Protocols reference

artiq.protocols.asyncio_server module

class artiq.protocols.asyncio_server.AsyncioServer[source]

Generic TCP server based on asyncio.

Users of this class must derive from it and define the _handle_connection_cr() method/coroutine.

start(host, port)[source]

Starts the server.

The user must call stop() to free resources properly after this method completes successfully.

This method is a coroutine.

  • host – Bind address of the server (see asyncio.start_server from the Python standard library).
  • port – TCP port to bind to.

Stops the server.

artiq.protocols.pyon module

This module provides serialization and deserialization functions for Python objects. Its main features are:

  • Human-readable format compatible with the Python syntax.
  • Each object is serialized on a single line, with only ASCII characters.
  • Supports all basic Python data structures: None, booleans, integers, floats, complex numbers, strings, tuples, lists, dictionaries.
  • Those data types are accurately reconstructed (unlike JSON where e.g. tuples become lists, and dictionary keys are turned into strings).
  • Supports Numpy arrays.

The main rationale for this new custom serializer (instead of using JSON) is that JSON does not support Numpy and more generally cannot be extended with other data types while keeping a concise syntax. Here we can use the Python function call syntax to express special data types.


Parses a string in the Python syntax, reconstructs the corresponding object, and returns it.

artiq.protocols.pyon.encode(x, pretty=False)[source]

Serializes a Python object and returns the corresponding string in Python syntax.


Parses the specified file and returns the decoded Python object.

artiq.protocols.pyon.store_file(filename, x)[source]

Encodes a Python object and writes it to the specified file.

artiq.protocols.pc_rpc module

This module provides a remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism over sockets between conventional computers (PCs) running Python. It strives to be transparent and uses artiq.protocols.pyon internally so that e.g. Numpy arrays can be easily used.

Note that the server operates on copies of objects provided by the client, and modifications to mutable types are not written back. For example, if the client passes a list as a parameter of an RPC method, and that method append()s an element to the list, the element is not appended to the client’s list.

class artiq.protocols.pc_rpc.AsyncioClient[source]

This class is similar to artiq.protocols.pc_rpc.Client, but uses asyncio instead of blocking calls.

All RPC methods are coroutines.

Concurrent access from different asyncio tasks is supported; all calls use a single lock.


Closes the connection to the RPC server.

No further method calls should be done after this method is called.

connect_rpc(host, port, target_name)[source]

Connects to the server. This cannot be done in __init__ because this method is a coroutine. See artiq.protocols.pc_rpc.Client for a description of the parameters.


Returns the address of the local end of the connection.


Returns a tuple (target_names, description) containing the identification information of the server.


Returns the selected target, or None if no target has been selected yet.


Selects a RPC target by name. This function should be called exactly once if the connection was created with target_name=None.

class artiq.protocols.pc_rpc.AutoTarget[source]

Use this as target value in clients for them to automatically connect to the target exposed by the server. Servers must have only one target.

class artiq.protocols.pc_rpc.BestEffortClient(host, port, target_name, firstcon_timeout=1.0, retry=5.0)[source]

This class is similar to artiq.protocols.pc_rpc.Client, but network errors are suppressed and connections are retried in the background.

RPC calls that failed because of network errors return None. Other RPC calls are blocking and return the correct value.

  • firstcon_timeout – Timeout to use during the first (blocking) connection attempt at object initialization.
  • retry – Amount of time to wait between retries when reconnecting in the background.

Closes the connection to the RPC server.

No further method calls should be done after this method is called.

class artiq.protocols.pc_rpc.Client(host, port, target_name=<class 'artiq.protocols.pc_rpc.AutoTarget'>, timeout=None)[source]

This class proxies the methods available on the server so that they can be used as if they were local methods.

For example, if the server provides method foo, and c is a local Client object, then the method can be called as:

result =, param2)

The parameters and the result are automatically transferred from the server.

Only methods are supported. Attributes must be accessed by providing and using “get” and/or “set” methods on the server side.

