Source code for artiq.coredevice.sampler

from artiq.language.core import kernel, delay, portable
from artiq.language.units import ns

from artiq.coredevice import spi2 as spi

              0*spi.SPI_INPUT | 0*spi.SPI_CS_POLARITY |
              0*spi.SPI_CLK_POLARITY | 0*spi.SPI_CLK_PHASE |
              0*spi.SPI_LSB_FIRST | 0*spi.SPI_HALF_DUPLEX)

SPI_CS_ADC = 0  # no CS, SPI_END does not matter, framing is done with CNV
SPI_CS_PGIA = 1  # separate SPI bus, CS used as RCLK

[docs] @portable def adc_mu_to_volt(data, gain=0, corrected_fs=True): """Convert ADC data in machine units to volts. :param data: 16-bit signed ADC word :param gain: PGIA gain setting (0: 1, ..., 3: 1000) :param corrected_fs: use corrected ADC FS reference. Should be ``True`` for Sampler revisions after v2.1. ``False`` for v2.1 and earlier. :return: Voltage in volts """ if gain == 0: volt_per_lsb = 20.48 / (1 << 16) if corrected_fs else 20. / (1 << 16) elif gain == 1: volt_per_lsb = 2.048 / (1 << 16) if corrected_fs else 2. / (1 << 16) elif gain == 2: volt_per_lsb = .2048 / (1 << 16) if corrected_fs else .2 / (1 << 16) elif gain == 3: volt_per_lsb = 0.02048 / (1 << 16) if corrected_fs else .02 / (1 << 16) else: raise ValueError("invalid gain") return data * volt_per_lsb
[docs] class Sampler: """Sampler ADC. Controls the LTC2320-16 8-channel 16-bit ADC with SPI interface and the switchable gain instrumentation amplifiers. :param spi_adc_device: ADC SPI bus device name :param spi_pgia_device: PGIA SPI bus device name :param cnv_device: CNV RTIO TTLOut channel name :param div: SPI clock divider (default: 8) :param gains: Initial value for PGIA gains shift register (default: 0x0000). Knowledge of this state is not transferred between experiments. :param hw_rev: Sampler's hardware revision string (default 'v2.2') :param core_device: Core device name """ kernel_invariants = {"bus_adc", "bus_pgia", "core", "cnv", "div", "corrected_fs"} def __init__(self, dmgr, spi_adc_device, spi_pgia_device, cnv_device, div=8, gains=0x0000, hw_rev="v2.2", core_device="core"): self.bus_adc = dmgr.get(spi_adc_device) self.bus_adc.update_xfer_duration_mu(div, 32) self.bus_pgia = dmgr.get(spi_pgia_device) self.bus_pgia.update_xfer_duration_mu(div, 16) self.core = dmgr.get(core_device) self.cnv = dmgr.get(cnv_device) self.div = div self.gains = gains self.corrected_fs = self.use_corrected_fs(hw_rev) @staticmethod def use_corrected_fs(hw_rev): return hw_rev != "v2.1"
[docs] @kernel def init(self): """Initialize the device. Sets up SPI channels. """ self.bus_adc.set_config_mu(SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_INPUT | spi.SPI_END, 32, self.div, SPI_CS_ADC) self.bus_pgia.set_config_mu(SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END, 16, self.div, SPI_CS_PGIA)
[docs] @kernel def set_gain_mu(self, channel, gain): """Set instrumentation amplifier gain of a channel. The four gain settings (0, 1, 2, 3) corresponds to gains of (1, 10, 100, 1000) respectively. :param channel: Channel index :param gain: Gain setting """ gains = self.gains gains &= ~(0b11 << (channel*2)) gains |= gain << (channel*2) self.bus_pgia.write(gains << 16) self.gains = gains
[docs] @kernel def get_gains_mu(self): """Read the PGIA gain settings of all channels. :return: The PGIA gain settings in machine units. """ self.bus_pgia.set_config_mu(SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END | spi.SPI_INPUT, 16, self.div, SPI_CS_PGIA) self.bus_pgia.write(self.gains << 16) self.bus_pgia.set_config_mu(SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END, 16, self.div, SPI_CS_PGIA) self.gains = & 0xffff return self.gains
[docs] @kernel def sample_mu(self, data): """Acquire a set of samples. Perform a conversion and transfer the samples. This assumes that the input FIFO of the ADC SPI RTIO channel is deep enough to buffer the samples (half the length of ``data`` deep). If it is not, there will be RTIO input overflows. :param data: List of data samples to fill. Must have even length. Samples are always read from the last channel (channel 7) down. The ``data`` list will always be filled with the last item holding to the sample from channel 7. """ self.cnv.pulse(30*ns) # t_CNVH delay(450*ns) # t_CONV mask = 1 << 15 for i in range(len(data)//2): self.bus_adc.write(0) for i in range(len(data) - 1, -1, -2): val = data[i] = val >> 16 val &= 0xffff data[i - 1] = -(val & mask) + (val & ~mask)
[docs] @kernel def sample(self, data): """Acquire a set of samples. See also :meth:`Sampler.sample_mu`. :param data: List of floating point data samples to fill. """ n = len(data) adc_data = [0]*n self.sample_mu(adc_data) for i in range(n): channel = i + 8 - len(data) gain = (self.gains >> (channel*2)) & 0b11 data[i] = adc_mu_to_volt(adc_data[i], gain, self.corrected_fs)