant.
- Returns:
DAC data as 32-bit IQ. I/DACA/DACC in the 16 LSB, Q/DACB/DACD in the 16 MSB
- set_att_mu(data)[source]
Set channel attenuation.
- Parameters:
data – Attenuator data in machine units (8-bit)
- set_dac_test(data: numpy.int32)[source]
Set the DAC test data.
- Parameters:
data – 32-bit IQ test data, I/DACA/DACC in the 16 LSB, Q/DACB/DACD in the 16 MSB
- set_duc_cfg(clr=0, clr_once=0, select=0)[source]
Set the digital upconverter (DUC) and interpolator configuration.
- Parameters:
clr – Keep the phase accumulator cleared (persistent)
clr_once – Clear the phase accumulator for one cycle
select – Select the data to send to the DAC (0: DUC data, 1: test data, other values: reserved)
- set_duc_frequency(frequency)[source]
Set the DUC frequency in SI units.
- Parameters:
frequency – DUC frequency in Hz (passband from -200 MHz to 200 MHz, wrapping around at +- 250 MHz)
- set_duc_frequency_mu(ftw)[source]
Set the DUC frequency.
- Parameters:
ftw – DUC frequency tuning word (32-bit)
- set_duc_phase_mu(pow)[source]
Set the DUC phase offset.
- Parameters:
pow – DUC phase offset word (16-bit)
- set_iir(profile, kp, ki=0.0, g=0.0, x_offset=0.0, y_offset=0.0)[source]
Set servo profile IIR coefficients.
Avoid setting the IIR parameters of the currently active profile.
Gains are given in units of output full per scale per input full scale.
Due to inherent constraints of the fixed point datatypes and IIR filters, the
(setpoint) resolution depends on the selected gains. Lowki
gains will lead to a lowx_offset
resolution.The transfer function is (up to time discretization and coefficient quantization errors):
\[H(s) = k_p + \frac{k_i}{s + \frac{k_i}{g}}\]- Where:
\(s = \sigma + i\omega\) is the complex frequency
\(k_p\) is the proportional gain
\(k_i\) is the integrator gain
\(g\) is the integrator gain limit
- Parameters:
profile – Profile number (0-3)
kp – Proportional gain. This is usually negative (closed loop, positive ADC voltage, positive setpoint). When 0, this implements a pure I controller.
ki – Integrator gain (rad/s). Equivalent to the gain at 1 Hz. When 0 (the default) this implements a pure P controller. Same sign as
.g – Integrator gain limit (1). When 0 (the default) the integrator gain limit is infinite. Same sign as
.x_offset – IIR input offset. Used as the negative setpoint when stabilizing to a desired input setpoint. Will be converted to an equivalent output offset and added to
.y_offset – IIR output offset.
- set_iir_mu(profile, b0, b1, a1, offset)[source]
Load a servo profile consiting of the three filter coefficients and an output offset.
Avoid setting the IIR parameters of the currently active profile.
The recurrence relation is (all data signed and MSB aligned):
\[a_0 y_n = a_1 y_{n - 1} + b_0 x_n + b_1 x_{n - 1} + o\]Where:
\(y_n\) and \(y_{n-1}\) are the current and previous filter outputs, clipped to \([0, 1[\).
\(x_n\) and \(x_{n-1}\) are the current and previous filter inputs in \([-1, 1[\).
\(o\) is the offset
\(a_0\) is the normalization factor \(2^{14}\)
\(a_1\) is the feedback gain
\(b_0\) and \(b_1\) are the feedforward gains for the two delays
See also
.- Parameters:
profile – Profile to set (0 to 3)
b0 – b0 filter coefficient (16-bit signed)
b1 – b1 filter coefficient (16-bit signed)
a1 – a1 filter coefficient (16-bit signed)
offset – Output offset (16-bit signed)
- set_nco_frequency(frequency)[source]
Set the NCO frequency in SI units.
This method stages the new NCO frequency, but does not apply it.
Use of the DAC-NCO requires the DAC mixer and NCO to be enabled. These can be configured via the
configuration dictionary (seePhaser
).- Parameters:
frequency – NCO frequency in Hz (passband from -400 MHz to 400 MHz, wrapping around at +- 500 MHz)
- set_nco_frequency_mu(ftw)[source]
Set the NCO frequency.
This method stages the new NCO frequency, but does not apply it.
Use of the DAC-NCO requires the DAC mixer and NCO to be enabled. These can be configured via the
configuration dictionary (seePhaser
).- Parameters:
ftw – NCO frequency tuning word (32-bit)
- set_nco_phase(phase)[source]
Set the NCO phase in SI units.
By default, the new NCO phase applies on completion of the SPI transfer. This also causes a staged NCO frequency to be applied. Different triggers for applying NCO settings may be configured through the
fields in thedac
configuration dictionary (seePhaser
).Use of the DAC-NCO requires the DAC mixer and NCO to be enabled. These can be configured via the
configuration dictionary.- Parameters:
phase – NCO phase in turns
- set_nco_phase_mu(pow)[source]
Set the NCO phase offset.
By default, the new NCO phase applies on completion of the SPI transfer. This also causes a staged NCO frequency to be applied. Different triggers for applying NCO settings may be configured through the
fields in thedac
configuration dictionary (seePhaser
).Use of the DAC-NCO requires the DAC mixer and NCO to be enabled. These can be configured via the
configuration dictionary.- Parameters:
pow – NCO phase offset word (16-bit)
- set_servo(profile=0, enable=0, hold=0)[source]
Set the servo configuration.
- Parameters:
enable – 1 to enable servo, 0 to disable servo (default). If disabled, the servo is bypassed and hold is enforced since the control loop is broken.
hold – 1 to hold the servo IIR filter output constant, 0 for normal operation.
profile – Profile index to select for channel. (0 to 3)
- class artiq.coredevice.phaser.PhaserOscillator(channel, index)[source]
Phaser IQ channel oscillator (NCO/DDS).
Latencies between oscillators within a channel and between oscillator parameters (amplitude and phase/frequency) are deterministic (with respect to the 25 MS/s sample clock) but not matched.
- set_amplitude_phase(amplitude, phase=0.0, clr=0)[source]
Set Phaser MultiDDS amplitude and phase.
