Source code for artiq.coredevice.shuttler

from artiq.language.core import *
from artiq.language.types import *
from artiq.coredevice.rtio import rtio_output, rtio_input_data
from artiq.coredevice import spi2 as spi
from artiq.language.units import us

[docs] @portable def shuttler_volt_to_mu(volt): """Return the equivalent DAC code. Valid input range is from -10 to 10 - LSB. """ return round((1 << 16) * (volt / 20.0)) & 0xffff
[docs] class Config: """Shuttler configuration registers interface. The configuration registers control waveform phase auto-clear, pre-DAC gain and offset values for calibration with ADC on the Shuttler AFE card. To find the calibrated DAC code, the Shuttler Core first multiplies the output data with pre-DAC gain, then adds the offset. .. note:: The DAC code is capped at 0x7fff and 0x8000. :param channel: RTIO channel number of this interface. :param core_device: Core device name. """ kernel_invariants = { "core", "channel", "target_base", "target_read", "target_gain", "target_offset", "target_clr" } def __init__(self, dmgr, channel, core_device="core"): self.core = dmgr.get(core_device) = channel self.target_base = channel << 8 self.target_read = 1 << 6 self.target_gain = 0 * (1 << 4) self.target_offset = 1 * (1 << 4) self.target_clr = 1 * (1 << 5)
[docs] @kernel def set_clr(self, clr): """Set/Unset waveform phase clear bits. Each bit corresponds to a Shuttler waveform generator core. Setting a clear bit forces the Shuttler Core to clear the phase accumulator on waveform trigger (See :class:`Trigger` for the trigger method). Otherwise, the phase accumulator increments from its original value. :param clr: Waveform phase clear bits. The MSB corresponds to Channel 15, LSB corresponds to Channel 0. """ rtio_output(self.target_base | self.target_clr, clr)
[docs] @kernel def set_gain(self, channel, gain): """Set the 16-bits pre-DAC gain register of a Shuttler Core channel. The `gain` parameter represents the decimal portion of the gain factor. The MSB represents 0.5 and the sign bit. Hence, the valid total gain value (1 +/- 0.gain) ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 - LSB. :param channel: Shuttler Core channel to be configured. :param gain: Shuttler Core channel gain. """ rtio_output(self.target_base | self.target_gain | channel, gain)
[docs] @kernel def get_gain(self, channel): """Return the pre-DAC gain value of a Shuttler Core channel. :param channel: The Shuttler Core channel. :return: Pre-DAC gain value. See :meth:`set_gain`. """ rtio_output(self.target_base | self.target_gain | self.target_read | channel, 0) return rtio_input_data(
[docs] @kernel def set_offset(self, channel, offset): """Set the 16-bits pre-DAC offset register of a Shuttler Core channel. See also :meth:`shuttler_volt_to_mu`. :param channel: Shuttler Core channel to be configured. :param offset: Shuttler Core channel offset. """ rtio_output(self.target_base | self.target_offset | channel, offset)
[docs] @kernel def get_offset(self, channel): """Return the pre-DAC offset value of a Shuttler Core channel. :param channel: The Shuttler Core channel. :return: Pre-DAC offset value. See :meth:`set_offset`. """ rtio_output(self.target_base | self.target_offset | self.target_read | channel, 0) return rtio_input_data(
