
ARTIQ Firmware Service (AFWS) client

This tool serves as a client for building tailored firmware and gateware from M-Lab’s servers and downloading the binaries in ready-to-flash format. It is necessary to have a valid subscription to AFWS to use it. Subscription also includes general helpdesk support and can be purchased or extended by contacting sales@. One year of support is included with any Kasli carriers or crates containing them purchased from M-Labs. Additional one-time use is generally provided with purchase of additional cards to facilitate the system configuration change.

usage: afws_client [-h] [--server SERVER] [--port PORT] [--cert CERT]
                   username {build,passwd,get_variants,get_json} ...

Positional Arguments


user name for logging into AFWS


Possible choices: build, passwd, get_variants, get_json

Named Arguments


server to connect to (default: “afws.m-labs.hk”)


port to connect to (default: 80)


SSL certificate file used to authenticate server (default: use system certificates)



build and download firmware

afws_client build [-h] [--major-ver MAJOR_VER] [--rev REV] [--log]
                  [--experimental EXPERIMENTAL]
                  directory [variant]
Positional Arguments

output directory


variant to build (can be omitted if user is authorised to build only one)

Named Arguments

ARTIQ major version


revision to build (default: currently installed ARTIQ revision)


Display the build log


enable an experimental feature (can be repeatedly specified to enable multiple features)


change password


After receiving your credentials from M-Labs, it is recommended to change your password as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to set and remember a secure password. If necessary, passwords can be reset by contacting helpdesk@.

afws_client passwd [-h]


get available variants and expiry dates

afws_client get_variants [-h]


get JSON description file of variant

afws_client get_json [-h] [-o OUT] [-f] [variant]
Positional Arguments

variant to get (can be omitted if user is authorised to build only one)

Named Arguments
-o, --out

output JSON file

-f, --force

overwrite file if it already exists

Static compiler

Compiles an experiment into a ELF file (or a TAR file if the experiment involves subkernels). It is primarily used to prepare binaries for the startup and idle kernels, loaded in non-volatile storage of the core device. Experiments compiled with this tool are not allowed to use RPCs, and their run entry point must be a kernel.

Flash storage image generator

Compiles key/value pairs (e.g. configuration information) into a binary image suitable for flashing into the storage space of the core device. It can be used in combination with artiq_flash to configure the core device, but this is normally necessary at most to set the ip field; once the core device is reachable by network it is preferable to use artiq_coremgmt config. Not applicable to ARTIQ-Zynq, where preconfiguration is better achieved by loading config.txt onto the SD card.

usage: artiq_mkfs [-h] [-s KEY STRING] [-f KEY FILENAME] output

Positional Arguments


output file

Named Arguments


add string


add file contents

Flashing/Loading tool

Allows for flashing and loading of various files onto the core device. Not applicable to ARTIQ-Zynq, where gateware and firmware should be loaded onto the core device with artiq_coremgmt, directly copied onto the SD card, or (for developers) using the ARTIQ netboot utility.

usage: artiq_flash [-h] [--version] [-v] [-q] [-n] [-H HOSTNAME] [-J JUMP]
                   [-t TARGET] [-I PREINIT_COMMAND] [-f STORAGE] [-d DIR]
                   [ACTION ...]

Positional Arguments


actions to perform, default: flash everything

Named Arguments


print the ARTIQ version number

-n, --dry-run

only show the openocd script that would be run

-H, --host

SSH host where the board is located

-J, --jump

SSH host to jump through

-t, --target

target board, default: “kasli”, one of: kasli efc kc705

-I, --preinit-command

add a pre-initialization OpenOCD command. Useful for selecting a board when several are connected.

-f, --storage

write file to storage area

-d, --dir

look for board binaries in this directory


board binaries directory is laid out as a source build tree


-v, --verbose

increase logging level

-q, --quiet

decrease logging level

Valid actions:

  • gateware: write main gateware bitstream to flash

  • bootloader: write bootloader to flash

  • storage: write storage image to flash

  • firmware: write firmware to flash

  • load: load main gateware bitstream into device (volatile but fast)

  • erase: erase flash memory

  • start: trigger the target to (re)load its gateware bitstream from flash. If your core device is reachable by network, prefer ‘artiq_coremgmt reboot’.


  • Connect the board through its/a JTAG adapter.

  • Have OpenOCD installed and in your $PATH.