- Parameters:
amplitude – Amplitude in units of full scale
phase – Phase in turns
clr – Clear the phase accumulator (persistent)
- set_amplitude_phase_mu(asf=32767, pow=0, clr=0)[source]
Set Phaser MultiDDS amplitude, phase offset and accumulator clear.
- Parameters:
asf – Amplitude (15-bit)
pow – Phase offset word (16-bit)
clr – Clear the phase accumulator (persistent)
DAC/ADC drivers
RTIO driver for the Analog Devices AD53[67][0123] family of multi-channel Digital to Analog Converters.
Output event replacement is not supported and issuing commands at the same time results in a collision error.
- class artiq.coredevice.ad53xx.AD53xx(dmgr, spi_device, ldac_device=None, clr_device=None, chip_select=1, div_write=4, div_read=16, vref=5.0, offset_dacs=8192, core='core')[source]
Analog devices AD53[67][0123] family of multi-channel Digital to Analog Converters.
- Parameters:
spi_device – SPI bus device name
ldac_device – LDAC RTIO TTLOut channel name (optional)
clr_device – CLR RTIO TTLOut channel name (optional)
chip_select – Value to drive on SPI chip select lines during transactions (default: 1)
div_write – SPI clock divider for write operations (default: 4, 50MHz max SPI clock with {t_high, t_low} >=8ns)
div_read – SPI clock divider for read operations (default: 16, not optimized for speed; datasheet says t22: 25ns min SCLK edge to SDO valid, and suggests the SPI speed for reads should be <=20 MHz)
vref – DAC reference voltage (default: 5.)
offset_dacs – Initial register value for the two offset DACs (default: 8192). Device dependent and must be set correctly for correct voltage-to-mu conversions. Knowledge of this state is not transferred between experiments.
core_device – Core device name (default: “core”)
- calibrate(channel, vzs, vfs)[source]
Two-point calibration of a DAC channel.
Programs the offset and gain register to trim out DAC errors. Does not take effect until LDAC is pulsed (see
).Calibration consists of measuring the DAC output voltage for a channel with the DAC set to zero-scale (0x0000) and full-scale (0xffff).
Note that only negative offsets and full-scale errors (DAC gain too high) can be calibrated in this fashion.
- Parameters:
channel – The number of the calibrated channel
vzs – Measured voltage with the DAC set to zero-scale (0x0000)
vfs – Measured voltage with the DAC set to full-scale (0xffff)
- init(blind=False)[source]
Configures the SPI bus, drives LDAC and CLR high, programmes the offset DACs, and enables overtemperature shutdown.
This method must be called before any other method at start-up or if the SPI bus has been accessed by another device.
- Parameters:
blind – If
, do not attempt to read back control register or check for overtemperature.
- load()[source]
Pulse the LDAC line.
Note that there is a <= 1.5us “BUSY” period (t10) after writing to a DAC input/gain/offset register. All DAC registers may be programmed normally during the busy period, however LDACs during the busy period cause the DAC output to change after the BUSY period has completed, instead of the usual immediate update on LDAC behaviour.
This method advances the timeline by two RTIO clock periods.
- read_reg(channel=0, op=1024)[source]
Read a DAC register.
This method advances the timeline by the duration of two SPI transfers plus two RTIO coarse cycles plus 270 ns and consumes all slack.
- Parameters:
channel – Channel number to read from (default: 0)
op – Operation to perform, one of
etc. (default:AD53XX_READ_X1A
- Returns:
The 16-bit register value
- set_dac(voltages, channels=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39])[source]
Program multiple DAC channels and pulse LDAC to update the DAC outputs.
This method does not advance the timeline; write events are scheduled in the past. The DACs will synchronously start changing their output levels now.
If no LDAC device was defined, the LDAC pulse is skipped.
- Parameters:
voltages – list of voltages to program the DAC channels to
channels – list of DAC channels to program. If not specified, we program the DAC channels sequentially, starting at 0.
- set_dac_mu(values, channels=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39])[source]
Program multiple DAC channels and pulse LDAC to update the DAC outputs.
This method does not advance the timeline; write events are scheduled in the past. The DACs will synchronously start changing their output levels
.If no LDAC device was defined, the LDAC pulse is skipped.
.- Parameters:
values – list of DAC values to program
channels – list of DAC channels to program. If not specified, we program the DAC channels sequentially, starting at 0.
- voltage_to_mu(voltage)[source]
Returns the 16-bit DAC register value required to produce a given output voltage, assuming offset and gain errors have been trimmed out.
The 16-bit register value may also be used with 14-bit DACs. The additional bits are disregarded by 14-bit DACs.
- Parameters:
voltage – Voltage in SI units. Valid voltages are: [-2*vref, + 2*vref - 1 LSB] + voltage offset.
- Returns:
The 16-bit DAC register value
- write_dac(channel, voltage)[source]
Program the DAC output voltage for a channel.
The DAC output is not updated until LDAC is pulsed (see
). This method advances the timeline by the duration of one SPI transfer.
- write_dac_mu(channel, value)[source]
Program the DAC input register for a channel.
The DAC output is not updated until LDAC is pulsed (see
). This method advances the timeline by the duration of one SPI transfer.
- write_gain_mu(channel, gain=65535)[source]
Program the gain register for a DAC channel.
The DAC output is not updated until LDAC is pulsed (see
). This method advances the timeline by the duration of one SPI transfer.- Parameters:
gain – 16-bit gain register value (default: 0xffff)
- write_offset(channel, voltage)[source]
Program the DAC offset voltage for a channel.
An offset of +V can be used to trim out a DAC offset error of -V. The DAC output is not updated until LDAC is pulsed (see
). This method advances the timeline by the duration of one SPI transfer.- Parameters:
voltage – the offset voltage
- artiq.coredevice.ad53xx.ad53xx_cmd_read_ch(channel, op)[source]
Returns the word that must be written to the DAC to read a given DAC channel register.
- Parameters:
channel – DAC channel to read (8 bits)
op – The channel register to read, one of
- Returns:
The 24-bit word to be written to the DAC to initiate read
- artiq.coredevice.ad53xx.ad53xx_cmd_write_ch(channel, value, op)[source]
Returns the word that must be written to the DAC to set a DAC channel register to a given value.