[docs] class DCBias: """Shuttler Core cubic DC-bias spline. A Shuttler channel can generate a waveform `w(t)` that is the sum of a cubic spline `a(t)` and a sinusoid modulated in amplitude by a cubic spline `b(t)` and in phase/frequency by a quadratic spline `c(t)`, where .. math:: w(t) = a(t) + b(t) * cos(c(t)) and `t` corresponds to time in seconds. This class controls the cubic spline `a(t)`, in which .. math:: a(t) = p_0 + p_1t + \\frac{p_2t^2}{2} + \\frac{p_3t^3}{6} and `a(t)` is measured in volts. :param channel: RTIO channel number of this DC-bias spline interface. :param core_device: Core device name. """ kernel_invariants = {"core", "channel", "target_o"} def __init__(self, dmgr, channel, core_device="core"): self.core = dmgr.get(core_device) = channel self.target_o = channel << 8
[docs] @kernel def set_waveform(self, a0: TInt32, a1: TInt32, a2: TInt64, a3: TInt64): """Set the DC-bias spline waveform. Given `a(t)` as defined in :class:`DCBias`, the coefficients should be configured by the following formulae: .. math:: T &= 8*10^{-9} a_0 &= p_0 a_1 &= p_1T + \\frac{p_2T^2}{2} + \\frac{p_3T^3}{6} a_2 &= p_2T^2 + p_3T^3 a_3 &= p_3T^3 :math:`a_0`, :math:`a_1`, :math:`a_2` and :math:`a_3` are 16, 32, 48 and 48 bits in width respectively. See :meth:`shuttler_volt_to_mu` for machine unit conversion. .. note:: The waveform is not updated to the Shuttler Core until triggered. See :class:`Trigger` for the update triggering mechanism. :param a0: The :math:`a_0` coefficient in machine unit. :param a1: The :math:`a_1` coefficient in machine unit. :param a2: The :math:`a_2` coefficient in machine unit. :param a3: The :math:`a_3` coefficient in machine unit. """ coef_words = [ a0, a1, a1 >> 16, a2 & 0xFFFF, (a2 >> 16) & 0xFFFF, (a2 >> 32) & 0xFFFF, a3 & 0xFFFF, (a3 >> 16) & 0xFFFF, (a3 >> 32) & 0xFFFF, ] for i in range(len(coef_words)): rtio_output(self.target_o | i, coef_words[i]) delay_mu(int64(self.core.ref_multiplier))
[docs] class DDS: """Shuttler Core DDS spline. A Shuttler channel can generate a waveform `w(t)` that is the sum of a cubic spline `a(t)` and a sinusoid modulated in amplitude by a cubic spline `b(t)` and in phase/frequency by a quadratic spline `c(t)`, where .. math:: w(t) = a(t) + b(t) * cos(c(t)) and `t` corresponds to time in seconds. This class controls the cubic spline `b(t)` and quadratic spline `c(t)`, in which .. math:: b(t) &= g * (q_0 + q_1t + \\frac{q_2t^2}{2} + \\frac{q_3t^3}{6}) c(t) &= r_0 + r_1t + \\frac{r_2t^2}{2} `b(t)` is in volts, `c(t)` is in number of turns. Note that `b(t)` contributes to a constant gain of :math:`g=1.64676`. :param channel: RTIO channel number of this DC-bias spline interface. :param core_device: Core device name. """ kernel_invariants = {"core", "channel", "target_o"} def __init__(self, dmgr, channel, core_device="core"): self.core = dmgr.get(core_device) = channel self.target_o = channel << 8
[docs] @kernel def set_waveform(self, b0: TInt32, b1: TInt32, b2: TInt64, b3: TInt64, c0: TInt32, c1: TInt32, c2: TInt32): """Set the DDS spline waveform. Given `b(t)` and `c(t)` as defined in :class:`DDS`, the coefficients should be configured by the following formulae. .. math:: T &= 8*10^{-9} b_0 &= q_0 b_1 &= q_1T + \\frac{q_2T^2}{2} + \\frac{q_3T^3}{6} b_2 &= q_2T^2 + q_3T^3 b_3 &= q_3T^3 c_0 &= r_0 c_1 &= r_1T + \\frac{r_2T^2}{2} c_2 &= r_2T^2 :math:`b_0`, :math:`b_1`, :math:`b_2` and :math:`b_3` are 16, 32, 48 and 48 bits in width respectively. See :meth:`shuttler_volt_to_mu` for machine unit conversion. :math:`c_0`, :math:`c_1` and :math:`c_2` are 16, 32 and 32 bits in width respectively. Note: The waveform is not updated to the Shuttler Core until triggered. See :class:`Trigger` for