Source code for artiq.coredevice.ad9912

from numpy import int32, int64

from artiq.language.types import TInt32, TInt64, TFloat, TTuple, TBool
from artiq.language.core import kernel, delay, portable
from artiq.language.units import ms, us, ns
from artiq.coredevice.ad9912_reg import *

from artiq.coredevice import spi2 as spi
from artiq.coredevice import urukul

[docs] class AD9912: """ AD9912 DDS channel on Urukul. This class supports a single DDS channel and exposes the DDS, the digital step attenuator, and the RF switch. :param chip_select: Chip select configuration. On Urukul this is an encoded chip select and not "one-hot". :param cpld_device: Name of the Urukul CPLD this device is on. :param sw_device: Name of the RF switch device. The RF switch is a TTLOut channel available as the :attr:`sw` attribute of this instance. :param pll_n: DDS PLL multiplier. The DDS sample clock is ``f_ref / clk_div * pll_n`` where ``f_ref`` is the reference frequency and ``clk_div`` is the reference clock divider (both set in the parent Urukul CPLD instance). :param pll_en: PLL enable bit, set to 0 to bypass PLL (default: 1). Note that when bypassing the PLL the red front panel LED may remain on. """ def __init__(self, dmgr, chip_select, cpld_device, sw_device=None, pll_n=10, pll_en=1): self.kernel_invariants = {"cpld", "core", "bus", "chip_select", "pll_n", "pll_en", "ftw_per_hz"} self.cpld = dmgr.get(cpld_device) self.core = self.cpld.core self.bus = self.cpld.bus assert 4 <= chip_select <= 7 self.chip_select = chip_select if sw_device: self.sw = dmgr.get(sw_device) self.kernel_invariants.add("sw") self.pll_en = pll_en self.pll_n = pll_n if pll_en: refclk = self.cpld.refclk if refclk < 11e6: # use SYSCLK PLL Doubler refclk = refclk * 2 sysclk = refclk / [1, 1, 2, 4][self.cpld.clk_div] * pll_n else: sysclk = self.cpld.refclk assert sysclk <= 1e9 self.ftw_per_hz = 1 / sysclk * (int64(1) << 48)
[docs] @kernel def write(self, addr: TInt32, data: TInt32, length: TInt32): """Variable length write to a register. Up to 4 bytes. :param addr: Register address :param data: Data to be written: int32 :param length: Length in bytes (1-4) """ assert length > 0 assert length <= 4 self.bus.set_config_mu(urukul.SPI_CONFIG, 16, urukul.SPIT_DDS_WR, self.chip_select) self.bus.write((addr | ((length - 1) << 13)) << 16) self.bus.set_config_mu(urukul.SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END, length * 8, urukul.SPIT_DDS_WR, self.chip_select) self.bus.write(data << (32 - length * 8))
[docs] @kernel def read(self, addr: TInt32, length: TInt32) -> TInt32: """Variable length read from a register. Up to 4 bytes. :param addr: Register address :param length: Length in bytes (1-4) :return: Data read """ assert length > 0 assert length <= 4 self.bus.set_config_mu(urukul.SPI_CONFIG, 16, urukul.SPIT_DDS_WR, self.chip_select) self.bus.write((addr | ((length - 1) << 13) | 0x8000) << 16) self.bus.set_config_mu(urukul.SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END | spi.SPI_INPUT, length * 8, urukul.SPIT_DDS_RD, self.chip_select) self.bus.write(0) data = if length < 4: data &= (1 << (length * 8)) - 1 return data
[docs] @kernel def init(self): """Initialize and configure the DDS. Sets up SPI mode, confirms chip presence, powers down unused blocks, and configures the PLL. Does not wait for PLL lock. Uses the ``IO_UPDATE`` signal multiple times. """ # SPI mode self.write(AD9912_SER_CONF, 0x99, length=1) self.cpld.io_update.pulse(2 * us) # Verify chip ID and presence prodid =, length=2) if (prodid != 0x1982) and (prodid != 0x1902): raise ValueError("Urukul AD9912 product id mismatch") delay(50 * us) # HSTL power down, CMOS power down pwrcntrl1 = 0x80 | ((~self.pll_en & 1) << 4) self.write(AD9912_PWRCNTRL1, pwrcntrl1, length=1) self.cpld.io_update.pulse(2 * us) if self.pll_en: self.write(AD9912_N_DIV, self.pll_n // 2 - 2, length=1) self.cpld.io_update.pulse(2 * us) # I_cp = 375 µA, VCO high range if self.cpld.refclk < 11e6: # enable SYSCLK PLL Doubler self.write(AD9912_PLLCFG, 0b00001101, length=1) else: self.write(AD9912_PLLCFG, 0b00000101, length=1) self.cpld.io_update.pulse(2 * us) delay(1 * ms)