- Parameters:
channel – DAC channel to write to (8 bits)
value – 16-bit value to write to the register
op – The channel register to write to, one of
- Returns:
The 24-bit word to be written to the DAC
- artiq.coredevice.ad53xx.voltage_to_mu(voltage, offset_dacs=8192, vref=5.0)[source]
Returns the 16-bit DAC register value required to produce a given output voltage, assuming offset and gain errors have been trimmed out.
The 16-bit register value may also be used with 14-bit DACs. The additional bits are disregarded by 14-bit DACs.
Also used to return offset register value required to produce a given voltage when the DAC register is set to mid-scale. An offset of V can be used to trim out a DAC offset error of -V.
- Parameters:
voltage – Voltage in SI units. Valid voltages are: [-2*vref, + 2*vref - 1 LSB] + voltage offset.
offset_dacs – Register value for the two offset DACs (default: 0x2000)
vref – DAC reference voltage (default: 5.)
- Returns:
The 16-bit DAC register value
RTIO driver for the Zotino 32-channel, 16-bit 1MSPS DAC.
Output event replacement is not supported and issuing commands at the same time results in a collision error.
- class artiq.coredevice.zotino.Zotino(dmgr, spi_device, ldac_device=None, clr_device=None, div_write=4, div_read=16, vref=5.0, core='core')[source]
Zotino 32-channel, 16-bit 1MSPS DAC.
Controls the AD5372 DAC and the 8 user LEDs via a shared SPI interface.
- Parameters:
spi_device – SPI bus device name
ldac_device – LDAC RTIO TTLOut channel name.
clr_device – CLR RTIO TTLOut channel name.
div_write – SPI clock divider for write operations (default: 4, 50MHz max SPI clock)
div_read – SPI clock divider for read operations (default: 16, not optimized for speed; datasheet says t22: 25ns min SCLK edge to SDO valid, and suggests the SPI speed for reads should be <=20 MHz)
vref – DAC reference voltage (default: 5.)
core_device – Core device name (default: “core”)
- class artiq.coredevice.sampler.Sampler(dmgr, spi_adc_device, spi_pgia_device, cnv_device, div=8, gains=0, hw_rev='v2.2', core_device='core')[source]
Sampler ADC.
Controls the LTC2320-16 8-channel 16-bit ADC with SPI interface and the switchable gain instrumentation amplifiers.
- Parameters:
spi_adc_device – ADC SPI bus device name
spi_pgia_device – PGIA SPI bus device name
cnv_device – CNV RTIO TTLOut channel name
div – SPI clock divider (default: 8)
gains – Initial value for PGIA gains shift register (default: 0x0000). Knowledge of this state is not transferred between experiments.
hw_rev – Sampler’s hardware revision string (default ‘v2.2’)
core_device – Core device name
- get_gains_mu()[source]
Read the PGIA gain settings of all channels.
- Returns:
The PGIA gain settings in machine units.
- sample(data)[source]
Acquire a set of samples.
See also
.- Parameters:
data – List of floating point data samples to fill.
- sample_mu(data)[source]
Acquire a set of samples.
Perform a conversion and transfer the samples.
This assumes that the input FIFO of the ADC SPI RTIO channel is deep enough to buffer the samples (half the length of
deep). If it is not, there will be RTIO input overflows.- Parameters:
data – List of data samples to fill. Must have even length. Samples are always read from the last channel (channel 7) down. The
list will always be filled with the last item holding to the sample from channel 7.
- artiq.coredevice.sampler.adc_mu_to_volt(data, gain=0, corrected_fs=True)[source]
Convert ADC data in machine units to volts.
- Parameters:
data – 16-bit signed ADC word
gain – PGIA gain setting (0: 1, …, 3: 1000)
corrected_fs – use corrected ADC FS reference. Should be
for Sampler revisions after v2.1.False
for v2.1 and earlier.
- Returns:
Voltage in volts
- class artiq.coredevice.novogorny.Novogorny(dmgr, spi_device, cnv_device, div=8, gains=0, core_device='core')[source]
Novogorny ADC.
Controls the LTC2335-16 8 channel ADC with SPI interface and the switchable gain instrumentation amplifiers using a shift register.
- Parameters:
spi_device – SPI bus device name
cnv_device – CNV RTIO TTLOut channel name
div – SPI clock divider (default: 8)
gains – Initial value for PGIA gains shift register (default: 0x0000). Knowledge of this state is not transferred between experiments.
core_device – Core device name
- burst_mu(data, dt_mu, ctrl=0)[source]
Acquire a burst of samples.
If the burst is too long and the sample rate too high, there will be :exc:RTIOOverflow exceptions.
High sample rates lead to gain errors since the impedance between the instrumentation amplifier and the ADC is high.
- Parameters:
data – List of data values to write result packets into. In machine units.
dt – Sample interval in machine units.
ctrl – ADC control word to write during each result packet transfer.
- configure(data)[source]
Set up the ADC sequencer.
- Parameters:
data – List of 8-bit control words to write into the sequencer table.
- sample(next_ctrl=0)[source]
Acquire a sample. See also
.- Parameters:
next_ctrl – ADC control word for the next sample
- Returns:
The ADC result packet (volts)
- artiq.coredevice.novogorny.adc_channel(data)[source]
Return the channel index from a result packet.
- artiq.coredevice.novogorny.adc_ctrl(channel=1, softspan=7, valid=1)[source]
Build a LTC2335-16 control word.
RTIO driver for the Fastino 32-channel, 16-bit, 2.5 MS/s per channel streaming DAC.
