from artiq.language.core import kernel, delay, portable
from artiq.language.units import ns
from artiq.coredevice import spi2 as spi
def adc_ctrl(channel=1, softspan=0b111, valid=1):
"""Build a LTC2335-16 control word."""
return (valid << 7) | (channel << 3) | softspan
def adc_softspan(data):
"""Return the softspan configuration index from a result packet."""
return data & 0x7
def adc_channel(data):
"""Return the channel index from a result packet."""
return (data >> 3) & 0x7
def adc_data(data):
"""Return the ADC value from a result packet."""
return (data >> 8) & 0xffff
def adc_value(data, v_ref=5.):
"""Convert a ADC result packet to SI units (volts)."""
softspan = adc_softspan(data)
data = adc_data(data)
g = 625
if softspan & 4:
g *= 2
if softspan & 2:
h = 1 << 15
h = 1 << 16
data = -(data & h) + (data & ~h)
if softspan & 1:
h *= 500
h *= 512
v_per_lsb = v_ref*g/h
return data*v_per_lsb
class Novogorny:
"""Novogorny ADC.
Controls the LTC2335-16 8 channel ADC with SPI interface and
the switchable gain instrumentation amplifiers using a shift
:param spi_device: SPI bus device name
:param cnv_device: CNV RTIO TTLOut channel name
:param div: SPI clock divider (default: 8)
:param gains: Initial value for PGIA gains shift register
(default: 0x0000). Knowledge of this state is not transferred
between experiments.
:param core_device: Core device name
kernel_invariants = {"bus", "core", "cnv", "div", "v_ref"}
def __init__(self, dmgr, spi_device, cnv_device, div=8, gains=0x0000,
self.bus = dmgr.get(spi_device)
self.core = dmgr.get(core_device)
self.cnv = dmgr.get(cnv_device)
self.div = div
self.gains = gains
self.v_ref = 5. # 5 Volt reference
def set_gain_mu(self, channel, gain):
"""Set instrumentation amplifier gain of a channel.
The four gain settings (0, 1, 2, 3) corresponds to gains of
(1, 10, 100, 1000) respectively.
:param channel: Channel index
:param gain: Gain setting
gains = self.gains
gains &= ~(0b11 << (channel*2))
gains |= gain << (channel*2)
self.bus.set_config_mu(SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END,
16, self.div, SPI_CS_SR)
self.bus.write(gains << 16)
self.gains = gains
def sample_mu(self, next_ctrl=0):
"""Acquire a sample:
Perform a conversion and transfer the sample.
:param next_ctrl: ADC control word for the next sample
:return: The ADC result packet (machine units)
self.cnv.pulse(40*ns) # t_CNVH
delay(560*ns) # t_CONV max
self.bus.set_config_mu(SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_INPUT | spi.SPI_END,
24, self.div, SPI_CS_ADC)
self.bus.write(next_ctrl << 24)
def sample(self, next_ctrl=0):
"""Acquire a sample. See also :meth:`Novogorny.sample_mu`.
:param next_ctrl: ADC control word for the next sample
:return: The ADC result packet (volts)
return adc_value(self.sample_mu(), self.v_ref)
def burst_mu(self, data, dt_mu, ctrl=0):
"""Acquire a burst of samples.
If the burst is too long and the sample rate too high, there will be
:exc:RTIOOverflow exceptions.
High sample rates lead to gain errors since the impedance between the
instrumentation amplifier and the ADC is high.
:param data: List of data values to write result packets into.
In machine units.
:param dt: Sample interval in machine units.
:param ctrl: ADC control word to write during each result packet
self.bus.set_config_mu(SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_INPUT | spi.SPI_END,
24, self.div, SPI_CS_ADC)
for i in range(len(data)):
t0 = now_mu()
self.cnv.pulse(40*ns) # t_CNVH
delay(560*ns) # t_CONV max
self.bus.write(ctrl << 24)
at_mu(t0 + dt_mu)
for i in range(len(data)):
data[i] =