[docs] @kernel def set_att_mu(self, att: TInt32): """Set digital step attenuator in machine units. This method will write the attenuator settings of all four channels. See also :meth:`~artiq.coredevice.urukul.CPLD.set_att_mu`. :param att: Attenuation setting, 8-bit digital. """ self.cpld.set_att_mu(self.chip_select - 4, att)
[docs] @kernel def set_att(self, att: TFloat): """Set digital step attenuator in SI units. This method will write the attenuator settings of all four channels. See also :meth:`~artiq.coredevice.urukul.CPLD.set_att`. :param att: Attenuation in dB. Higher values mean more attenuation. """ self.cpld.set_att(self.chip_select - 4, att)
[docs] @kernel def get_att_mu(self) -> TInt32: """Get digital step attenuator value in machine units. See also :meth:`~artiq.coredevice.urukul.CPLD.get_channel_att_mu`. :return: Attenuation setting, 8-bit digital. """ return self.cpld.get_channel_att_mu(self.chip_select - 4)
[docs] @kernel def get_att(self) -> TFloat: """Get digital step attenuator value in SI units. See also :meth:`~artiq.coredevice.urukul.CPLD.get_channel_att`. :return: Attenuation in dB. """ return self.cpld.get_channel_att(self.chip_select - 4)
[docs] @kernel def set_mu(self, ftw: TInt64, pow_: TInt32 = 0): """Set profile 0 data in machine units. After the SPI transfer, the shared IO update pin is pulsed to activate the data. :param ftw: Frequency tuning word: 48-bit unsigned. :param pow_: Phase tuning word: 16-bit unsigned. """ # streaming transfer of FTW and POW self.bus.set_config_mu(urukul.SPI_CONFIG, 16, urukul.SPIT_DDS_WR, self.chip_select) self.bus.write((AD9912_POW1 << 16) | (3 << 29)) self.bus.set_config_mu(urukul.SPI_CONFIG, 32, urukul.SPIT_DDS_WR, self.chip_select) self.bus.write((pow_ << 16) | (int32(ftw >> 32) & 0xffff)) self.bus.set_config_mu(urukul.SPI_CONFIG | spi.SPI_END, 32, urukul.SPIT_DDS_WR, self.chip_select) self.bus.write(int32(ftw)) self.cpld.io_update.pulse(10 * ns)
[docs] @kernel def get_mu(self) -> TTuple([TInt64, TInt32]): """Get the frequency tuning word and phase offset word. See also :meth:`AD9912.get`. :return: A tuple (FTW, POW). """ # Read data high =, 4) self.core.break_realtime() # Regain slack to perform second read low =, 4) # Extract and return fields ftw = (int64(high & 0xffff) << 32) | (int64(low) & int64(0xffffffff)) pow_ = (high >> 16) & 0x3fff return ftw, pow_
[docs] @portable(flags={"fast-math"}) def frequency_to_ftw(self, frequency: TFloat) -> TInt64: """Returns the 48-bit frequency tuning word corresponding to the given frequency. """ return int64(round(self.ftw_per_hz * frequency)) & ( (int64(1) << 48) - 1)
[docs] @portable(flags={"fast-math"}) def ftw_to_frequency(self, ftw: TInt64) -> TFloat: """Returns the frequency corresponding to the given frequency tuning word. """ return ftw / self.ftw_per_hz
[docs] @portable(flags={"fast-math"}) def turns_to_pow(self, phase: TFloat) -> TInt32: """Returns the 16-bit phase offset word corresponding to the given phase. """ return int32(round((1 << 14) * phase)) & 0xffff
[docs] @portable(flags={"fast-math"}) def pow_to_turns(self, pow_: TInt32) -> TFloat: """Return the phase in turns corresponding to a given phase offset word. :param pow_: Phase offset word. :return: Phase in turns. """ return pow_ / (1 << 14)
[docs] @kernel def set(self, frequency: TFloat, phase: TFloat = 0.0): """Set profile 0 data in SI units. See also :meth:`AD9912.set_mu`. :param frequency: Frequency in Hz :param phase: Phase tuning word in turns """ self.set_mu(self.frequency_to_ftw(frequency), self.turns_to_pow(phase))
[docs] @kernel def get(self) -> TTuple([TFloat, TFloat]): """Get the frequency and phase. See also :meth:`AD9912.get_mu`. :return: A tuple (frequency, phase). """ # Get values ftw, pow_ = self.get_mu() # Convert and return return self.ftw_to_frequency(ftw), self.pow_to_turns(pow_)
[docs] @kernel def cfg_sw(self, state: TBool): """Set CPLD CFG RF switch state. The RF switch is controlled by the logical or of the CPLD configuration shift register RF switch bit and the SW TTL line (if used). :param state: CPLD CFG RF switch bit """ self.cpld.cfg_sw(self.chip_select - 4, state)