- class artiq.coredevice.fastino.Fastino(dmgr, channel, core_device='core', log2_width=0)[source]
Fastino 32-channel, 16-bit, 2.5 MS/s per channel streaming DAC
The RTIO PHY supports staging DAC data before transmitting them by writing to the DAC RTIO addresses, if a channel is not “held” by setting its bit using
, the next frame will contain the update. For the DACs held, the update is triggered explicitly by setting the corresponding bit usingupdate()
. Update is self-clearing. This enables atomic DAC updates synchronized to a frame edge.The
RTIO layout uses one DAC channel per RTIO address and a dense RTIO address space. The RTIO words are narrow (32-bit) and few-channel updates are efficient. There is the least amount of DAC state tracking in kernels, at the cost of more DMA and RTIO data. The setting here and in the RTIO PHY (gateware) must match.Other
(up tolog2_width=5
) settings pack multiple (in powers of two) DAC channels into one group and into one RTIO write. The RTIO data width increases accordingly. Thelog2_width
LSBs of the RTIO address for a DAC channel write must be zero and the address space is sparse. Forlog2_width=5
the RTIO data is 512-bit wide.If
is zero, theset_dac()
interface must be used. If non-zero, theset_group()
interface must be used.- Parameters:
channel – RTIO channel number
core_device – Core device name (default: “core”)
log2_width – Width of DAC channel group (logarithm base 2). Value must match the corresponding value in the RTIO PHY (gateware).
- apply_cic(channel_mask)[source]
Apply the staged interpolator configuration on the specified channels.
Each Fastino channel starting with gateware v0.2 includes a fourth order (cubic) CIC interpolator with variable rate change and variable output gain compensation (see
).Fastino gateware before v0.2 does not include the interpolators and the methods affecting the CICs should not be used.
Channels using non-unity interpolation rate should have continous DAC updates enabled (see
) unless their output is supposed to be constant.This method resets and settles the affected interpolators. There will be no output updates for the next
order = 3
input samples. Affected channels will only accept one input sample per input sample period. This method synchronizes the input sample period to the current frame on the affected channels.If application of new interpolator settings results in a change of the overall gain, there will be a corresponding output step.
- init()[source]
Initialize the device.
disables RESET, DAC_CLR, enables AFE_PWR
clears error counters, enables error counting
turns LEDs off
on all channelsclear and resets interpolators to unit rate change on all channels
It does not change set channel voltages and does not reset the PLLs or clock domains.
On Fastino gateware before v0.2 this may lead to 0 voltage being emitted transiently.
- read(addr)[source]
Read from Fastino register.
TODO: untested
- Parameters:
addr – Address to read from.
- Returns:
The data read.
- set_cfg(reset=0, afe_power_down=0, dac_clr=0, clr_err=0)[source]
Set configuration bits.
- Parameters:
reset – Reset SPI PLL and SPI clock domain.
afe_power_down – Disable AFE power.
dac_clr – Assert all 32 DAC_CLR signals setting all DACs to mid-scale (0 V).
clr_err – Clear error counters and PLL reset indicator. This clears the sticky red error LED. Must be cleared to enable error counting.
- set_continuous(channel_mask)[source]
Enable continuous DAC updates on channels regardless of new data being submitted.
- set_dac(dac, voltage)[source]
Set DAC data to given voltage.
- Parameters:
dac – DAC channel (0-31).
voltage – Desired output voltage.
- set_dac_mu(dac, data)[source]
Write DAC data in machine units.
- Parameters:
dac – DAC channel to write to (0-31).
data – DAC word to write, 16-bit unsigned integer, in machine units.
- set_group(dac, voltage)[source]
Set DAC group data to given voltage.
- Parameters:
dac – DAC channel (0-31).
voltage – Desired output voltage.
- set_group_mu(dac: numpy.int32, data: list(elt=numpy.int32))[source]
Write a group of DAC channels in machine units.
- Parameters:
dac – First channel in DAC channel group (0-31). The
LSBs must be – List of DAC data pairs (2x16-bit unsigned) to write, in machine units. Data exceeding group size is ignored. If the list length is less than group size, the remaining DAC channels within the group are cleared to 0 (machine units).
- set_hold(hold)[source]
Set channels to manual update.
- Parameters:
hold – Bit mask of channels to hold (32-bit).
- set_leds(leds)[source]
Set the green user-defined LEDs.
- Parameters:
leds – LED status, 8-bit integer each bit corresponding to one green LED.
- stage_cic(rate) numpy.int32 [source]
Compute and stage interpolator configuration.
This method approximates the desired interpolation rate using a 10-bit floating point representation (6-bit mantissa, 4-bit exponent) and then determines an optimal interpolation gain compensation exponent to avoid clipping. Gains for rates that are powers of two are accurately compensated. Other rates lead to overall less than unity gain (but more than 0.5 gain).
The overall gain including gain compensation is
actual_rate ** order / 2 ** ceil(log2(actual_rate ** order))
whereorder = 3
.Returns the actual interpolation rate.
- stage_cic_mu(rate_mantissa, rate_exponent, gain_exponent)[source]
Stage machine unit CIC interpolator configuration.
- update(update)[source]
Schedule channels for update.
- Parameters:
update – Bit mask of channels to update (32-bit).
- voltage_group_to_mu(voltage, data)[source]
Convert SI volts to packed DAC channel group machine units.
- Parameters:
voltage – List of SI volt voltages.
data – List of DAC channel data pairs to write to. Half the length of voltage.
- class artiq.coredevice.shuttler.ADC(dmgr, spi_device, core_device='core')[source]
Shuttler AFE ADC (AD4115) driver.
- Parameters:
spi_device – SPI bus device name.
core_device – Core device name.
- calibrate(volts, trigger, config, samples=[-5.0, 0.0, 5.0])[source]
Calibrate the Shuttler waveform generator using the ADC on the AFE.
Finds the average slope rate and average offset by samples, and compensates by writing the pre-DAC gain and offset registers in the configuration registers.
If the pre-calibration slope rate is less than 1, the calibration procedure will introduce a pre-DAC gain compensation. However, this may saturate the pre-DAC voltage code (see
notes). Shuttler cannot cover the entire +/- 10 V range in this case. See alsoConfig.set_gain()
.- Parameters:
volts – A list of all 16 cubic DC-bias splines. (See
)trigger – The Shuttler spline coefficient update trigger.
config – The Shuttler Core configuration registers.
samples – A list of sample voltages for calibration. There must be at least 2 samples to perform slope rate calculation.
- power_down()[source]
Place the ADC in power-down mode.
The ADC must be reset before returning to other modes.