the update triggering mechanism. :param b0: The :math:`b_0` coefficient in machine units. :param b1: The :math:`b_1` coefficient in machine units. :param b2: The :math:`b_2` coefficient in machine units. :param b3: The :math:`b_3` coefficient in machine units. :param c0: The :math:`c_0` coefficient in machine units. :param c1: The :math:`c_1` coefficient in machine units. :param c2: The :math:`c_2` coefficient in machine units. """ coef_words = [ b0, b1, b1 >> 16, b2 & 0xFFFF, (b2 >> 16) & 0xFFFF, (b2 >> 32) & 0xFFFF, b3 & 0xFFFF, (b3 >> 16) & 0xFFFF, (b3 >> 32) & 0xFFFF, c0, c1, c1 >> 16, c2, c2 >> 16, ] for i in range(len(coef_words)): rtio_output(self.target_o | i, coef_words[i]) delay_mu(int64(self.core.ref_multiplier))
[docs] class Trigger: """Shuttler Core spline coefficients update trigger. :param channel: RTIO channel number of the trigger interface. :param core_device: Core device name. """ kernel_invariants = {"core", "channel", "target_o"} def __init__(self, dmgr, channel, core_device="core"): self.core = dmgr.get(core_device) = channel self.target_o = channel << 8
[docs] @kernel def trigger(self, trig_out): """Triggers coefficient update of (a) Shuttler Core channel(s). Each bit corresponds to a Shuttler waveform generator core. Setting ``trig_out`` bits commits the pending coefficient update (from ``set_waveform`` in :class:`DCBias` and :class:`DDS`) to the Shuttler Core synchronously. :param trig_out: Coefficient update trigger bits. The MSB corresponds to Channel 15, LSB corresponds to Channel 0. """ rtio_output(self.target_o, trig_out)
RELAY_SPI_CONFIG = (0*spi.SPI_OFFLINE | 1*spi.SPI_END | 0*spi.SPI_INPUT | 0*spi.SPI_CS_POLARITY | 0*spi.SPI_CLK_POLARITY | 0*spi.SPI_CLK_PHASE | 0*spi.SPI_LSB_FIRST | 0*spi.SPI_HALF_DUPLEX) ADC_SPI_CONFIG = (0*spi.SPI_OFFLINE | 0*spi.SPI_END | 0*spi.SPI_INPUT | 0*spi.SPI_CS_POLARITY | 1*spi.SPI_CLK_POLARITY | 1*spi.SPI_CLK_PHASE | 0*spi.SPI_LSB_FIRST | 0*spi.SPI_HALF_DUPLEX) # SPI clock write and read dividers # CS should assert at least 9.5 ns after clk pulse SPIT_RELAY_WR = 4 # 25 ns high/low pulse hold (limiting for write) SPIT_ADC_WR = 4 SPIT_ADC_RD = 16 # SPI CS line CS_RELAY = 1 << 0 CS_LED = 1 << 1 CS_ADC = 1 << 0 # Referenced AD4115 registers _AD4115_REG_STATUS = 0x00 _AD4115_REG_ADCMODE = 0x01 _AD4115_REG_DATA = 0x04 _AD4115_REG_ID = 0x07 _AD4115_REG_CH0 = 0x10 _AD4115_REG_SETUPCON0 = 0x20
[docs] class Relay: """Shuttler AFE relay switches. This class controls the AFE relay switches and the LEDs. Switch the relay on to enable AFE output; off to disable the output. The LEDs indicate the relay status. .. note:: The relay does not disable ADC measurements. Voltage of any channels can still be read by the ADC even after switching off the relays. :param spi_device: SPI bus device name. :param core_device: Core device name. """ kernel_invariant = {"core", "bus"} def __init__(self, dmgr, spi_device, core_device="core"): self.core = dmgr.get(core_device) self.bus = dmgr.get(spi_device)
[docs] @kernel def init(self): """Initialize SPI device. Configures the SPI bus to 16 bits, write-only, simultaneous relay switches and LED control. """ self.bus.set_config_mu( RELAY_SPI_CONFIG, 16, SPIT_RELAY_WR, CS_RELAY | CS_LED)
[docs] @kernel def enable(self, en: TInt32): """Enable/disable relay switches of corresponding channels. Each bit corresponds to the relay switch of a channel. Asserting a bit turns on the corresponding relay switch; deasserting the same bit turns off the switch instead. :param en: Switch enable bits. The MSB corresponds to Channel 15, LSB corresponds to Channel 0. """ self.bus.write(en << 16)
