Source code for artiq.coredevice.i2c

Non-realtime drivers for I2C chips on the core device.

from artiq.language.core import syscall, kernel
from artiq.language.types import TBool, TInt32, TNone
from artiq.coredevice.exceptions import I2CError

@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def i2c_start(busno: TInt32) -> TNone:
    raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")

@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def i2c_restart(busno: TInt32) -> TNone:
    raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")

@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def i2c_stop(busno: TInt32) -> TNone:
    raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")

@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def i2c_write(busno: TInt32, b: TInt32) -> TBool:
    raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")

@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def i2c_read(busno: TInt32, ack: TBool) -> TInt32:
    raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")

@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def i2c_switch_select(busno: TInt32, address: TInt32, mask: TInt32) -> TNone:
    raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")

[docs] @kernel def i2c_poll(busno, busaddr): """Poll I2C device at address. :param busno: I2C bus number :param busaddr: 8-bit I2C device address (LSB=0) :returns: True if the poll was ACKed """ i2c_start(busno) ack = i2c_write(busno, busaddr) i2c_stop(busno) return ack
[docs] @kernel def i2c_write_byte(busno, busaddr, data, ack=True): """Write one byte to a device. :param busno: I2C bus number :param busaddr: 8-bit I2C device address (LSB=0) :param data: Data byte to be written :param nack: Allow NACK """ i2c_start(busno) try: if not i2c_write(busno, busaddr): raise I2CError("failed to ack bus address") if not i2c_write(busno, data) and ack: raise I2CError("failed to ack write data") finally: i2c_stop(busno)
[docs] @kernel def i2c_read_byte(busno, busaddr): """Read one byte from a device. :param busno: I2C bus number :param busaddr: 8-bit I2C device address (LSB=0) :returns: Byte read """ i2c_start(busno) data = 0 try: if not i2c_write(busno, busaddr | 1): raise I2CError("failed to ack bus read address") data = i2c_read(busno, ack=False) finally: i2c_stop(busno) return data
[docs] @kernel def i2c_write_many(busno, busaddr, addr, data, ack_last=True): """Transfer multiple bytes to a device. :param busno: I2c bus number :param busaddr: 8-bit I2C device address (LSB=0) :param addr: 8-bit data address :param data: Data bytes to be written :param ack_last: Expect I2C ACK of the last byte written. If ``False``, the last byte may be NACKed (e.g. EEPROM full page writes). """ n = len(data) i2c_start(busno) try: if not i2c_write(busno, busaddr): raise I2CError("failed to ack bus address") if not i2c_write(busno, addr): raise I2CError("failed to ack data address") for i in range(n): if not i2c_write(busno, data[i]) and ( i < n - 1 or ack_last): raise I2CError("failed to ack write data") finally: i2c_stop(busno)
[docs] @kernel def i2c_read_many(busno, busaddr, addr, data): """Transfer multiple bytes from a device. :param busno: I2c bus number :param busaddr: 8-bit I2C device address (LSB=0) :param addr: 8-bit data address :param data: List of integers to be filled with the data read. One entry ber byte. """ m = len(data) i2c_start(busno) try: if not i2c_write(busno, busaddr): raise I2CError("failed to ack bus address") if not i2c_write(busno, addr): raise I2CError("failed to ack data address") i2c_restart(busno) if not i2c_write(busno, busaddr | 1): raise I2CError("failed to ack bus read address") for i in range(m): data[i] = i2c_read(busno, ack=i < m - 1) finally: i2c_stop(busno)
[docs] class I2CSwitch: """Driver for the I2C bus switch. PCA954X (or other) type detection is done by the CPU during I2C init. I2C transactions are not real-time, and are performed by the CPU without involving RTIO. On the KC705, this chip is used for selecting the I2C buses on the two FMC connectors. HPC=1, LPC=2. """ def __init__(self, dmgr, busno=0, address=0xe8, core_device="core"): self.core = dmgr.get(core_device) self.busno = busno self.address = address
[docs] @kernel def set(self, channel): """Enable one channel. :param channel: channel number (0-7) """ i2c_switch_select(self.busno, self.address >> 1, 1 << channel)
[docs] @kernel def unset(self): """Disable output of the I2C switch. """ i2c_switch_select(self.busno, self.address >> 1, 0)
[docs] class TCA6424A: """Driver for the TCA6424A I2C I/O expander. I2C transactions are not real-time, and are performed by the CPU without involving RTIO. On the NIST QC2 hardware, this chip is used for switching the directions of TTL buffers.""" def __init__(self, dmgr, busno=0, address=0x44, core_device="core"): self.core = dmgr.get(core_device) self.busno = busno self.address = address @kernel def _write24(self, addr, value): i2c_write_many(self.busno, self.address, addr, [value >> 16, value >> 8, value])
[docs] @kernel def set(self, outputs): """Drive all pins of the chip to the levels given by the specified 24-bit word. On the QC2 hardware, the LSB of the word determines the direction of TTL0 (on a given FMC card) and the MSB that of TTL23. A bit set to 1 means the TTL is an output. """ outputs_le = ( ((outputs & 0xff0000) >> 16) | (outputs & 0x00ff00) | (outputs & 0x0000ff) << 16) self._write24(0x8c, 0) # set all directions to output self._write24(0x84, outputs_le) # set levels
[docs] class PCF8574A: """Driver for the PCF8574 I2C remote 8-bit I/O expander. I2C transactions are not real-time, and are performed by the CPU without involving RTIO. """ def __init__(self, dmgr, busno=0, address=0x7c, core_device="core"): self.core = dmgr.get(core_device) self.busno = busno self.address = address
[docs] @kernel def set(self, data): """Drive data on the quasi-bidirectional pins. :param data: Pin data. High bits are weakly driven high (and thus inputs), low bits are strongly driven low. """ i2c_start(self.busno) try: if not i2c_write(self.busno, self.address): raise I2CError("PCF8574A failed to ack address") if not i2c_write(self.busno, data): raise I2CError("PCF8574A failed to ack data") finally: i2c_stop(self.busno)
[docs] @kernel def get(self): """Retrieve quasi-bidirectional pin input data. :return: Pin data """ i2c_start(self.busno) ret = 0 try: if not i2c_write(self.busno, self.address | 1): raise I2CError("PCF8574A failed to ack address") ret = i2c_read(self.busno, False) finally: i2c_stop(self.busno) return ret