The AD4115 datasheet suggests placing the ADC in standby mode before power-down. This is to prevent accidental entry into the power-down mode. See also
- power_up()[source]
Exit the ADC power-down mode.
The ADC should be in power-down mode before calling this method.
See also
- read16(addr: numpy.int32) numpy.int32 [source]
Read from 16-bit register.
- Parameters:
addr – Register address.
- Returns:
Read-back register content.
- read24(addr: numpy.int32) numpy.int32 [source]
Read from 24-bit register.
- Parameters:
addr – Register address.
- Returns:
Read-back register content.
- read8(addr: numpy.int32) numpy.int32 [source]
Read from 8-bit register.
- Parameters:
addr – Register address.
- Returns:
Read-back register content.
- read_ch(channel: numpy.int32) float [source]
Sample a Shuttler channel on the AFE.
Performs a single conversion using profile 0 and setup 0 on the selected channel. The sample is then recovered and converted to volts.
- Parameters:
channel – Shuttler channel to be sampled.
- Returns:
Voltage sample in volts.
- read_id() numpy.int32 [source]
Read the product ID of the ADC.
The expected return value is 0x38DX, the 4 LSbs are don’t cares.
- Returns:
The read-back product ID.
- reset()[source]
AD4115 reset procedure.
Performs a write operation of 96 serial clock cycles with DIN held at high. This resets the entire device, including the register contents.
The datasheet only requires 64 cycles, but reasserting
right after the transfer appears to interrupt the start-up sequence.
- single_conversion()[source]
Place the ADC in single conversion mode.
The ADC returns to standby mode after the conversion is complete.
- standby()[source]
Place the ADC in standby mode and disable power down the clock.
The ADC can be returned to single conversion mode by calling
- write16(addr: numpy.int32, data: numpy.int32)[source]
Write to 16-bit register.
- Parameters:
addr – Register address.
data – Data to be written.
- class artiq.coredevice.shuttler.Config(dmgr, channel, core_device='core')[source]
Shuttler configuration registers interface.
The configuration registers control waveform phase auto-clear, pre-DAC gain and offset values for calibration with ADC on the Shuttler AFE card.
To find the calibrated DAC code, the Shuttler Core first multiplies the output data with pre-DAC gain, then adds the offset.
The DAC code is capped at 0x7fff and 0x8000.
- Parameters:
channel – RTIO channel number of this interface.
core_device – Core device name.
- get_gain(channel)[source]
Return the pre-DAC gain value of a Shuttler Core channel.
- Parameters:
channel – The Shuttler Core channel.
- Returns:
Pre-DAC gain value. See
- get_offset(channel)[source]
Return the pre-DAC offset value of a Shuttler Core channel.
- Parameters:
channel – The Shuttler Core channel.
- Returns:
Pre-DAC offset value. See
- set_clr(clr)[source]
Set/Unset waveform phase clear bits.
Each bit corresponds to a Shuttler waveform generator core. Setting a clear bit forces the Shuttler Core to clear the phase accumulator on waveform trigger (See
for the trigger method). Otherwise, the phase accumulator increments from its original value.- Parameters:
clr – Waveform phase clear bits. The MSB corresponds to Channel 15, LSB corresponds to Channel 0.
- set_gain(channel, gain)[source]
Set the 16-bits pre-DAC gain register of a Shuttler Core channel.
The gain parameter represents the decimal portion of the gain factor. The MSB represents 0.5 and the sign bit. Hence, the valid total gain value (1 +/- 0.gain) ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 - LSB.
- Parameters:
channel – Shuttler Core channel to be configured.
gain – Shuttler Core channel gain.
- set_offset(channel, offset)[source]
Set the 16-bits pre-DAC offset register of a Shuttler Core channel.
See also
.- Parameters:
channel – Shuttler Core channel to be configured.
offset – Shuttler Core channel offset.
- class artiq.coredevice.shuttler.DCBias(dmgr, channel, core_device='core')[source]
Shuttler Core cubic DC-bias spline.
A Shuttler channel can generate a waveform w(t) that is the sum of a cubic spline a(t) and a sinusoid modulated in amplitude by a cubic spline b(t) and in phase/frequency by a quadratic spline c(t), where
\[w(t) = a(t) + b(t) * cos(c(t))\]and t corresponds to time in seconds. This class controls the cubic spline a(t), in which
\[a(t) = p_0 + p_1t + \frac{p_2t^2}{2} + \frac{p_3t^3}{6}\]and a(t) is measured in volts.
- Parameters:
channel – RTIO channel number of this DC-bias spline interface.
core_device – Core device name.
- set_waveform(a0: numpy.int32, a1: numpy.int32, a2: numpy.int64, a3: numpy.int64)[source]
Set the DC-bias spline waveform.
Given a(t) as defined in
, the coefficients should be configured by the following formulae:\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}T &= 8*10^{-9}\\a_0 &= p_0\\a_1 &= p_1T + \frac{p_2T^2}{2} + \frac{p_3T^3}{6}\\a_2 &= p_2T^2 + p_3T^3\\a_3 &= p_3T^3\end{aligned}\end{align} \]\(a_0\), \(a_1\), \(a_2\) and \(a_3\) are 16, 32, 48 and 48 bits in width respectively. See
for machine unit conversion.Note
The waveform is not updated to the Shuttler Core until triggered. See
for the update triggering mechanism.- Parameters:
a0 – The \(a_0\) coefficient in machine unit.
a1 – The \(a_1\) coefficient in machine unit.
a2 – The \(a_2\) coefficient in machine unit.
a3 – The \(a_3\) coefficient in machine unit.
- class artiq.coredevice.shuttler.DDS(dmgr, channel, core_device='core')[source]
Shuttler Core DDS spline.
A Shuttler channel can generate a waveform w(t) that is the sum of a cubic spline a(t) and a sinusoid modulated in amplitude by a cubic spline b(t) and in phase/frequency by a quadratic spline c(t), where
\[w(t) = a(t) + b(t) * cos(c(t))\]and t corresponds to time in seconds. This class controls the cubic spline b(t) and quadratic spline c(t), in which
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}b(t) &= g * (q_0 + q_1t + \frac{q_2t^2}{2} + \frac{q_3t^3}{6})\\c(t) &= r_0 + r_1t + \frac{r_2t^2}{2}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]b(t) is in volts, c(t) is in number of turns. Note that b(t) contributes to a constant gain of \(g=1.64676\).