[docs] class ADC: """Shuttler AFE ADC (AD4115) driver. :param spi_device: SPI bus device name. :param core_device: Core device name. """ kernel_invariant = {"core", "bus"} def __init__(self, dmgr, spi_device, core_device="core"): self.core = dmgr.get(core_device) self.bus = dmgr.get(spi_device)
[docs] @kernel def read_id(self) -> TInt32: """Read the product ID of the ADC. The expected return value is 0x38DX, the 4 LSbs are don't cares. :return: The read-back product ID. """ return self.read16(_AD4115_REG_ID)
[docs] @kernel def reset(self): """AD4115 reset procedure. Performs a write operation of 96 serial clock cycles with DIN held at high. This resets the entire device, including the register contents. .. note:: The datasheet only requires 64 cycles, but reasserting ``CS_n`` right after the transfer appears to interrupt the start-up sequence. """ self.bus.set_config_mu(ADC_SPI_CONFIG, 32, SPIT_ADC_WR, CS_ADC) self.bus.write(0xffffffff) self.bus.write(0xffffffff) self.bus.set_config_mu( ADC_SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END, 32, SPIT_ADC_WR, CS_ADC) self.bus.write(0xffffffff)
[docs] @kernel def read8(self, addr: TInt32) -> TInt32: """Read from 8-bit register. :param addr: Register address. :return: Read-back register content. """ self.bus.set_config_mu( ADC_SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END | spi.SPI_INPUT, 16, SPIT_ADC_RD, CS_ADC) self.bus.write((addr | 0x40) << 24) return & 0xff
[docs] @kernel def read16(self, addr: TInt32) -> TInt32: """Read from 16-bit register. :param addr: Register address. :return: Read-back register content. """ self.bus.set_config_mu( ADC_SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END | spi.SPI_INPUT, 24, SPIT_ADC_RD, CS_ADC) self.bus.write((addr | 0x40) << 24) return & 0xffff
[docs] @kernel def read24(self, addr: TInt32) -> TInt32: """Read from 24-bit register. :param addr: Register address. :return: Read-back register content. """ self.bus.set_config_mu( ADC_SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END | spi.SPI_INPUT, 32, SPIT_ADC_RD, CS_ADC) self.bus.write((addr | 0x40) << 24) return & 0xffffff
[docs] @kernel def write8(self, addr: TInt32, data: TInt32): """Write to 8-bit register. :param addr: Register address. :param data: Data to be written. """ self.bus.set_config_mu( ADC_SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END, 16, SPIT_ADC_WR, CS_ADC) self.bus.write(addr << 24 | (data & 0xff) << 16)
[docs] @kernel def write16(self, addr: TInt32, data: TInt32): """Write to 16-bit register. :param addr: Register address. :param data: Data to be written. """ self.bus.set_config_mu( ADC_SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END, 24, SPIT_ADC_WR, CS_ADC) self.bus.write(addr << 24 | (data & 0xffff) << 8)
[docs] @kernel def write24(self, addr: TInt32, data: TInt32): """Write to 24-bit register. :param addr: Register address. :param data: Data to be written. """ self.bus.set_config_mu( ADC_SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END, 32, SPIT_ADC_WR, CS_ADC) self.bus.write(addr << 24 | (data & 0xffffff))
