Source code for artiq.coredevice.zotino

"""RTIO driver for the Zotino 32-channel, 16-bit 1MSPS DAC.

Output event replacement is not supported and issuing commands at the same
time results in a collision error.

from artiq.language.core import kernel
from artiq.coredevice import spi2 as spi
from artiq.coredevice.ad53xx import SPI_AD53XX_CONFIG, AD53xx

                  0*spi.SPI_INPUT | 0*spi.SPI_CS_POLARITY |
                  0*spi.SPI_CLK_POLARITY | 0*spi.SPI_CLK_PHASE |
                  0*spi.SPI_LSB_FIRST | 0*spi.SPI_HALF_DUPLEX)

_SPI_CS_SR = 2

[docs] class Zotino(AD53xx): """ Zotino 32-channel, 16-bit 1MSPS DAC. Controls the AD5372 DAC and the 8 user LEDs via a shared SPI interface. :param spi_device: SPI bus device name :param ldac_device: LDAC RTIO TTLOut channel name. :param clr_device: CLR RTIO TTLOut channel name. :param div_write: SPI clock divider for write operations (default: 4, 50MHz max SPI clock) :param div_read: SPI clock divider for read operations (default: 16, not optimized for speed; datasheet says t22: 25ns min SCLK edge to SDO valid, and suggests the SPI speed for reads should be <=20 MHz) :param vref: DAC reference voltage (default: 5.) :param core_device: Core device name (default: "core") """ def __init__(self, dmgr, spi_device, ldac_device=None, clr_device=None, div_write=4, div_read=16, vref=5., core="core"): AD53xx.__init__(self, dmgr=dmgr, spi_device=spi_device, ldac_device=ldac_device, clr_device=clr_device, chip_select=_SPI_CS_DAC, div_write=div_write, div_read=div_read, core=core)
[docs] @kernel def set_leds(self, leds): """ Sets the states of the 8 user LEDs. :param leds: 8-bit word with LED state """ self.bus.set_config_mu(_SPI_SR_CONFIG, 8, self.div_write, _SPI_CS_SR) self.bus.write(leds << 24) self.bus.set_config_mu(SPI_AD53XX_CONFIG, 24, self.div_write, self.chip_select)