- Parameters:
channel – RTIO channel number of this DC-bias spline interface.
core_device – Core device name.
- set_waveform(b0: numpy.int32, b1: numpy.int32, b2: numpy.int64, b3: numpy.int64, c0: numpy.int32, c1: numpy.int32, c2: numpy.int32)[source]
Set the DDS spline waveform.
Given b(t) and c(t) as defined in
, the coefficients should be configured by the following formulae.\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}T &= 8*10^{-9}\\b_0 &= q_0\\b_1 &= q_1T + \frac{q_2T^2}{2} + \frac{q_3T^3}{6}\\b_2 &= q_2T^2 + q_3T^3\\b_3 &= q_3T^3\\c_0 &= r_0\\c_1 &= r_1T + \frac{r_2T^2}{2}\\c_2 &= r_2T^2\end{aligned}\end{align} \]\(b_0\), \(b_1\), \(b_2\) and \(b_3\) are 16, 32, 48 and 48 bits in width respectively. See
for machine unit conversion. \(c_0\), \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) are 16, 32 and 32 bits in width respectively.Note: The waveform is not updated to the Shuttler Core until triggered. See
for the update triggering mechanism.- Parameters:
b0 – The \(b_0\) coefficient in machine units.
b1 – The \(b_1\) coefficient in machine units.
b2 – The \(b_2\) coefficient in machine units.
b3 – The \(b_3\) coefficient in machine units.
c0 – The \(c_0\) coefficient in machine units.
c1 – The \(c_1\) coefficient in machine units.
c2 – The \(c_2\) coefficient in machine units.
- class artiq.coredevice.shuttler.Relay(dmgr, spi_device, core_device='core')[source]
Shuttler AFE relay switches.
This class controls the AFE relay switches and the LEDs. Switch the relay on to enable AFE output; off to disable the output. The LEDs indicate the relay status.
The relay does not disable ADC measurements. Voltage of any channels can still be read by the ADC even after switching off the relays.
- Parameters:
spi_device – SPI bus device name.
core_device – Core device name.
- enable(en: numpy.int32)[source]
Enable/disable relay switches of corresponding channels.
Each bit corresponds to the relay switch of a channel. Asserting a bit turns on the corresponding relay switch; deasserting the same bit turns off the switch instead.
- Parameters:
en – Switch enable bits. The MSB corresponds to Channel 15, LSB corresponds to Channel 0.
- class artiq.coredevice.shuttler.Trigger(dmgr, channel, core_device='core')[source]
Shuttler Core spline coefficients update trigger.
- Parameters:
channel – RTIO channel number of the trigger interface.
core_device – Core device name.
- trigger(trig_out)[source]
Triggers coefficient update of (a) Shuttler Core channel(s).
Each bit corresponds to a Shuttler waveform generator core. Setting
bits commits the pending coefficient update (fromset_waveform
) to the Shuttler Core synchronously.- Parameters:
trig_out – Coefficient update trigger bits. The MSB corresponds to Channel 15, LSB corresponds to Channel 0.
- class artiq.coredevice.suservo.Channel(dmgr, channel, servo_device)[source]
Sampler-Urukul Servo channel
- Parameters:
channel – RTIO channel number
servo_device – Name of the parent SUServo device
- dds_offset_to_mu(offset)[source]
Convert IIR offset (negative setpoint) from units of full scale to machine units (see
).For positive ADC voltages as setpoints, this should be negative. Due to rounding and representation as two’s complement,
can not be represented whileoffset=-1
- get_profile_mu(profile, data)[source]
Retrieve profile data.
Profile data is returned in the
argument in machine units packed as:[ftw >> 16, b1, pow, adc | (delay << 8), offset, a1, ftw & 0xffff, b0]
.See also
The individual fields are described in
.This method advances the timeline by 32 µs and consumes all slack.
- Parameters:
profile – Profile number (0-31)
data – List of 8 integers to write the profile data into
- get_y(profile)[source]
Get a profile’s IIR state (filter output, Y0).
The IIR state is also known as the “integrator”, or the DDS amplitude scale factor. It is 17 bits wide and unsigned.
This method does not advance the timeline but consumes all slack.
If reading servo state through this method collides with the servo writing that same data, the data can become invalid. To ensure consistent and valid data, stop the servo before using this method.
- Parameters:
profile – Profile number (0-31)
- Returns:
IIR filter output in Y0 units of full scale
- get_y_mu(profile)[source]
Get a profile’s IIR state (filter output, Y0) in machine units.
The IIR state is also known as the “integrator”, or the DDS amplitude scale factor. It is 17 bits wide and unsigned.
This method does not advance the timeline but consumes all slack.
If reading servo state through this method collides with the servo writing that same data, the data can become invalid. To ensure consistent and valid data, stop the servo before using this method.
- Parameters:
profile – Profile number (0-31)
- Returns:
17-bit unsigned Y0
- set(en_out, en_iir=0, profile=0)[source]
Operate channel.
This method does not advance the timeline. Output RF switch setting takes effect immediately and is independent of any other activity (profile settings, other channels). The RF switch behaves like
. RTIO event replacement is supported. IIR updates take place once the RF switch has been enabled for the configured delay and the profile setting has been stable. Profile changes take between one and two servo cycles to reach the DDS.- Parameters:
en_out – RF switch enable
en_iir – IIR updates enable
profile – Active profile (0-31)
- set_dds(profile, frequency, offset, phase=0.0)[source]
Set profile DDS coefficients.
This method advances the timeline by four servo memory accesses. Profile parameter changes are not synchronized. Activate a different profile or stop the servo to ensure synchronous changes.
- Parameters:
profile – Profile number (0-31)
frequency – DDS frequency in Hz
offset – IIR offset (negative setpoint) in units of full scale, see
phase – DDS phase in turns
- set_dds_mu(profile, ftw, offs, pow_=0)[source]
Set profile DDS coefficients in machine units.