  • Have access to the JTAG adapter’s devices. Udev rules from OpenOCD: ‘sudo cp openocd/contrib/99-openocd.rules /etc/udev/rules.d’ and replug the device. Ensure you are member of the plugdev group: ‘sudo adduser $USER plugdev’ and re-login.

Core device management tool

The core management utility gives remote access to the core device logs, the core device flash storage, and other management functions.

To use this tool, it is necessary to specify the IP address your core device can be contacted at. If no option is used, the utility will assume there is a file named device_db.py in the current directory containing the device database; otherwise, a device database file can be provided with --device-db or an address directly with --device (see also below).

Device database template generator

This tool generates a basic template for a device database given the JSON description file(s) for the system. Entries for controllers are not generated.

usage: artiq_ddb_template [-h] [--version] [-o OUTPUT]
                          [-s DESTINATION DESCRIPTION]

Positional Arguments


JSON system description file for the primary (standalone or master) node

Named Arguments


print the ARTIQ version number

-o, --output

output file, defaults to standard output if omitted

-s, --satellite

add DRTIO satellite at the given destination number with devices from the given JSON description

RTIO channel name map tool

This tool encodes the map of RTIO channel numbers to names in a format suitable for writing to the config key device_map. See Set up resolving RTIO channels to their names.

Core device RTIO analyzer tool

This tool retrieves core device RTIO logs either as raw data or as VCD waveform files, which are readable by third-party tools such as GtkWave. See RTIO analyzer for an example, or artiq.test.coredevice.test_analyzer for a relevant unit test.

Using the management system, the respective functionality is provided by aqctl_coreanalyzer_proxy and the dashboard’s ‘Waveform’ tab; see Waveform.

DRTIO routing table manipulation tool

This tool allows for manipulation of a DRTIO routing table file, which can be transmitted to the core device using artiq_coremgmt config write; see Configuring the routing table.

usage: artiq_route [-h] FILE {init,show,set} ...

Positional Arguments


target file


Possible choices: init, show, set



create a new empty routing table

artiq_route init [-h]


show contents of routing table

artiq_route show [-h]


set routing table entry

artiq_route set [-h] DESTINATION [HOP ...]
Positional Arguments

destination to operate on


hop(s) to the destination

ARTIQ RTIO monitor

Command-line interface for monitoring RTIO channels, as in the Monitor capacity of dashboard MonInj. See Using MonInj.

usage: artiq_rtiomon [-h] CORE_ADDR CHANNEL [CHANNEL ...]

Positional Arguments


hostname or IP address of the core device


channel(s) to monitor

MonInj proxy

ARTIQ moninj proxy

usage: aqctl_moninj_proxy [-h] [-v] [-q] [--bind BIND] [--no-localhost-bind]
                          [--port-proxy PORT_PROXY]
                          [--port-control PORT_CONTROL]

Positional Arguments


hostname or IP address of the core device


-v, --verbose

increase logging level

-q, --quiet

decrease logging level

network server


additional hostname or IP address to bind to; use ‘*’ to bind to all interfaces (default: [])


do not implicitly also bind to localhost addresses


TCP port for proxying connections (default: 1383)


TCP port for control connections (default: 1384)

Core device RTIO analyzer proxy

ARTIQ core analyzer proxy

usage: aqctl_coreanalyzer_proxy [-h] [-v] [-q] [--bind BIND]
                                [--port-proxy PORT_PROXY]
                                [--port-control PORT_CONTROL]

Positional Arguments


hostname or IP address of the core device


-v, --verbose

increase logging level

-q, --quiet

decrease logging level

network server


additional hostname or IP address to bind to; use ‘*’ to bind to all interfaces (default: [])


do not implicitly also bind to localhost addresses


TCP port for proxying connections (default: 1385)


TCP port for control connections (default: 1386)

Core device logging controller

ARTIQ controller for core device logs

usage: aqctl_corelog [-h] [-v] [-q] [--bind BIND] [--no-localhost-bind]
                     [-p PORT] [--simulation]

Positional Arguments


hostname or IP address of the core device

Named Arguments


Simulation - does not connect to device


-v, --verbose

increase logging level

-q, --quiet

decrease logging level

network server


additional hostname or IP address to bind to; use ‘*’ to bind to all interfaces (default: [])


do not implicitly also bind to localhost addresses

-p, --port

TCP port to listen on (default: 1068)