Source code for artiq.coredevice.almazny

from artiq.language.core import kernel, portable, delay
from artiq.language.units import us

from numpy import int32

# almazny-specific data

# higher SPI write divider to match almazny shift register timing 
# min SER time before SRCLK rise = 125ns
# -> div=32 gives 125ns for data before clock rise
# works at faster dividers too but could be less reliable

[docs] class AlmaznyLegacy: """ Almazny (High-frequency mezzanine board for Mirny) This applies to Almazny hardware v1.1 and earlier. Use :class:`~artiq.coredevice.almazny.AlmaznyChannel` for Almazny v1.2 and later. :param host_mirny: :class:`~artiq.coredevice.mirny.Mirny` device Almazny is connected to """ def __init__(self, dmgr, host_mirny): self.mirny_cpld = dmgr.get(host_mirny) self.att_mu = [0x3f] * 4 self.channel_sw = [0] * 4 self.output_enable = False @kernel def init(self): self.output_toggle(self.output_enable)
[docs] @kernel def att_to_mu(self, att): """ Convert an attenuator setting in dB to machine units. :param att: attenuator setting in dB [0-31.5] :return: attenuator setting in machine units """ mu = round(att * 2.0) if mu > 63 or mu < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid Almazny attenuator settings!") return mu
[docs] @kernel def mu_to_att(self, att_mu): """ Convert a digital attenuator setting to dB. :param att_mu: attenuator setting in machine units :return: attenuator setting in dB """ return att_mu / 2
[docs] @kernel def set_att(self, channel, att, rf_switch=True): """ Sets attenuators on chosen shift register (channel). :param channel: index of the register [0-3] :param att: attenuation setting in dBm [0-31.5] :param rf_switch: rf switch (bool) """ self.set_att_mu(channel, self.att_to_mu(att), rf_switch)
[docs] @kernel def set_att_mu(self, channel, att_mu, rf_switch=True): """ Sets attenuators on chosen shift register (channel). :param channel: index of the register [0-3] :param att_mu: attenuation setting in machine units [0-63] :param rf_switch: rf switch (bool) """ self.channel_sw[channel] = 1 if rf_switch else 0 self.att_mu[channel] = att_mu self._update_register(channel)
[docs] @kernel def output_toggle(self, oe): """ Toggles output on all shift registers on or off. :param oe: toggle output enable (bool) """ self.output_enable = oe cfg_reg = self.mirny_cpld.read_reg(1) en = 1 if self.output_enable else 0 delay(100 * us) new_reg = (en << ALMAZNY_LEGACY_OE_SHIFT) | (cfg_reg & 0x3FF) self.mirny_cpld.write_reg(1, new_reg) delay(100 * us)
@kernel def _flip_mu_bits(self, mu): # in this form MSB is actually 0.5dB attenuator # unnatural for users, so we flip the six bits return (((mu & 0x01) << 5) | ((mu & 0x02) << 3) | ((mu & 0x04) << 1) | ((mu & 0x08) >> 1) | ((mu & 0x10) >> 3) | ((mu & 0x20) >> 5)) @kernel def _update_register(self, ch): self.mirny_cpld.write_ext( ALMAZNY_LEGACY_REG_BASE + ch, 8, self._flip_mu_bits(self.att_mu[ch]) | (self.channel_sw[ch] << 6), ALMAZNY_LEGACY_SPIT_WR ) delay(100 * us)
[docs] class AlmaznyChannel: """ Driver for one Almazny channel. Almazny is a mezzanine for the Quad PLL RF source Mirny that exposes and controls the frequency-doubled outputs. This driver requires Almazny hardware revision v1.2 or later and Mirny CPLD gateware v0.3 or later. Use :class:`~artiq.coredevice.almazny.AlmaznyLegacy` for Almazny hardware v1.1 and earlier. :param host_mirny: Mirny CPLD device name :param channel: channel index (0-3) """ def __init__(self, dmgr, host_mirny, channel): = channel self.mirny_cpld = dmgr.get(host_mirny)
[docs] @portable def to_mu(self, att, enable, led): """ Convert an attenuation in dB, RF switch state and LED state to machine units. :param att: attenuator setting in dB (0-31.5) :param enable: RF switch state (bool) :param led: LED state (bool) :return: channel setting in machine units """ mu = int32(round(att * 2.)) if mu >= 64 or mu < 0: raise ValueError("Attenuation out of range") # unfortunate hardware design: bit reverse mu = ((mu & 0x15) << 1) | ((mu >> 1) & 0x15) mu = ((mu & 0x03) << 4) | (mu & 0x0c) | ((mu >> 4) & 0x03) if enable: mu |= 1 << 6 if led: mu |= 1 << 7 return mu
[docs] @kernel def set_mu(self, mu): """ Set channel state (machine units). :param mu: channel state in machine units. """ self.mirny_cpld.write_ext( addr=0xc +, length=8, data=mu, ext_div=32)
[docs] @kernel def set(self, att, enable, led=False): """ Set attenuation, RF switch, and LED state (SI units). :param att: attenuator setting in dB (0-31.5) :param enable: RF switch state (bool) :param led: LED state (bool) """ self.set_mu(self.to_mu(att, enable, led))