See also
.- Parameters:
profile – Profile number (0-31)
ftw – Frequency tuning word (32-bit unsigned)
offs – IIR offset (17-bit signed)
pow – Phase offset word (16-bit)
- set_dds_offset(profile, offset)[source]
Set only IIR offset in DDS coefficient profile.
for setting the complete DDS profile.- Parameters:
profile – Profile number (0-31)
offset – IIR offset (negative setpoint) in units of full scale
- set_dds_offset_mu(profile, offs)[source]
Set only IIR offset in DDS coefficient profile.
for setting the complete DDS profile.- Parameters:
profile – Profile number (0-31)
offs – IIR offset (17-bit signed)
- set_iir(profile, adc, kp, ki=0.0, g=0.0, delay=0.0)[source]
Set profile IIR coefficients.
This method advances the timeline by four servo memory accesses. Profile parameter changes are not synchronized. Activate a different profile or stop the servo to ensure synchronous changes.
Gains are given in units of output full per scale per input full scale.
The transfer function is (up to time discretization and coefficient quantization errors):
\[H(s) = k_p + \frac{k_i}{s + \frac{k_i}{g}}\]- Where:
\(s = \sigma + i\omega\) is the complex frequency
\(k_p\) is the proportional gain
\(k_i\) is the integrator gain
\(g\) is the integrator gain limit
- Parameters:
profile – Profile number (0-31)
adc – ADC channel to take IIR input from (0-7)
kp – Proportional gain (1). This is usually negative (closed loop, positive ADC voltage, positive setpoint). When 0, this implements a pure I controller.
ki – Integrator gain (rad/s). When 0 (the default) this implements a pure P controller. Same sign as
.g – Integrator gain limit (1). When 0 (the default) the integrator gain limit is infinite. Same sign as
.delay – Delay (in seconds, 0-300 µs) before allowing IIR updates after invoking
. This is rounded to the nearest number of servo cycles (~1.2 µs). Since the RF switch (set()
) can be opened at any time relative to the servo cycle, the first DDS update that carries updated IIR data will occur approximately betweendelay + 1 cycle
anddelay + 2 cycles
- set_iir_mu(profile, adc, a1, b0, b1, dly=0)[source]
Set profile IIR coefficients in machine units.
The recurrence relation is (all data signed and MSB aligned):
\[a_0 y_n = a_1 y_{n - 1} + b_0 (x_n + o)/2 + b_1 (x_{n - 1} + o)/2\]Where:
\(y_n\) and \(y_{n-1}\) are the current and previous filter outputs, clipped to \([0, 1[\).
\(x_n\) and \(x_{n-1}\) are the current and previous filter inputs in \([-1, 1[\).
\(o\) is the offset
\(a_0\) is the normalization factor \(2^{11}\)
\(a_1\) is the feedback gain
\(b_0\) and \(b_1\) are the feedforward gains for the two delays
See also
.- Parameters:
profile – Profile number (0-31)
adc – ADC channel to take IIR input from (0-7)
a1 – 18-bit signed A1 coefficient (Y1 coefficient, feedback, integrator gain)
b0 – 18-bit signed B0 coefficient (recent, X0 coefficient, feed forward, proportional gain)
b1 – 18-bit signed B1 coefficient (old, X1 coefficient, feed forward, proportional gain)
dly – IIR update suppression time. In units of IIR cycles (~1.2 µs, 0-255).
- set_y(profile, y)[source]
Set a profile’s IIR state (filter output, Y0).
The IIR state is also known as the “integrator”, or the DDS amplitude scale factor. It is 17 bits wide and unsigned.
This method must not be used when the servo could be writing to the same location. Either deactivate the profile, or deactivate IIR updates, or disable servo iterations.
This method advances the timeline by one servo memory access.
- Parameters:
profile – Profile number (0-31)
y – IIR state in units of full scale
- set_y_mu(profile, y)[source]
Set a profile’s IIR state (filter output, Y0) in machine units.
The IIR state is also known as the “integrator”, or the DDS amplitude scale factor. It is 17 bits wide and unsigned.
This method must not be used when the servo could be writing to the same location. Either deactivate the profile, or deactivate IIR updates, or disable servo iterations.
This method advances the timeline by one servo memory access.
- Parameters:
profile – Profile number (0-31)
y – 17-bit unsigned Y0
- class artiq.coredevice.suservo.SUServo(dmgr, channel, pgia_device, cpld_devices, dds_devices, gains=0, sampler_hw_rev='v2.2', core_device='core')[source]
Sampler-Urukul Servo parent and configuration device.
Sampler-Urukul Servo is a integrated device controlling one 8-channel ADC (Sampler) and two 4-channel DDS (Urukuls) with a DSP engine connecting the ADC data and the DDS output amplitudes to enable feedback. SU Servo can for example be used to implement intensity stabilization of laser beams with an amplifier and AOM driven by Urukul and a photodetector connected to Sampler.
Additionally SU Servo supports multiple preconfigured profiles per channel and features like automatic integrator hold.
See the SU Servo variant of the Kasli target for an example of how to connect the gateware and the devices. Sampler and each Urukul need two EEM connections.
Ensure that both Urukuls are AD9910 variants and have the on-board dip switches set to 1100 (first two on, last two off).
Refer to the Sampler and Urukul documentation and the SU Servo example device database for runtime configuration of the devices (PLLs, gains, clock routing etc.)
- Parameters:
channel – RTIO channel number
pgia_device – Name of the Sampler PGIA gain setting SPI bus
cpld_devices – Names of the Urukul CPLD SPI buses
dds_devices – Names of the AD9910 devices
gains – Initial value for PGIA gains shift register (default: 0x0000). Knowledge of this state is not transferred between experiments.
sampler_hw_rev – Sampler’s revision string
core_device – Core device name
- get_adc(channel)[source]
Get the latest ADC reading (IIR filter input X0).
This method does not advance the timeline but consumes all slack.
If reading servo state through this method collides with the servo writing that same data, the data can become invalid. To ensure consistent and valid data, stop the servo before using this method.
The PGIA gain setting must be known prior to using this method, either by setting the gain (
) or by supplying it (gains
or via the constructor/device database).- Parameters:
adc – ADC channel number (0-7)
- Returns:
ADC voltage
- get_adc_mu(adc)[source]
Get the latest ADC reading (IIR filter input X0) in machine units.