At object initialization, the connection to the remote server is automatically attempted. The user must call close_rpc() to free resources properly after initialization completes successfully.

  • host – Identifier of the server. The string can represent a hostname or a IPv4 or IPv6 address (see socket.create_connection in the Python standard library).
  • port – TCP port to use.
  • target_name – Target name to select. IncompatibleServer is raised if the target does not exist. Use AutoTarget for automatic selection if the server has only one target. Use None to skip selecting a target. The list of targets can then be retrieved using get_rpc_id() and then one can be selected later using select_rpc_target().
  • timeout – Socket operation timeout. Use None for blocking (default), 0 for non-blocking, and a finite value to raise socket.timeout if an operation does not complete within the given time. See also socket.create_connection() and socket.settimeout() in the Python standard library. A timeout in the middle of a RPC can break subsequent RPCs (from the same client).

Closes the connection to the RPC server.

No further method calls should be done after this method is called.


Returns the address of the local end of the connection.


Returns a tuple (target_names, description) containing the identification information of the server.


Returns the selected target, or None if no target has been selected yet.


Selects a RPC target by name. This function should be called exactly once if the object was created with target_name=None.

exception artiq.protocols.pc_rpc.IncompatibleServer[source]

Raised by the client when attempting to connect to a server that does not have the expected target.

class artiq.protocols.pc_rpc.Server(targets, description=None, builtin_terminate=False, allow_parallel=False)[source]

This class creates a TCP server that handles requests coming from Client objects (whether Client, BestEffortClient, or AsyncioClient).

The server is designed using asyncio so that it can easily support multiple connections without the locking issues that arise in multi-threaded applications. Multiple connection support is useful even in simple cases: it allows new connections to be be accepted even when the previous client failed to properly shut down its connection.

If a target method is a coroutine, it is awaited and its return value is sent to the RPC client. If allow_parallel is true, multiple target coroutines may be executed in parallel (one per RPC client), otherwise a lock ensures that the calls from several clients are executed sequentially.

  • targets – A dictionary of objects providing the RPC methods to be exposed to the client. Keys are names identifying each object. Clients select one of these objects using its name upon connection.
  • description – An optional human-readable string giving more information about the server.
  • builtin_terminate – If set, the server provides a built-in terminate method that unblocks any tasks waiting on wait_terminate. This is useful to handle server termination requests from clients.
  • allow_parallel – Allow concurrent asyncio calls to the target’s methods.
artiq.protocols.pc_rpc.simple_server_loop(targets, host, port, description=None)[source]

Runs a server until an exception is raised (e.g. the user hits Ctrl-C) or termination is requested by a client.

See artiq.protocols.pc_rpc.Server for a description of the parameters.

artiq.protocols.fire_and_forget module

class artiq.protocols.fire_and_forget.FFProxy(target)[source]

Proxies a target object and runs its methods in the background.

All method calls to this object are forwarded to the target and executed in a background thread. Method calls return immediately. Exceptions from the target method are turned into warnings. At most one method from the target object may be executed in the background; if a new call is submitted while the previous one is still executing, a warning is printed and the new call is dropped.

This feature is typically used to wrap slow and non-critical RPCs in experiments.


Waits until any background method finishes its execution.

artiq.protocols.sync_struct module

This module helps synchronizing a mutable Python structure owned and modified by one process (the publisher) with copies of it (the subscribers) in different processes and possibly different machines.

Synchronization is achieved by sending a full copy of the structure to each subscriber upon connection (initialization), followed by dictionaries describing each modification made to the structure (mods).

Structures must be PYON serializable and contain only lists, dicts, and immutable types. Lists and dicts can be nested arbitrarily.

class artiq.protocols.sync_struct.Notifier(backing_struct, root=None, path=[])[source]

Encapsulates a structure whose changes need to be published.

All mutations to the structure must be made through the Notifier. The original structure must only be accessed for reads.