[docs] @kernel def read_ch(self, channel: TInt32) -> TFloat: """Sample a Shuttler channel on the AFE. Performs a single conversion using profile 0 and setup 0 on the selected channel. The sample is then recovered and converted to volts. :param channel: Shuttler channel to be sampled. :return: Voltage sample in volts. """ # Always configure Profile 0 for single conversion self.write16(_AD4115_REG_CH0, 0x8000 | ((channel * 2 + 1) << 4)) self.write16(_AD4115_REG_SETUPCON0, 0x1300) self.single_conversion() delay(100*us) adc_code = self.read24(_AD4115_REG_DATA) return ((adc_code / (1 << 23)) - 1) * 2.5 / 0.1
[docs] @kernel def single_conversion(self): """Place the ADC in single conversion mode. The ADC returns to standby mode after the conversion is complete. """ self.write16(_AD4115_REG_ADCMODE, 0x8010)
[docs] @kernel def standby(self): """Place the ADC in standby mode and disable power down the clock. The ADC can be returned to single conversion mode by calling :meth:`single_conversion`. """ # Selecting internal XO (0b00) also disables clock during standby self.write16(_AD4115_REG_ADCMODE, 0x8020)
[docs] @kernel def power_down(self): """Place the ADC in power-down mode. The ADC must be reset before returning to other modes. .. note:: The AD4115 datasheet suggests placing the ADC in standby mode before power-down. This is to prevent accidental entry into the power-down mode. See also :meth:`standby` and :meth:`power_up`. """ self.write16(_AD4115_REG_ADCMODE, 0x8030)
[docs] @kernel def power_up(self): """Exit the ADC power-down mode. The ADC should be in power-down mode before calling this method. See also :meth:`power_down`. """ self.reset() # Although the datasheet claims 500 us reset wait time, only waiting # for ~500 us can result in DOUT pin stuck in high delay(2500*us)
[docs] @kernel def calibrate(self, volts, trigger, config, samples=[-5.0, 0.0, 5.0]): """Calibrate the Shuttler waveform generator using the ADC on the AFE. Finds the average slope rate and average offset by samples, and compensates by writing the pre-DAC gain and offset registers in the configuration registers. .. note:: If the pre-calibration slope rate is less than 1, the calibration procedure will introduce a pre-DAC gain compensation. However, this may saturate the pre-DAC voltage code (see :class:`Config` notes). Shuttler cannot cover the entire +/- 10 V range in this case. See also :meth:`Config.set_gain` and :meth:`Config.set_offset`. :param volts: A list of all 16 cubic DC-bias splines. (See :class:`DCBias`) :param trigger: The Shuttler spline coefficient update trigger. :param config: The Shuttler Core configuration registers. :param samples: A list of sample voltages for calibration. There must be at least 2 samples to perform slope rate calculation. """ assert len(volts) == 16 assert len(samples) > 1 measurements = [0.0] * len(samples) for ch in range(16): # Find the average slope rate and offset for i in range(len(samples)): self.core.break_realtime() volts[ch].set_waveform( shuttler_volt_to_mu(samples[i]), 0, 0, 0) trigger.trigger(1 << ch) measurements[i] = self.read_ch(ch) # Find the average output slope slope_sum = 0.0 for i in range(len(samples) - 1): slope_sum += (measurements[i+1] - measurements[i])/(samples[i+1] - samples[i]) slope_avg = slope_sum / (len(samples) - 1) gain_code = int32(1 / slope_avg * (2 ** 16)) & 0xffff # Scale the measurements by 1/slope, find average offset offset_sum = 0.0 for i in range(len(samples)): offset_sum += (measurements[i] / slope_avg) - samples[i] offset_avg = offset_sum / len(samples) offset_code = shuttler_volt_to_mu(-offset_avg) self.core.break_realtime() config.set_gain(ch, gain_code) delay_mu(int64(self.core.ref_multiplier)) config.set_offset(ch, offset_code)