This method does not advance the timeline but consumes all slack.
If reading servo state through this method collides with the servo writing that same data, the data can become invalid. To ensure consistent and valid data, stop the servo before using this method.
- Parameters:
adc – ADC channel number (0-7)
- Returns:
17-bit signed X0
- get_status()[source]
Get current SU Servo status.
This method does not advance the timeline but consumes all slack.
bit indicates that a SU Servo cycle has completed. It is pulsed for one RTIO cycle every SU Servo cycle and asserted continuously when the servo is notenabled
and the pipeline has drained (the last DDS update is done).This method returns and clears the clip indicator for all channels. An asserted clip indicator corresponds to the servo having encountered an input signal on an active channel that would have resulted in the IIR state exceeding the output range.
- Returns:
Status. Bit 0: enabled, bit 1: done, bits 8-15: channel clip indicators.
- init()[source]
Initialize the servo, Sampler and both Urukuls.
Leaves the servo disabled (see
), resets and configures all DDS.Urukul initialization is performed blindly as there is no readback from the DDS or the CPLDs.
This method does not alter the profile configuration memory or the channel controls.
- read(addr)[source]
Read from servo memory.
This method does not advance the timeline but consumes all slack.
- Parameters:
addr – Memory location address.
- set_config(enable)[source]
Set SU Servo configuration.
This method advances the timeline by one servo memory access. It does not support RTIO event replacement.
- Parameters:
enable (int) – Enable servo operation. Enabling starts servo iterations beginning with the ADC sampling stage. The first DDS update will happen about two servo cycles (~2.3 µs) after enabling the servo. The delay is deterministic. This also provides a mean for synchronization of servo updates to other RTIO activity. Disabling takes up to two servo cycles (~2.3 µs) to clear the processing pipeline.
- class artiq.coredevice.grabber.Grabber(dmgr, channel_base, res_width=12, count_shift=0, core_device='core')[source]
Driver for the Grabber camera interface.
- gate_roi(mask)[source]
Defines which ROI engines produce input events.
At the end of each video frame, the output from each ROI engine that has been enabled by the mask is enqueued into the RTIO input FIFO.
This function sets the mask at the current position of the RTIO time cursor.
Setting the mask using this function is atomic; in other words, if the system is in the middle of processing a frame and the mask is changed, the processing will complete using the value of the mask that it started with.
- Parameters:
mask – bitmask enabling or disabling each ROI engine.
- gate_roi_pulse(mask, dt)[source]
Sets a temporary mask for the specified duration (in seconds), before disabling all ROI engines.
- input_mu(data, timeout_mu=-1)[source]
Retrieves the accumulated values for one frame from the ROI engines. Blocks until values are available or timeout is reached.
The input list must be a list of integers of the same length as there are enabled ROI engines. This method replaces the elements of the input list with the outputs of the enabled ROI engines, sorted by number.
If the number of elements in the list does not match the number of ROI engines that produced output, an exception will be raised during this call or the next.
If the timeout is reached before data is available, the exception
is raised.- Parameters:
timeout_mu – Timestamp at which a timeout will occur. Set to -1 (default) to disable timeout.
- setup_roi(n, x0, y0, x1, y1)[source]
Defines the coordinates of a ROI.
The coordinates are set around the current position of the RTIO time cursor.
The user must keep the ROI engine disabled for the duration of more than one video frame after calling this function, as the output generated for that video frame is undefined.
Advances the timeline by 4 coarse RTIO cycles.
- class artiq.coredevice.cxp_grabber.CXPGrabber(dmgr, channel, core_device='core', count_width=31)[source]
Driver for the CoaXPress Grabber camera interface.
- download_local_xml(file_path, buffer_size=102400)[source]
Downloads the XML setting file to PC from the camera if available. The file format may be .zip or .xml depending on the camera model.
This is NOT a real-time operation.
- Parameters:
file_path – a relative path on PC
buffer_size – size of read buffer expressed in bytes; must be a multiple of 4
- gate_roi(mask)[source]
Defines which ROI engines produce input events.
At the end of each video frame, the output from each ROI engine that has been enabled by the mask is enqueued into the RTIO input FIFO.
This function sets the mask at the current position of the RTIO time cursor.
Setting the mask using this function is atomic; in other words, if the system is in the middle of processing a frame and the mask is changed, the processing will complete using the value of the mask that it started with.
- Parameters:
mask – bitmask enabling or disabling each ROI engine.
- gate_roi_pulse(mask, dt)[source]
Sets a temporary mask for the specified duration (in seconds), then disables all ROI engines.
- input_mu(data, timeout_mu=-1)[source]
Retrieves the accumulated values for one frame from the ROI engines. Blocks until values are available or timeout is reached.
The input list must be a list of integers of the same length as there are enabled ROI engines. This method replaces the elements of the input list with the outputs of the enabled ROI engines, sorted by number.
If the number of elements in the list does not match the number of ROI engines that produced output, an exception will be raised during this call or the next.
If the timeout is reached before data is available, the exception
is raised.- Parameters:
timeout_mu – Timestamp at which a timeout will occur. Set to -1 (default) to disable timeout.
- read32(address: numpy.int32) numpy.int32 [source]
Read a 32-bit value from camera register
This is NOT a real-time operation.
- Parameters:
address – 32-bit register address to read from
- Returns:
32-bit value from register
- send_cxp_linktrigger(linktrigger, extra_linktrigger=False)[source]
Send CoaXpress fixed-latency linktrigger to camera
- Parameters:
linktrigger – Set linktrigger type: 0-1 is available, when extra_linktrigger is False 0-3 is available, when extra_linktrigger is True In CXP v1.x, linktrigger0 was called rising edge and linktrigger1 falling edge
extra_linktrigger – Boolean, set to True when ExtraLsTriggerEnable is set to 1 on camera
- setup_roi(n, x0, y0, x1, y1)[source]
Defines the coordinates of a ROI.
The coordinates are set around the current position of the RTIO time cursor.
The user must keep the ROI engine disabled for a duration of more than one video frame after calling this function, as the output generated for that video frame is undefined.
Advances the timeline by 4 coarse RTIO cycles.