In addition to the list methods below, the Notifier supports the index syntax for modification and deletion of elements. Modification of nested structures can be also done using the index syntax, for example:

>>> n = Notifier([])
>>> n.append([])
>>> n[0].append(42)

This class does not perform any network I/O and is meant to be used with e.g. the Publisher for this purpose. Only one publisher at most can be associated with a Notifier.

Parameters:backing_struct – Structure to encapsulate. For convenience, it also becomes available as the read property of the Notifier.

Append to a list.

insert(i, x)[source]

Insert an element into a list.


Pop an element from a list. The returned element is not encapsulated in a Notifier and its mutations are no longer tracked.

class artiq.protocols.sync_struct.Publisher(notifiers)[source]

A network server that publish changes to structures encapsulated in a Notifier.

Parameters:notifiers – A dictionary containing the notifiers to associate with the Publisher. The keys of the dictionary are the names of the notifiers to be used with Subscriber.
class artiq.protocols.sync_struct.Subscriber(notifier_name, target_builder, notify_cb=None, disconnect_cb=None)[source]

An asyncio-based client to connect to a Publisher.

  • notifier_name – Name of the notifier to subscribe to.
  • target_builder – A function called during initialization that takes the object received from the publisher and returns the corresponding local structure to use. Can be identity.
  • notify_cb – An optional function called every time a mod is received from the publisher. The mod is passed as parameter. The function is called after the mod has been processed. A list of functions may also be used, and they will be called in turn.
  • disconnect_cb – An optional function called when disconnection happens from external causes (i.e. not when close is called).
artiq.protocols.sync_struct.process_mod(target, mod)[source]

Apply a mod to the target, mutating it.

artiq.protocols.remote_exec module

This module provides facilities for experiment to execute code remotely on controllers.

The remotely executed code has direct access to the driver, so it can transfer large amounts of data with it, and only exchange higher-level, processed data with the experiment (and over the network).

Controllers with support for remote execution contain an additional target that gives RPC access to instances of RemoteExecServer. One such instance is created per client (experiment) connection and manages one Python namespace in which the experiment can execute arbitrary code by calling the methods of RemoteExecServer.

The namespaces are initialized with the following global values:

  • controller_driver - the driver instance of the controller.
  • controller_initial_namespace - a controller-wide dictionary copied when initializing a new namespace.
  • all values from controller_initial_namespace.

Access to a controller with support for remote execution is done through an additional device database entry of this form:

    "type": "controller_aux_target",
    "controller": "$CONTROLLER_DEVICE_NAME",
    "target_name": "$TARGET_NAME_FOR_REXEC"

Specifying target_name is mandatory in all device database entries for all controllers with remote execution support.

class artiq.protocols.remote_exec.RemoteExecServer(initial_namespace)[source]

RPC target created at each connection by controllers with remote execution support. Manages one Python namespace and provides RPCs for code execution.


Executes the specified code in the namespace.

Parameters:code – a string containing valid Python code
call(function, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls a function in the namespace, passing it positional and keyword arguments, and returns its value.

Parameters:function – a string containing the name of the function to execute.
artiq.protocols.remote_exec.simple_rexec_server_loop(target_name, target, host, port, description=None)[source]

Runs a server with remote execution support, until an exception is raised (e.g. the user hits Ctrl-C) or termination is requested by a client.

artiq.protocols.remote_exec.connect_global_rpc(controller_rexec, host=None, port=3251, target='master_dataset_db', name='dataset_db')[source]

Creates a global RPC client in a controller that is used across all remote execution connections. With the default parameters, it connects to the dataset database (i.e. gives direct dataset access to experiment code remotely executing in controllers).

If a global object with the same name already exists, the function does nothing.

  • controller_rexec – the RPC client connected to the controller’s remote execution interface.
  • host – the host name to connect the RPC client to. Default is the local end of the remote execution interface (typically, the ARTIQ master).
  • port – TCP port to connect the RPC client to.
  • target – name of the RPC target.
  • name – name of the object to insert into the global namespace.